Basic Components

The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Basic Components


a primary standard part in a construction technological group. Basic components can be standardized and unified parts, instruments, or attachments, or they may be similar or analogous parts of engines, machines, and the like (such as machine housings, cylinder blocks, or transmissions). Basic components are used for developing standard and special-instruction manufacturing processes and for determining the labor requirements of jobs (including the number of workers needed), the types and range of equipment needed, and the space requirements and other indicators needed in the designing of workshops and plants for specialized production; they also permit the making of more reliable estimates of the traffic capacity of particular workshops and other units.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Alberts, an author and novelist who teaches fiction and creative nonfiction at Vermont College of Fine Arts, describes finding the right balance between two basic components of writing, showing and telling, and how to use each of these techniques in a narrative.
They review their basic components and application to instruction, how they fit into standards-based curriculum and literacy and social studies content, and how students can create their own websites.
The findings revealed eight identifiable attributes of teacher leaders, which comprise the basic components of the teacher leader profile.
After laying out the basic components of William Zartman's ripeness theory, which sees the "mutually hurting stalemate" as a ripe moment in which two conflicting parties see their respective positions as mutually harmful and are therefore ready to seek to resolve their conflict, Zeb (Institute of Regional Studies, Pakistan) and Chandran (Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, India) use the case of India and Pakistan in order to test Zartman's thesis.
A project was conducted to build an education and career enhancement system for Pennsylvania's adult population over age 24 that includes all three basic components of a school-to-work program: work-based learning, school-based learning, and connecting activities.

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