Prebid.js Adapter

The AdaptMX Prebid adapter allows you to easily add AdaptMX demand to your web property. Our adapter is AMX RTB and our bidder code is "amx".

Our adapter is a standard Prebid.js bid adapter, support display & video inventory.


Prebid Identity Module

For optimal performance, also add our Prebid.js Identity Module to your Prebid configuration.

Adapter Details
Adapter NameAMX RTB
Bidder Code"amx"
Prebid Docs
Supported Formatsdisplay, video
Min. Supported VersionPrebid 3.0
Latest adapter codeamxBidAdapter.js
Unified/Single Request ArchitectureYes
Avg RTT*~280 MS

RTT = Round-Trip-Time measured client-side on a sample of real user sessions


AMP Support

AdaptMX supports AMP via our Prebid Server adapter, as AMP is only officially supported in Prebid via Prebid Server.

Bidder Settings

For all Prebid.js versions >= 7.0, add the following to your bidder settings:

pbjs.bidderSettings = {
  amx: {
    storageAllowed: true,
  // any other bidder settings

More information:

Bid Parameters

We do not require any bid parameters. However, we have some parameters available to give you more flexibility & reporting data:

Parameter NameExampleDescription
In most cases, you will be provided a Run-Of-Network tagId to be used on all traffic for your account.

Note: there is only 1 tagId value allowed per domain. If you want to report by placement, see adUnitId below
testModetrueUsed to activate test modeβ€”100% fill ads.
adUnitId"my_ad_unit"Optional. You can pass any value here & it will be available in our reporting as "ad unit ID". Note that this will default to the value of "adUnitCode"
floor1.0Optional. You can pass a floor to be used for this ad unit. This should be a CPM amount in USD.

Note that this parameter is only available in our Prebid.js Adapter v1.3.1

Bid Example

In most cases, you can add AdaptMX to Prebid with a single tagId parameter for all domains/placements in your account:

  bidder: "amx",
  params: {
    tagId: "YOUR_TAG_ID"

In our reporting, the Prebid adUnitCode, (e.g. div-gpt-XXXX) will be reported as "ad unit ID"

Custom adUnitId

If you want to customize the value that is reported as "ad unit ID" in our reporting, you can pass a custom value as adUnitId. For example you can use the parameter to identify your traffic source:

  bidder: "amx",
  params: {
    adUnitId: "us_newsletter"

Passing a floor price

There are 2 ways to pass a floor to our adapter.

Prebid.js Floor Module

Our adapter (as of prebid.js version 4.32.0) supports the Prebid.js Floor Module. If you define a floors object on your ad unit, our adapter will respect those floors:

var adUnits = [
             code: 'test-div',
             mediaTypes: {
                 banner: { sizes: [[300,250],[300,600]] },
                 video: {
                     context: 'outstream',
                     playerSize: [300,250],
             floors: {
                 currency: 'USD',
                 schema: {
                     delimiter: '|',
                     fields: [ 'mediaType', 'size' ]
                 values: {
                     'banner|300x250': 1.10,
                     'banner|300x600': 1.35,
                     'video|300x250': 2.00
             bids: [

bid params.floor

If you don't use the prebid.js floor module, you can also pass a floor to our adapter by setting it in bid.params, e.g.:

  bidder: "amx",
  params: {
    floor: 1.0


Note: params.floor

Support for the prebid.js floor module and bid params.floor was added in our prebid.js adapter version 1.3.1. This version was released with prebid 4.32.0.