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Related to Congestion: pulmonary congestion, Chest Congestion

Congestion may refer to:


  • Excessive fluid in tissues, vessels, or both, including:
    • Edema, abnormal accumulation of fluid in the interstitium, manifesting as swelling
    • Congestive heart failure, heart failure resulting in congestion in one or more organs
    • Nasal congestion, the blockage of nasal passages due to swollen membranes
    • Prostatic congestion, a medical condition that happens when the prostate becomes swollen by excess fluid
    • Swelling (medical), enlargement of a body part because of fluid retention in tissues and vessels
    • Water retention (medicine), also known as fluid retention, in various tissues and vessels

Other uses

  • Network congestion, reduced quality of service when a network is carrying more data than it can handle
  • Traffic congestion, vehicles clogging streets and highways
  • Congestion pricing, a system of surcharging users of public goods that are subject to congestion through excess demand
  • Congestion (film), a 1918 silent film
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