Make WordPress Core


07/27/2024: Yesterday

23:04 Ticket #60100 (Remove target="_blank" from link for non-HTTPS local environments) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 58820: […]
23:04 Changeset [58820] by peterwilsoncc
Application Passwords: Open documentation link in same window. …
17:20 Ticket #56157 (Twenty Twenty: Table font size not reflected in frontend) reopened by karmatosed
@shailu25 very happy to reopen but I did see it working for custom …
16:41 Tickets #56157,​59996 batch updated by karmatosed
fixed: In 58819: […]
16:41 Changeset [58819] by karmatosed
Twenty Twenty: Calendar and Table blocks do not apply custom font …
13:51 Ticket #61778 (Menu works but submenu not) created by wlashack
Hello, after upgrading to WordPress 6.6 or 6.6.1 my website stopped …
12:48 Ticket #56157 (Twenty Twenty: Table font size not reflected in frontend) reopened by sabernhardt
Changing the font size already works in the editor, but still not on …
12:32 Ticket #57368 (Twenty Twenty-Three: unnecessary borders for linked images in Whisper ...) closed by karmatosed
fixed: In 58818: […]
12:32 Changeset [58818] by karmatosed
Twenty Twenty-Three: Fixes unnecessary borders for links images in …
10:12 Ticket #56011 (Twenty Twenty: Add support for Plain style in Quote block) closed by karmatosed
fixed: In 58817: […]
10:12 Changeset [58817] by karmatosed
Twenty Twenty: Adds Plain Style into Quote block. Plan style was …
09:35 Ticket #61753 (Twenty Eleven & Twenty Twelve: Code block does not adjust font size ...) closed by karmatosed
fixed: In 58816: […]
09:35 Changeset [58816] by karmatosed
Multiple themes: Fixes Code block not adjusting to font size changes. …
09:22 Ticket #61697 (Twenty Thirteen: Code block does not adjust font size with block settings) closed by karmatosed
fixed: In 58815: […]
09:22 Changeset [58815] by karmatosed
Twenty Thirteen: Fixes Code block not adjusting to font size changes. …
08:40 Ticket #53146 (Bundled Themes: More consistent styling of the search block) closed by karmatosed
invalid: For now I am going to go ahead and close this, thank you everyone.
08:18 Ticket #54424 (WordPress 5.8.2 Bug PHP 8) closed by SergeyBiryukov
invalid: Hi there, thanks for the ticket! Closing, as this appears to be …
07:51 Ticket #61777 (Windows defender Trojan error for ...) created by aka1337
Hi there, Just downloaded and unpacked the latest version (6.6.1) …
07:50 Ticket #61759 (Improve potentially confusing documentation for wp_strip_all_tags()) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 58814: […]
07:50 Changeset [58814] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Clarify the description for wp_strip_all_tags(). Follow-up to …
07:50 Ticket #61776 (Background color is not getting updated in block editor which we are ...) created by amitrelx
As an admin I have updated the background color of body content …
00:25 Changeset [58813] by peterwilsoncc
General: Introduce wp_get_wp_version() to get unmodified version. …


