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FCP plugin crashes when launching its app
I'm developing a workflow extension for Final Cut Pro, but I'm encountering a setback. For some reason, the extension crashes if I launch the app that contains the plugin. I already added some logic to prevent the app from launching if one is already running, but that didn't fix the issue because the plugin crashes while the app is still loading. It seems to me that the plugin process is being killed while the app is loading, causing the plugin to crash. Do you know why this is happening and how to solve it?
vnop_strategy unexpectedly zero-extends files
On implementing vnop_mmap, vnop_strategy and other related VNOPs as suggested in my vnop_strategy routine ends up zero-extending files. I don't understand why my filesystem behaves as described above. Perusing the source code of both the relevant parts of Darwin/XNU and SMBClient did not clarify things for me. A nudge in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. The technical details of the issue are given in the plain text file attached, as some text was found to be sensitive. Unsure what exactly it was. apple-dts-issue-desc.txt
Problems integrating Hypervisor.framework APIC and IOAPIC
Introduction I'm trying to integrate support for the APIC implementation added to Hypervisor.framework back in macOS 12 into the open source Qemu VMM. Qemu contains a VMM-side software implementation of the APIC, but it shows up as a major performance constraint in profiling, so it'd be nice to use the in-kernel implementation. I've previously submitted DTS TSIs (case 3345863) for this and received some high level pointers, but I'm told the forums are now the focus for DTS. I've got things working to what feels like 95%, but I'm still tripping up on a few things. FreeBSD and macOS guests are successfully booting and running most of the time, but there are sporadic stalls which point towards undelivered interrupts. Linux fails early on. A number of key test cases are failing in the 'apic' and 'ioapic' test suites that are part of the open source 'kvm-unit-tests' project, and I've run out of ideas for workarounds. Broadly, I'm doing this: When calling hv_vm_create, I pass the HV_VM_ACCEL_APIC flag. The VM uses the newer hv_vcpu_run_until() API. After VM exits, query hv_vcpu_exit_info() in case there's anything else to do. Page fault VM exits in the APIC's MMIO range are forwarded to hv_vcpu_apic_write and hv_vcpu_apic_read respectively. (With hv_vcpu_exit_info check and post-processing if no_side_effect returns true.) Writes to the APICBASE MSR do some sanity checks (throw exception on invalid state transitions etc) and update the MMIO range via hv_vmx_vcpu_set_apic_address() if necessary. HVF seems to do its own additional handling for the actual APIC state changes. (Moving the MMIO and enabling the APIC at the same time fails: FB14021745) Various machinery and state handling around INIT and STARTUP IPIs for bringing up the other vCPUs. This was fiddly to get working but I think I've got it now. MSIs from virtual devices are delivered via hv_vm_lapic_msi. Reads and writes for PIC and ELCR I/O ports are forwarded to the hv_vm_atpic_port_write/hv_vm_atpic_port_read APIs. (In theory, interrupt levels on the PIC are controlled via hv_vm_atpic_assert_irq/hv_vm_atpic_deassert_irq but all modern OSes disable the PIC anyway.) Page faults for the IOAPIC's MMIO range are forwarded to hv_vm_ioapic_read/hv_vm_ioapic_write. Virtual devices deliver their interrupts using hv_vm_ioapic_assert_irq/hv_vm_ioapic_deassert_irq/hv_vm_ioapic_pulse_irq for level/edge-triggered interrupts respectively. Now for the parts where I'm stuck and I'm either doing something wrong, or there are bugs in HVF's implementation: Issues I'm running into IOAPIC: 1. Unmasking during raised interrupt level, test_ioapic_level_mask test case: Guest enables masking on a particular level-triggered interrupt line. (MMIO write to ioredtbl entry) The virtual device raises interrupt level to 1. VMM calls hv_vm_ioapic_assert_irq(). No interrupt, because masked, so far so good. The guest unmasks the interrupt via another write to the ioredtbl entry. At this point I would expect the interrupt to be delivered to the vCPU. This is not the case. Even another call to hv_vm_ioapic_assert_irq() after unmasking will have no effect. Only if we deassert and reassert does the guest receive anything. (This is my current workaround, but it is rather ugly because I essentially need to maintain shadow state to detect the situation.) 