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Configuring private networking for GitHub-hosted runners in your organization

Learn how to use GitHub-hosted runners with an Azure private network in your organization.

Who can use this feature?

Organization owners with the GitHub Team plan can configure Azure private networking for GitHub-hosted runners at the organization level.

About Azure private networking for GitHub-hosted runners

To use GitHub-hosted runners with Azure VNET, first, configure your Azure resources. Then create a private network configuration in GitHub.

The following procedures will lead you through both steps.

For more information about troubleshooting common issues with using GitHub-hosted runners with Azure VNET, see "Troubleshooting Azure private network configurations for GitHub-hosted runners in your organization."

Configuring your Azure resources

You will use a script to automate configuring your Azure resources.


  • Use an Azure account with the Subscription Contributor role and the Network Contributor role. These roles enable you to register the GitHub.Network resource provider and delegate the subnet. For more information, see Azure built-in roles on Microsoft Learn.

  • To correctly associate the subnets with the right user, Azure NetworkSettings resources must be created in the same subscriptions where virtual networks are created.

  • To ensure resource availability/data residency, resources must be created in the same Azure region.

  • Save the following .bicep file. Name the file actions-nsg-deployment.bicep.

    The .bicep file we provide contains the minimal set of rules to use GitHub-hosted runners with Azure VNET. You may need to add rules for your specific use case.

    Note: Alternatively, to allow GitHub Actions to communicate with the runners, you can allow the same firewall domains that are required for communication between self-hosted runners and GitHub. For more information, see "About self-hosted runners." To determine the appropriate subnet IP address range, we recommend adding a 30% buffer to the maximum job concurrency you anticipate. For instance, if your network configuration's runners are set to a maximum job concurrency of 300, it's recommended to utilize a subnet IP address range that can accommodate at least 390 runners. This buffer helps ensure that your network can handle unexpected increases in VM needs to meet job concurrency without running out of IP addresses.

    @description('NSG for outbound rules')
    param location string
    param nsgName string = 'actions_NSG'
    resource actions_NSG 'Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups@2017-06-01' = {
      name: nsgName
      location: location
      properties: {
        securityRules: [
            name: 'AllowVnetOutBoundOverwrite'
            properties: {
              protocol: 'TCP'
              sourcePortRange: '*'
              destinationPortRange: '443'
              sourceAddressPrefix: '*'
              destinationAddressPrefix: 'VirtualNetwork'
              access: 'Allow'
              priority: 200
              direction: 'Outbound'
              destinationAddressPrefixes: []
            name: 'AllowOutBoundActions'
            properties: {
              protocol: '*'
              sourcePortRange: '*'
              destinationPortRange: '*'
              sourceAddressPrefix: '*'
              access: 'Allow'
              priority: 210
              direction: 'Outbound'
              destinationAddressPrefixes: [
            name: 'AllowOutBoundGitHub'
            properties: {
              protocol: '*'
              sourcePortRange: '*'
              destinationPortRange: '*'
              sourceAddressPrefix: '*'
              access: 'Allow'
              priority: 220
              direction: 'Outbound'
              destinationAddressPrefixes: [
            name: 'AllowStorageOutbound'
            properties: {
              protocol: '*'
              sourcePortRange: '*'
              destinationPortRange: '*'
              sourceAddressPrefix: '*'
              destinationAddressPrefix: 'Storage'
              access: 'Allow'
              priority: 230
              direction: 'Outbound'
              destinationAddressPrefixes: []
            name: 'DenyInternetOutBoundOverwrite'
            properties: {
              protocol: '*'
              sourcePortRange: '*'
              destinationPortRange: '*'
              sourceAddressPrefix: '*'
              destinationAddressPrefix: 'Internet'
              access: 'Deny'
              priority: 400
              direction: 'Outbound'

1. Obtain the databaseId for your organization

You can use the following GraphQL query to retrieve your organization databaseId. You will use the organization databaseId for the value of the DATABASE_ID environment variable in the next step. For more information on working with GraphQL, see "Forming calls with GraphQL."

Query variableDescription
loginThe login for your organization account, which you can identify by looking at the URL for your organization,
  $login: String!
  organization (login: $login)

Alternatively, you can use the following curl command to find your databaseId.

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer BEARER_TOKEN" -X POST \
  -d '{ "query": "query($login: String!) { organization (login: $login) { login databaseId } }" ,
        "variables": {
          "login": "ORGANIZATION_LOGIN"
      }' \

2. Use a script to configure your Azure resources

Use the following script to set up a subnet for Azure private networking. The script creates all resources in the same resource group.

To use the script, fill in the placeholder environment variable values with the actual values and run the script from a bash shell or Windows Subsystem for Linux.


  • Run the following script in the same directory where you saved the actions-nsg-deployment.bicep file.
  • When setting the YOUR_AZURE_LOCATION environment variable, use your region’s name. This value is different than your region’s display name. To see a list of names and display names, use az account list-locations -o table.
  • When you create the network settings resource, a service association link is applied to the subnet that you provide. This link prevents accidental deletion of the subnet while in use by the GitHub Actions service.
  • If you customize this script to use network resources in existing subnets, you must ensure any existing network interfaces (NICs) connected to the subnet are deleted before the subnet is delegated to the GitHub Actions service. Otherwise, the service will fail to apply the service association link to the subnet.

# This script creates the following resources in the specified subscription:
# - Resource group
# - Network Security Group rules
# - Virtual network (vnet) and subnet
# - Network Settings with specified subnet and GitHub Organization database ID
# It also registers the `GitHub.Network` resource provider with the subscription,
# delegates the created subnet to the Actions service via the `GitHub.Network/NetworkSettings`
# resource type, and applies the NSG rules to the created subnet.

