Getting started

Get an overview of the key features and requirements for the iOS SDK.

This SDK aims at easily playing videos with or without ads in your iOS application. Its is written in objective c, and supports swift and objective c programming language. Apps built with this SDK integrate with video hosting, streaming, and analytics services.

Key features

Video playback: Our SDK provides reliable and high-quality video playback for your iOS applications.

  • All major streaming formats supported : Supported Formats
  • Fullscreen video playback
  • DRM
  • Audio-only support
  • Picture in picture
  • Casting (coming soon)

Monetization: You can monetize your app by displaying ads.

  • Google IMA
  • VAST
  • Prebid (coming soon)

Player behavior customization:Through our powerful CMS, you can configure a wide range of player behaviors according to your specific needs

  • Rich configuration options including playlists, content title and poster image
  • Thumbnail previews
  • Player, playlist, playback, and content state monitoring
  • Ability to monitor and set video and audio qualities

Analytics: Our SDK provides in-depth analytics on user behavior and video performance, allowing you to optimize your app for better engagement and revenue.

Customization: You can customize the look and feel of the player to match your app's branding and user interface.

Cross-platform compatibility: Our SDK is compatible with a wide range of devices and platforms, ensuring that your app can reach the maximum number of users.

Plugin support

SDK has been built to work with a specific plugin version.


Intended audience

This guide assumes that you have the necessary iOS and Objective-C or Swift development skills to work successfully with this SDK for iOS. You should know how to write and build iOS applications using Xcode and the latest Apple developer tools.

Terms & Conditions

By adding the Brid SDK for iOS to your app, you agree to the Terms & Conditions.

What’s Next

If you are adding the Brid SDK for iOS for the first time, read Download the SDK.