2. Retriggering, test case test_ioapic_level_retrigger: The vCPU enters a interrupts-disabled section (cli instruction) The virtual device asserts level-triggered interrupt. VMM calls hv_vm_ioapic_assert_irq(). The vCPU leaves the interrupts-disabled section (sti instruction) and starts executing other code (or halts, as in the test case) Interrupt is delivered to vCPU, runs interrupt handler. Interrupt handler signals EOI. Note that interrupt is still asserted. Outside the interrupt handler, the vCPU briefly disables interrupts again (cli) The vCPU once again re-enables interrupts (sti) and halts (hlt) Here we would expect the interrupt to be delivered again, but it is not. I don't currently have a workaround for this because none of these steps causes hv_vcpu_run_until exits where this condition could be detected. 3. Coalescing, test_ioapic_level_coalesce: The virtual device asserts a level-triggered interrupt line. The vCPU enters the corresponding handler. The device de-asserts the interrupt level. The device re-asserts the interrupt. The device once again de-asserts the interrupt. The interrupt handler sets EOI and returns. We would expect the interrupt handler to only run once in this sequence of events, but as it turns out, it runs a second time! This is less critical than the previous 2 unexpected behaviours, because spurious interrupts are usually only slightly detrimental to performance, whereas undelivered interrupts can cause system hangs. However, this doesn't exactly instill confidence in the implementation. I've submitted the above, as they look like bugs to me - either in the implementation, or lack of documentation - as FB14425412. APIC To work around the HVF IOAPIC problems mentioned above, I tried to use the HVF APIC implementation in isolation without the ATPIC and IOAPIC implementations. Instead, I provided (VMM side) software implementations of these controllers. However, the software IOAPIC needs to receive end-of-interrupt notifications from the APIC. This is what I understood the HV_APIC_CTRL_IOAPIC_EOI flag to be responsible for, so I passed it to hv_vcpu_apic_ctrl() during vCPU initialisation. The software IOAPIC implementation receives all the MMIO writes, maintains IOAPIC state, and calls hv_vm_send_ioapic_intr() whenever interrupts should be delivered to the VM. However, I have found that hv_vcpu_exit_info() never returns HV_VM_EXITINFO_IOAPIC_EOI. When the HVF APIC is in xAPIC mode, I can detect writes to offset 0xb0 in the MMIO write handler and query hv_vcpu_exit_ioapic_eoi() for the vector whose handler has run. However, once the APIC is in x2APIC mode, there are no exits for the x2APIC MSR accesses, so I can't see how I might get those EOI notifications. Am I interpreting the purpose of HV_APIC_CTRL_IOAPIC_EOI correctly? Do I need to do anything other than hv_vcpu_apic_ctrl to make it work? How should I be receiving the EOI notifications? I was expecting vCPU run exits, but this does not appear to be the case? Again, either a crucial step is missing from the documentation, or there's a bug in the implementation. I've submitted this as FB14425590. My Questions: Has anyone got the HVF APIC/IOAPIC working for the general purpose case, i.e. guest OS agnostic, all edge cases handled? The issues I've run into - are these bugs in HVF? Do I need extra support code/workarounds to make the edge cases work? Is using the APIC without the HVF's IOAPIC an intended supported use case or am I wasting my time on this "split" setup?
