

We need promotional/good gameplay video.So here is the contes.


1. Video can’t be shorter than 1min but no longer than 10min.

2. The video must contain: Smod: CryLife in title ( but fell free to add somethig else from yourself ), add “Made by: Dev. Muffin” in video details and this link:

3. You can’t use any copywited material ( i.e latest music )

4. You can’t use curse words.

5. You need to upload the video to youtube, and then send the link to  us:

Due to personal issues the contest submissions time has been extended to 01.09.2013 ( We’re hoping that you all will use this time to submit more videos, and give you more time for editing and make a good quality footage.

1st place user will be allowed to upload the video on Smod:Crylife ModDB site, and we will link the video on Dev.Muffin websites.
 Also the winner will be allowed to choose one map of his choice to include in the next release.

1st,2nd,3rd place users will be rewarded with special bonus, and and we will link the video on Dev.Muffin websites.

Good luck :)

Thank You Guys.

It’s been 2 years of SMOD: Crylife development here on MODDB, and I want to thank you all.
However It’s been over 4 years of the idea itself, and during that time I’ve met various people,
that helped me, tought me new things, shared their ideas and sugestions with me.

Thank you all for your patience, moral support, all the things you did to help me and make this mod real.
Special thanks go to the whole BSnooch community and all the people who contacted me during those  2 years.

The files are being uploaded right now , after that please fell free to post any suggestions, ideas, bugs
and any other stuff you would like to see in-game.
Also please remember that stroyline has been moved to another Source engine mod but the storyline is going to be (backwards)
compatible with SMOD: Crylife, so no worries about that.

The bad thing is that Counter-Strike Source files might not load properly, if that occurs,
simply apply the steampipe fix for CSS from Here , or wait until I’ll patch it :/

Once again, thank you all, and remember to have fun.

