Valve Developer Community:Administrators' noticeboard

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Welcome to Valve Developer Community:Administrators' noticeboard!
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This page is for items that need the attention of admins.

For items concerning the community but which do not require administrator action, please see the Main discussion page.

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New uploading file formats

Can you change the whitelist of files? Or is the current situation due to technical limitations that do not allow, for example, sounds to work properly?

For example, we really miss SVG (actually, we found a replacement, but it increases the size of the files) and OGG (func_button). -- THE OWL 13:38, 18 Jun 2024 (UTC)

I don't have the ability to change this. PabloS Icon-valve.png (talk) 09:21, 18 June 2024 (PDT)


Can you please add the below lines to the CSS? This will allow people to better understand what is clickable and what is not.

.vdc-island-link { position: relative } .vdc-island-link::before { content:""; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: rgb(255 255 255 / 3%); opacity: 0; transition: 30ms; pointer-events: none; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0 } .vdc-island-link:hover::before { opacity: 1 } .vdc-island-link:active::before { opacity: .7 }


--THE OWL 21:53, 18 Jun 2024 (UTC)

Could you show me a page (or pages) where .vdc-island-link is used? PabloS (talk) 19:02, 18 June 2024 (PDT)
At the moment, there are no such pages. This is just my idea to improve interaction with interactive blocks and interactive buttons. It is not always clear what you can click on, and such a primitive effect at least a little, but will help in fixing this problem.
From the examples of using the new class I can cite the button in the Valve Technology template and also the buttons on the main page redirecting to the tools documentation. -- THE OWL 6:58, 19 Jun 2024 (UTC)
I've slightly updated the example content and added an effect when the HTML element is clicked. Useful for interactive buttons. --THE OWL 7:58, 19 Jun 2024 (UTC)
Another 'solution' to a problem that isn't real. This is how we arrived at the current situation with the wrecked article programming. The techbro tweaking mentality.
There's very few of these buttons in use (are there any outside the main page?) and they may as well just be rewritten to have links in them that get underlined when hovered upon.
(Not to mention, the cursor literally changes when hovering over them. What's not clear?)
Buttons that change text as shown in the current example, this 'jumpy' effect, is unappealing and again, I'll stress, it's this desperate tweaking/modernisation urges "just because".
(And knowing them, they'll make it look up more and more strings, it'll be a mess again like we have currently...)
You first should show that there's a user case, or better, a consensus formed, that there is an issue to begin with. Cvoxalury (talk) 01:13, 19 June 2024 (PDT)
(are there any outside the main page?)
Any software page and any article. The translation tools at the top also have buttons. A lot of things here have buttons.
Not to mention, the cursor literally changes when hovering over them. What's not clear?
Oh, really? tell that to all modern designers. Somehow they are not happy with this kind of crap. For some reason, everyone is trying to clearly show that this is a link. That's stupid, isn't it? Is it just me or are you sitting on Windows 98 right now and endlessly enjoying its interface? You are not even satisfied with the most common animation when you hover your mouse over something you click on. I admit that the example may not be the best, but it still shows the main thing - background highlighting on mouseover and background highlighting on click (classic thing).
Then why do we need colored buttons and all that? Let's switch to plain text with simple blue links? Seriously, explaining the purpose of such a simple effect is silly. I can explain why I wrote the styles this way, no more than that. --THE OWL 11:38, 19 Jun 2024 (UTC)
The strawman 'modern designers' are not here. Any sane web developer cries when they see the mess you've made. The admin you are appealing to already called your work 'unholy' and called you out for singlehandedly wreaking havok.
And we don't need coloured buttons! They are only on the main page because YOU started this. On 99.9% of pages they are not used and never going to be used.
You are hyperbolising as if blue links are somehow bad. But they are the most common and normal type and will stay that way. Cvoxalury (talk) 04:50, 19 June 2024 (PDT)
When are you going to stop accusing me of something I didn't do? Are you sure you were here until at least 2024? These buttons are 20 years old, we just tweaked the colors of the colored buttons a bit (actually, I made them much less contrasty, the current state of them is not to my credit).
I know what you mean, I'm just messing with you. So I promise this will be fixed too, if your sandbox page ends up not being finished before I get back. I'd describe everything in detail, but this wiki is very inconvenient to work with on a small screen, and I don't really have a lot of time to do it. Right now, I'm just proposing a simple idea. --User:THE OWL 11:58, 19 Jun 2024 (UTC)
The buttons weren't buttons, they were just coloured rectangles. The links in them were usual clickable links.
I'm just messing with you - ah, there we go. We can finally pin regular trolling on you, with this evidence. Cvoxalury (talk) 05:02, 19 June 2024 (PDT)
The example in the link is terrible. You seem to have a consistent problem where all your suggestions are based on what you think looks flashy or flexes your knowledge of html code, instead of providing concise, accessible and clear navigation. Microsoft has figured out a solution for hovering over items decades ago - a background highlight or a slight border.A. Shift (talk) 01:28, 19 June 2024 (PDT)
I suggested this code only because I don’t want to be asked to add something a bunch of times in the future. I just wrote a universal thing that can be applied to an object with any style.
This is the most common background highlighting that most modern sites use, simply written so that we can use it on any type of interactive element.
This can be accomplished in a number of ways, but I chose this one because this effect needs to be applied to any style, and filters are kind of disliked here. --THE OWL 11:35, 19 Jun 2024 (UTC)
You are already not being asked to add something. You are being asked to stop doing what you are doing.
What 'any type of interactive element' do we need? What do we even use? The most common 'interactive element' is a link. The next common is collapsable categories. Neither need anything special. If it works well, don't change it. Stop with the additions. Cvoxalury (talk) 04:50, 19 June 2024 (PDT)
The particular issue should be resolved for now. If more issues arise, don't hesistate to let us know. Peter Brev (talk) 10:28, 19 June 2024 (PDT)

System messages that could be very useful: MediaWiki:Lang

I’ve already suggested creating a MediaWiki:Lang page on its talk page. The idea behind MediaWiki:Lang is to get rid of the heavy {{Uselang}} template and add native support for all languages, not just those that can be accessed through {{Uselang}}. By doing this through a system message, it will be possible to reduce the load on many pages on the site, since now many templates depend on {{Uselang}}. Do not forget that {{Uselang}} is a template that can be edited by anyone (especially for the purpose of vandalism) and thus the site can go down.

I have compiled a list of all message pages ​​and what codes need to be entered in them. Some pages have different codes. There are reasons for this. For example, you can read this material to better understand why, for example, als lang is actually gsw. If I made a mistake in any of the languages, feel free to edit it directly in my message, I will be glad. However, do not forget to write the reason why I made a mistake in a particular language.

I know it’s a big list, but I think it’s better to do it once and not come back to it again. --Max34 (talk) 00:40, 26 June 2024 (PDT)

Request to add to MediaWiki:Common.css

PabloS, can you add the below code to MediaWiki:Common.css? It fixes the horrible gradient in the search box in the top right corner.

#simpleSearch { background-size: contain; }

Comparison of changes in the search background.jpg

-THE OWL (talk) 12:13, 17 July 2024 (PDT)

Adding Community Portal to the main sidebar

Valve Developer Community:Community portal is being updated to be more useful. It'd be nice to have it accessible right from the sidebar. Maybe about "Getting Help" - they're closely related? Cvoxalury (talk) 08:13, 18 July 2024 (PDT)