macOS Sequoia beta 3: SecPKCS12Import failed with error - 23000
In our App, we store identity in keychain in a specific path var keychain: SecKeychain? let status = SecKeychainCreate(path, UInt32(password.count), password, false, nil, &keychain) guard status == errSecSuccess else { logger.error("Error in creating keychain: \(String(describing: SecCopyErrorMessageString(status, nil)))") throw KeychainError.keychainCreationError } Then later whenever process needs it. it open keychain, import it and uses it. status = SecPKCS12Import(identityData as CFData, [kSecImportExportPassphrase : password, kSecImportExportKeychain: keychain] as CFDictionary, &identityItems)"Import status: \(status)") guard status == errSecSuccess else { authlog.error("Error in exporting identity : \(status) \(String(describing:SecCopyErrorMessageString(status, nil)))") throw ClientAuthError.identityFormationError } This worked well till sequoia beta 2. In Sequoia beta 3 and 4, this fails to import with error -25300 : The specified item could not be found in the keychain. one thing I noticed is import succeeds if the keychain is freshly created. when tried to reuse existing keychain it fails in import error. Is this a bug in beta or it any changes made in keychain level by Apple itself. Please help with the solution Log trace: [ 24-07-2024 12:39:15:192 ] [INFO] Challenge delegate received [ 24-07-2024 12:39:15:192 ] [INFO] Client authentication challenge [ 2024-07-24 12:39:15 ] [INFO] retcode of "/bin/chmod -R 777 "/Library/<path>/data/agent-resource"" ::: 0 [ 24-07-2024 12:39:15:237 ] [INFO] Opening keychain... [ 24-07-2024 12:39:15:240 ] [NOTICE] Keychain open status: -25294 [ 24-07-2024 12:39:15:241 ] [ERROR] Keychain error: Optional(The specified keychain could not be found.) [ 24-07-2024 12:39:15:241 ] [INFO] Creating keychain.. [ 24-07-2024 12:39:15:448 ] [INFO] Import status: 0 [ 24-07-2024 12:39:15:448 ] [INFO] Identity: <SecIdentity 0x7ff3ec1f7df0 [0x7ff85540e9a0]> [ 24-07-2024 12:39:15:448 ] [INFO] Credential sent [ 24-07-2024 12:39:15:581 ] [INFO] Upload request completed.. [ 24-07-2024 12:39:15:583 ] [INFO] Status code: 200 [ 25-07-2024 12:24:55:300 ] [INFO] Client authentication challenge [ 25-07-2024 12:24:55:300 ] [INFO] Opening keychain... [ 25-07-2024 12:24:55:305 ] [NOTICE] Keychain open status: 0 [ 25-07-2024 12:24:55:439 ] [INFO] Import status: -25300 [ 25-07-2024 12:24:55:440 ] [ERROR] Error in exporting identity : -25300 Optional(The specified item could not be found in the keychain.) [ 25-07-2024 12:24:55:440 ] [CRITICAL] Error in getting identity: identityFormationError [ 25-07-2024 12:24:55:441 ] [ERROR] Error in obtaining identity [ 25-07-2024 12:24:55:513 ] [INFO] Download request complete... [ 25-07-2024 12:24:55:515 ] [INFO] Status code: 200
Lagging Video Feed Using VNGeneratePersonSegmentationRequest in macOS Camera Extension App
I'm developing a macOS application using Swift and a camera extension. I'm utilizing the Vision framework's VNGeneratePersonSegmentationRequest to apply a background blur effect. However, I'm experiencing significant lag in the video feed. I've tried optimizing the request, but the issue persists. Could anyone provide insights or suggestions on how to resolve this lagging issue? Details: Platform: macOS Language: Swift Framework: Vision code snippet I am using are below `class ViewController: NSViewController, AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate { var frameCounter = 0 let frameSkipRate = 2 private let visionQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.example.visionQueue") func captureOutput(_ output: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from connection: AVCaptureConnection) { frameCounter += 1 if frameCounter % frameSkipRate != 0 { return } guard let pixelBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer) else { return } let ciImage = CIImage(cvPixelBuffer: pixelBuffer) performPersonSegmentation(on: ciImage) { [self] mask in guard let mask = mask else { return } let blurredBackground = self.applyBlur(to: ciImage) let resultImage = self.composeImage(with: blurredBackground, mask: mask, original: ciImage) let nsImage = ciImageToNSImage(ciImage: resultImage) DispatchQueue.main.async { [self] in // Update your NSImageView or other UI elements with the composite image if needToStream { if (enqueued == false || readyToEnqueue == true), let queue = self.sinkQueue { enqueued = true readyToEnqueue = false if let _ = image, let cgImage = nsImage.cgImage(forProposedRect: