(redirected from Basic Computer Information Systems)
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BCISBureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (US Department of Homeland Security)
BCISBangkok Christian International School (Bangkok, Thailand)
BCISBuilding Cost Information Service (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors - UK)
BCISBusiness Computer Information Systems (University of North Texas)
BCISBiodiversity Conservation Information System
BCISBeijing City International School (Beijing, China)
BCISBritish Cardiovascular Intervention Society
BCISBreast Carcinoma in Situ (oncology)
BCISBattlefield Combat Identification System
BCISBreast Cancer Information Service
BCISBerkman Center for Internet and Society (Harvard Law School)
BCISBerglund Center for Internet Studies (Pacific University, Oregon)
BCISBattle Command Information System
BCISBasic Computer Integration Skills
BCISBerkeley Center for the Information Society
BCISBasic Computer Information Systems
BCISBureau Central International de Séismologie (Strasbourg, France)
BCISBorder Customs Inspection Station
BCISBroker Company Information System (Netherlands)
BCISBachelor of Computer Information Science
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