# stop on failure
set -e

#set environment

# These are the default values. You can adjust your address and subnet prefixes.

echo login to Azure
. az login --output none

echo set account context $SUBSCRIPTION_ID
. az account set --subscription $SUBSCRIPTION_ID

echo Register resource provider GitHub.Network
. az provider register --namespace GitHub.Network

echo Create resource group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME at $AZURE_LOCATION
. az group create --name $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --location $AZURE_LOCATION

echo Create NSG rules deployed with 'actions-nsg-deployment.bicep' file
. az deployment group create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --template-file ./actions-nsg-deployment.bicep --parameters location=$AZURE_LOCATION nsgName=$NSG_NAME

echo Create vnet $VNET_NAME and subnet $SUBNET_NAME
. az network vnet create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --name $VNET_NAME --address-prefix $ADDRESS_PREFIX --subnet-name $SUBNET_NAME --subnet-prefixes $SUBNET_PREFIX

echo Delegate subnet to GitHub.Network/networkSettings and apply NSG rules
. az network vnet subnet update --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --name $SUBNET_NAME --vnet-name $VNET_NAME --delegations GitHub.Network/networkSettings --network-security-group $NSG_NAME

echo Create network settings resource $NETWORK_SETTINGS_RESOURCE_NAME
. az resource create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME  --name $NETWORK_SETTINGS_RESOURCE_NAME --resource-type GitHub.Network/networkSettings --properties "{ \"location\": \"$AZURE_LOCATION\", \"properties\" : {  \"subnetId\": \"/subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/$VNET_NAME/subnets/$SUBNET_NAME\", \"businessId\": \"$DATABASE_ID\" }}" --is-full-object --output table --query "{GitHubId:tags.GitHubId, name:name}" --api-version 2024-04-02

echo To clean up and delete resources run the following command:
echo az group delete --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME

The script will return the full payload for the created resource. The GitHubId hash value returned in the payload for the created resource is the network settings resource ID you will use in the next steps while configuring a network configuration in GitHub.

Creating a network configuration for your organization in GitHub

After configuring your Azure resources, you can use an Azure Virtual Network (VNET) for private networking by creating a network configuration at the organization level. Then, you can associate that network configuration to runner groups. For more information about runner groups, see "Controlling access to larger runners."

Once the network configuration is associated with a runner group, all runners in that group will have access to the Azure VNET that has been connected to the underlying configuration.


Ensure your Azure resources have been configured before adding a network configuration in GitHub. For more information, see For more information, see "Configuring private networking for GitHub-hosted runners in your organization."

1. Add a new network configuration for your organization

  1. In the upper-right corner of GitHub, select your profile photo, then click Your organizations.
  2. Next to the organization, click Settings.
  3. In the left sidebar, click Hosted compute networking.
  4. Click the New network configuration dropdown. Then click Azure private network.
  5. Name your network configuration.
  6. Click Add Azure Virtual Network.
  7. In the popup window, enter the network settings resource ID you retrieved when you configured your Azure resources for private networking.
  8. Click Add Azure Virtual Network.

2. Create a runner group for your organization

Note: For the runner group to be accessible by repositories within your organizations, those repositories must have access to that runner group at the organization level. For more information, see "Controlling access to larger runners."

  1. Create a new runner group for your organization. For more information about how to create a runner group, see "Controlling access to larger runners."
  2. To choose a policy for repository access, select the Repository access dropdown menu and click a policy. You can configure a runner group to be accessible to a specific list of repositories, or all repositories in the organization.
  3. While configuring your runner group, under "Network configurations," use the dropdown menu to select the network configuration you created for the Azure VNET.
  4. To create the group and apply the policy, click Create group.

3. Add the GitHub-hosted runner to the organization runner group

Note: When adding your GitHub-hosted runner to a runner group, select the runner group you created in the previous procedures.

  1. Add the GitHub-hosted runner to the runner group. For more information, see "Managing larger runners."

4. Optionally, manage network configurations

  1. In the upper-right corner of GitHub, select your profile photo, then click Your organizations.
  2. Next to the organization, click Settings.
  3. In the left sidebar, click Hosted compute networking.
  4. To edit a network configuration, to the right of the network configuration, click . Then click Edit configuration.
  5. To disable a network configuration, to the right of the network configuration, click . Then click Disable.
  6. To delete a network configuration, to the right of the network configuration, click . Then click Delete.

Deleting a subnet

When you create the network settings resource, a service association link is applied to the subnet that you provide. This link prevents accidental deletion of the subnet while in use by the GitHub Actions service.

To delete the subnet, this service association link needs to be removed first. The service association link is safely removed automatically once the network settings resource is deleted.

To delete the network settings resource, the network configuration that uses it needs to be deleted first.

  1. In the upper-right corner of GitHub, select your profile photo, then click Your organizations.

  2. Next to the organization, click Settings.

  3. In the left sidebar, click Hosted compute networking.

  4. Open the network configuration that is using the subnet that you want to delete.

  5. Review the list of runner groups using the network configuration.

  6. In the top-right corner, click the "" button. Then click Delete configuration.

  7. To delete the network settings resource and remove the service association link, use your own inputs with following commands with the Azure CLI. For more information, see the Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI) documentation.

    az account set --subscription $SUBSCRIPTION_ID
    az resource delete -g $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --name $NETWORK_SETTINGS_RESOURCE_NAME --resource-type 'GitHub.Network/networkSettings' --api-version '2023-11-01-preview'
  8. Delete the subnet in Azure. For more information, see Delete a subnet on Microsoft Learn.