nil, context: nil, hints: nil) { enqueue(queue, cgImage) } } } } } } private func performPersonSegmentation(on image: CIImage, completion: @escaping (CIImage?) -> Void) { let request = VNGeneratePersonSegmentationRequest() request.qualityLevel = .fast // Adjust quality level as needed request.outputPixelFormat = kCVPixelFormatType_OneComponent8 let handler = VNImageRequestHandler(ciImage: image, options: [:]) visionQueue.async { do { try handler.perform([request]) guard let result = request.results?.first as? VNPixelBufferObservation else { completion(nil) return } let maskPixelBuffer = result.pixelBuffer let maskImage = CIImage(cvPixelBuffer: maskPixelBuffer) completion(maskImage) } catch { print("Error performing segmentation: \(error)") completion(nil) } } } private func composeImage(with blurredBackground: CIImage, mask: CIImage, original: CIImage) -> CIImage { // Invert the mask to blur the background let invertedMask = mask.applyingFilter("CIColorInvert") // Ensure mask is correctly resized to match original image let resizedMask = invertedMask.transformed(by: CGAffineTransform(scaleX: original.extent.width / invertedMask.extent.width, y: original.extent.height / invertedMask.extent.height)) // Blend the images using the mask let blendFilter = CIFilter(name: "CIBlendWithMask")! blendFilter.setValue(blurredBackground, forKey: kCIInputImageKey) blendFilter.setValue(original, forKey: kCIInputBackgroundImageKey) blendFilter.setValue(resizedMask, forKey: kCIInputMaskImageKey) return blendFilter.outputImage ?? original } private func ciImageToNSImage(ciImage: CIImage) -> NSImage { let cgImage = context.createCGImage(ciImage, from: ciImage.extent)! return NSImage(cgImage: cgImage, size: ciImage.extent.size) } private func applyBlur(to image: CIImage) -> CIImage { let blurFilter = CIFilter.gaussianBlur() blurFilter.inputImage = image blurFilter.radius = 7.0 // Adjust the blur radius as needed return blurFilter.outputImage ?? image } }`
Notarization: The operation couldn't be completed. (SotoS3.S3ErrorType.multipart error 1.)
Hello, For my macOS app, on Xcode version 15.4 (15F31d) on macOS 14.5 (23F79) I follow Organizer > Distribute App > Direct Distribution, and I get a Notary Error "The operation couldn't be completed. (SotoS3.S3ErrorType.multipart error 1.)" It's been happening since 3 days. In the IDEDistribution.verbose.log file I see:
macOS Sandbox and writing to system folders (audio plug-Ins)
Hello macOS gurus, I am writing an AUv3 plug-in and wanted to add support for additional formats such as CLAP and VST3. These plug-ins must reside in an appropriate folder /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/ or ~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/. The typical way these are delivered is with old school installers. I have been experimenting with delivering theses formats in a sandboxed app. I was using the entitlement to place a symlink in the system folder that points to my CLAP and VST3 plug-ins in the bundle. Everything was working very nicely until I realize that on my Mac I had changed the permissions on these folders from to The problem is that when the folder has the original system permissions, my attempt to place the symlink fails, even with the temporary exception entitlement. Here's the code I'm using with systemPath = "/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3/" static func symlinkToBundle(fileName: String, fileExt: String, from systemPath: String) throws { guard let bundlePath = Bundle.main.resourcePath?.appending("/\(fileName).\(fileExt)") else { print("File not in bundle") } let fileManager = FileManager.default do { try fileManager.createSymbolicLink(atPath: systemPath, withDestinationPath: bundlePath) } catch { print(error.localizedDescription) } } So the question is ... Is there a way to reliably place this symlink in /Library/... from a sandboxed app using the temporary exception entitlements? I understand there will probably be issues with App Review but for now I am just trying to explore my options. Thanks.
CoreHID and customHID reports
I'm try to use CoreHID to communicate with a usb hid device that sends custom reports. I have been able to create a client, but when I try to access the elements I get this: IOServiceOpen failed: 0xe00002e2 also in: client.monitorNotifications(reportIDsToMonitor: [HIDReportID.allReports], elementsToMonitor: []) {... What do I put into "elementsToMonitor: []" array?
Why does E210002 error occur only when launched svnserve via launchctl?
