
July 2024
  • Country Ranking & Profiles Benelux

    Update of our regional rankings & profiles

    Data updates
  • Country Ranking & Profiles Eastern Europe (2/3)

    Update of our regional rankings & profiles

    Data updates
  • Country Ranking & Profiles Greater China

    Update of our country rankings & profiles

    Data updates
  • Country Ranking & Profiles Nordics

    Update of our regional rankings & profiles

    Data updates
  • Country Ranking & Profiles North America

    Update of our regional rankings & profiles

    Data updates
  • Country Ranking & Profiles United Kingdom & Ireland

    Update of our country rankings & profiles

    Data updates
August 2024
  • Country Ranking & Profiles Eastern Europe (3/3)

    Update of our regional rankings & profiles

    Data updates
  • Country Ranking & Profiles India

    Update of our country rankings & profiles

    Data updates
  • Country Ranking & Profiles Southern Europe

    Update of our regional rankings & profiles

    Data updates
September 2024
  • Country Ranking & Profiles DACH

    Update of our regional rankings & profiles

    Data updates
  • Market Data Quarterly Update

    Extensive quarterly data update for all the markets

    Data updates
Future releases
  • Country Ranking & Profiles France

    Update of our country rankings & profiles

    Data updates
  • Country Ranking & Profiles Australia & New Zealand

    Update of our country rankings & profiles

    Data updates
  • Market Data Quarterly Update

    Extensive quarterly data update for all the markets

    Data updates

Recent releases


Monthly revenue data for Countries & Categories

FeaturesJuly 21, 2024

The new feature offers a detailed analysis of market revenues by month. Explore month-to-month dynamics and seasonal effects in the eCommerce sector. Get the latest data every month to keep up to date with current market developments.

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South America

Country Ranking & Profiles South America

Data updatesJune 30, 2024

We are very pleased to announce the update of our regional rankings & profiles for South America. The update includes all Store, Marketplace and Company rankings for Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, and Peru. In addition, associated profiles have been updated. The comprehensive updates provide valuable insights into the latest developments in the eCommerce landscape in South America.

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Country Ranking & Profiles Mexico

Data updatesJune 30, 2024

We are very pleased to announce the update of our country rankings & profiles for Mexico. The update includes all Store, Marketplace and Company rankings. In addition, associated profiles have been updated. The comprehensive updates provide valuable insights into the latest developments in the eCommerce landscape in Mexico.

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Country Ranking & Profiles Japan

Data updatesJune 30, 2024

We are very pleased to announce the update of our country rankings & profilesfor Japan. The update includes all Store, Marketplace and Company rankings. In addition, associated profiles have been updated. The comprehensive updates provide valuable insights into the latest developments in the eCommerce landscape in Japan.

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Market Updates

Market Data Quarterly Update

Data updatesJune 30, 2024

We have updated our market data for all markets available on ECDB. This allows us to adapt our data to current developments and ensure high data quality.

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