Why does E210002 error occur only when launched svnserve via launchctl? When I start svnserve with $ sudo /usr/local/bin/svnserve -d -r /Volumes/RAID1disk/svn and run $ svn commit -m "test1", svn commit succeeds, but when I start svnserve with $ sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.toshiyuki.svnserve.plist and run $ svn commit -m "test2", svn commit fails and displays the following error: Committing transaction... svn: E210002: Commit failed (details follow): svn: E210002: Network connection closed unexpectedly After the E210002 error, I ran $ ps aux | grep svnserve and got the following result. toshiyuki 67686 0.0 0.0 34252296 700 s000 S+ 10:13AM 0:00.00 grep svnserve root 35267 0.0 0.0 34302936 592 ?? Ss 10:01AM 0:00.00 /usr/local/bin/svnserve -d -r /Volumes/RAID1disk/svn From this, I believe that svnserve is launched as the root user from launchctl. Also, when I ran $ls -l /volumes/raid1disk/svn the following result was obtained. -rw-rw-r-- 1 root wheel 246 7 23 22:31 README.txt drwxrwxr-x 6 root wheel 192 7 24 06:31 conf drwxrwxr-x 17 root wheel 544 7 24 10:01 db -r--rw-r-- 1 root wheel 2 7 23 22:31 format drwxrwxr-x 11 root wheel 352 7 23 22:31 hooks drwxrwxr-x 4 root wheel 128 7 23 22:31 locks so, svnserve has write access to the repository. If I start svnserve with $ sudo /usr/local/bin/svnserve -d -r /Volumes/RAID1disk/svn instead of $ sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.toshiyuki.svnserve.plist both svn commit and svn chekout always succeed, so I think there is no problem with the svnserve configuration file (/etc/svnserve.conf or the file in /etc/svnserve.conf.d). I think the plist of launchctl is also correct. because If I start svnserve with $ sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.toshiyuki.svnserve.plist only svn chekout always succeeds (commit fails, though). The contents of the plist of launchctl file are as follows: &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt; &lt;!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""&gt; &lt;plist version="1.0"&gt; &lt;dict&gt; &lt;key&gt;Label&lt;/key&gt; &lt;string&gt;com.toshiyuki.svnserve&lt;/string&gt; &lt;key&gt;ProgramArguments&lt;/key&gt; &lt;array&gt; &lt;string&gt;/usr/local/bin/svnserve&lt;/string&gt; &lt;string&gt;-d&lt;/string&gt; &lt;string&gt;-r&lt;/string&gt; &lt;string&gt;/Volumes/RAID1disk/svn&lt;/string&gt; &lt;/array&gt; &lt;key&gt;RunAtLoad&lt;/key&gt; &lt;true/&gt; &lt;key&gt;KeepAlive&lt;/key&gt; &lt;true/&gt; &lt;key&gt;StandardErrorPath&lt;/key&gt; &lt;string&gt;/var/log/svnserve.log&lt;/string&gt; &lt;key&gt;StandardOutPath&lt;/key&gt; &lt;string&gt;/var/log/svnserve.log&lt;/string&gt;   &lt;key&gt;UserName&lt;/key&gt; &lt;string&gt;root&lt;/string&gt; &lt;key&gt;EnvironmentVariables&lt;/key&gt; &lt;dict&gt; &lt;key&gt;PATH&lt;/key&gt; &lt;string&gt;/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin&lt;/string&gt; &lt;/dict&gt; &lt;/dict&gt; &lt;/plist&gt; Also, the execution result of $ls -l /library/LaunchDaemons/com.toshiyuki.svnserve.plist is as follows. -rw-r--r--@ 1 root wheel 929 7 24 10:29 /library/LaunchDaemons/com.toshiyuki.svnserve.plist But when I start svnserve with $ sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.toshiyuki.svnserve.plist "svn commit" always fails. Why is this? When I check the /var/log/svn/svnserve.log file, svnserve: E000048:Address already in use errors occured periodically.
SwiftData multiple selection from sidebar
Hello, I am developing a swift data macOS reminders app. I need the user to be able to select multiple items from the sidebar and record a variable of which ones are selected. However, I also want a variable that will track the first one of the selection selected so it can be shown in the detail view. I would like this to be similar to the Apple reminders app, where u can select multiple to delete, but only one list is shown in the detail view. how do I do this? thanks so much, Dev_Pro
New to SwiftUI
I have been a web developer for about 10 years. My goal when I started was to be an apple developer. I am finally diving into that world. I’ve been learning SwiftUI with the understanding that I can use the same code to built for iOD and MacOS. I found a snippet that lets me check this at compile, but is that the right way to do this. Is there documentation on what the right way to do this is? As I would intend to have completely different views for the Mac and iOS
EnpointSecurity System Extension is crashing in macOS Sonoma
Hi All, We have Endpoint Security System Extension. We are facing an issue in macOS Sonoma only where we have found that open() API is not returning any response when we try to open the files and OS killing/crashing the extension. We have found in log streaming below lines for our extension: error 12:50:51.093673+0530 tccd Failed to create LSApplicationRecord for file:///Library/SystemExtensions/3378971F-D41D-4230-A887-E0DC0F61E98D/com.*.sysextcontainer.onlineext.systemextension/: 'The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -10811.)' It seems internally some access is removed by apple on booting however we can still see our extension has Full Disk Access in System Settings. We have installed new macOS Sequoia Public beta 24A5289h and above issue is not observed and also issue not seen in previous OS(Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura) and seen only in Sonoma. We already have filed a Feedback : FB13806349 ... Thanks & Regards, Mohmad Vasim
MacOS 15 Beta3: Metal Shader with newLibraryWithSource didn't work if the executable path contains Chinese character.
Here is the test code run in a macOS app (MacOS 15 Beta3). If the excutable path does not contain Chinese character, every thing go as We expect. Otherwise(simply place excutable in a Chinese named directory) , the MTLLibrary We made by newLibraryWithSource: function contains no functions, We just got logs: "Library contains the following functions: {}" "Function 'squareKernel' not found." Note: macOS 14 works fine id<MTLDevice> device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice(); if (!device) { NSLog(@"not support Metal."); } NSString *shaderSource = @ "#include <metal_stdlib>\n" "using namespace metal;\n" "kernel void squareKernel(device float* data [[buffer(0)]], uint gid [[thread_position_in_grid]]) {\n" " data[gid] *= data[gid];\n" "}"; MTLCompileOptions *options = [[MTLCompileOptions alloc] init]; options.languageVersion = MTLLanguageVersion2_0; NSError *error = nil; id<MTLLibrary> library = [device newLibraryWithSource:shaderSource options:options error:&error]; if (error) { NSLog(@"New MTLLibrary error: %@", error); } NSArray<NSString *> *functionNames = [library functionNames]; NSLog(@"Library contains the following functions: %@", functionNames); id<MTLFunction> computeShaderFunction = [library newFunctionWithName:@"squareKernel"]; if (computeShaderFunction) { NSLog(@"Found function 'squareKernel'."); NSError *pipelineError = nil; id<MTLComputePipelineState> pipelineState = [device newComputePipelineStateWithFunction:computeShaderFunction error:&pipelineError]; if (pipelineError) { NSLog(@"Create pipeline state error: %@", pipelineError); } NSLog(@"Create pipeline state succeed!"); } else { NSLog(@"Function 'squareKernel' not found."); }
PiPAgent not launching from a Sandboxed app.
Hi, I am developing an app that has a WKWebView and it can open sites like Youtube. The app is sandboxed as it is meant to be uploaded to the mac App Store. It has a feature PiP where we start the native PiP by calling a browser Javascript where we tell the WKWEBView to fire the PiP. It works well when we are running the code from XCODE in Debug scheme. When we run the code from release mode by archiving it or directly from the build folder, the WKWebView is not able to fire the PiP Agent and thus the Native PiP window is not visible, while the site shows that PiP is opened and we can here the sound being played. But PiP window is not visible. I cannot see PiPAgent in activity monitor. Why does it not work from within the release build outside xcode. But when I try to run the build directly from the Finder in builds folder, this PiP feature does not work. Request technical help for this. Thanks!
How to get Command Line Tool code to launch SwiftUI App code
For MacOS I wrote a Terminal Command Line Tool to help me do number crunching calculations. No need for UI. This works great as-is, but there are opportunities to make the work more interesting by giving it some graphical representation like a heat map of the data. To that end I want the terminal to launch a SwiftUI code to open a window given an optional command line parameter that would display this visual representation of data in a new window. It would be nice to interact with that window visualization in some ways using SwiftUI. I originally thought it'd just be as easy as creating a SwiftUI View file and then throwing what normally appears under @main into a launch function and then calling the launch function from my main.swift file: import SwiftUI struct SwiftUIView: View { var body: some View { Text("Hello, World!") } } #Preview { SwiftUIView() } func LaunchSwiftUIApp() { //@main struct SwiftUIApp: App { var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { SwiftUIView() } } } } Of course this doesn't work. I've already have the command line code just spit out various png files via command line so looking to make those visualization a little more interactive or readable/organized by coding some SwiftUI stuff around those current visualizations. Anyway. Looking around this doesn't seem to be a thing people normally do. I'm not sure how to setup the Terminal Command Line Tool code that I wrote to optionally launch into SwiftUI code.