20:16 Ticket #59725 (About test users who constantly register) closed by SergeyBiryukov
19:27 Ticket #55671 (TikTok embeds with </3 in the song field break html) closed by desrosj
worksforme: I'm currently unable to reproduce the problem. It seems TikTok may …
19:16 Ticket #58948 (Use Elvis operator (`:?`) to replace repeating ternary patterns (`a ? ...) closed by desrosj
maybelater: Going to close this out as maybelater. Discussion can continue on …
19:14 Ticket #58875 (The hover effect in theme.json is not working) closed by desrosj
reported-upstream: It [ seems like …
19:05 Ticket #20717 (Filter For Requiring Post Password) closed by desrosj
duplicate: This does indeed appear to have been addressed through [38603]/#38056. …
18:48 Ticket #61775 (Link Field for Javascript Functions) created by gabriel1957
I am hoping that your WordPress team can add a “trigger javascript …
18:32 Ticket #56976 (Category filter not functioning for Latest Post Block in Guttenberg) closed by desrosj
reported-upstream: It's been 9 months without activity, so I'm going to close this one …
18:30 Ticket #58583 (edit widget gutenberg blocks > can't see or add reusable blocks) closed by desrosj
reported-upstream: Since it's been 9 months without further feedback, I'm going to close …
16:55 Ticket #61774 (Error 403 while adding ' to last name on user page) created by gazto
In the user-edit.php page, while adding a ' (apostrophe) and save it, …
16:53 Ticket #61773 (get_posts() returns posts of removed custom post type) created by rajanit2000
I’ve encountered an issue with the get_posts() function related to …
15:33 Ticket #59751 (Invisible PHP 8.2 Error from Unwritable Plugin Folder) closed by desrosj
duplicate: Duplicate of #51383.
15:32 Ticket #59727 (Website not open first attempt) closed by desrosj
invalid: Since this is more appropriate for the support forums, I'm going to …
15:30 Ticket #59626 (admin-bar-css not following codex) closed by desrosj
fixed: Thanks for making those changes @sabernhardt! I think this can be …
15:26 Ticket #61212 (HTML content add while creating new page) closed by desrosj
invalid: It's been a few months without additional details, so I'm going to …
15:25 Ticket #61183 (Make all themes fully support HTML5 by default.) closed by desrosj
wontfix: I agree that changing the default for Classic themes would be …
15:12 Ticket #61378 (Escape Output in Storage Count List Item Class) closed by desrosj
wontfix: #58251 and a similar #59626 were closed out. As @sabernhardt stated, …
15:09 Ticket #58303 (Escape $columns_css variable in dashboard widget) closed by desrosj
wontfix: I agree with closing this one out. @mahamudur78 thanks for opening …
14:47 Ticket #61367 (Long Site Titles Cause Layout Issues on wp-admin Login Page) closed by desrosj
wontfix: I agree with the suggestion to close this one out. While it's true …
13:41 Ticket #61772 (I saw some bug at undo operation on browser for login credential.) created by herilv
I face some bug for doing undo operation on browser, where the entered …
13:35 Ticket #61771 (Script Modules: add the importmap's scopes key) created by rosua
WP_Script_Modules::print_import_map() prints the script modules, but …
09:40 Ticket #61768 (Twenty Twelve outputs an empty heading if the tagline is empty) closed by sabernhardt
duplicate: #44656 already tracks this with the potentially empty links.
07:56 Ticket #61749 (`wp_list_pages()` depth of `0` can show only top level of pages) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
Thanks for the ticket! Reopening for 6.6.2 consideration.
07:54 Ticket #61749 (`wp_list_pages()` depth of `0` can show only top level of pages) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 58812: […]
07:54 Changeset [58812] by SergeyBiryukov
General: Cast $max_depth and $depth to an integer in the Walker
07:50 Ticket #61770 (Twenty Nineteen: Preformatted block font size is not same in editor) created by viralsampat
Hello, I have reviewed the "Preformatted block" and found that …
06:08 Ticket #61769 (Global Styles: Prevent empty CSS rules and malformed selectors for ...) created by aaronrobertshaw
This ticket tracks the backporting of PHP files for the following …
05:16 Ticket #61768 (Twenty Twelve outputs an empty heading if the tagline is empty) created by poena
If a user leaves the tagline option empty, the theme prints an empty …
05:09 Ticket #61767 (Twenty Twelve: hyphens only on front end for pages and widgets) created by pitamdey
In theme Twenty Twelve, when we add letter spacing the word breaks in …
04:51 Ticket #61766 (Multiple bundled themes: Add site logo theme support) created by poena
The following themes are missing theme support for site logo. I …
04:24 Ticket #61765 (Twenty Twelve: The large quote pattern does not use a quote block) created by poena
The pattern "Left-aligned Large Quote" does not insert a quote block. …
03:50 Ticket #60298 (Text embedded in theme template is not translatable) reopened by poena
03:06 Ticket #61764 (Site Health: Autoloaded options could affect performance) created by 123nadav
Hello guys how are you? I notice from the new version of WordPress …
01:19 Ticket #61763 (get_posts($args) returns "auto-drafts" even when "post_status=>publish") created by jobst
Frustrating bug this one is - had this for a while so not related to …


23:40 Ticket #61484 (Prime notoptions within `delete_option()`, `delete_network_option()`.) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: I noticed the caching issues following database errors appears in …
23:39 Ticket #61762 (Options can be incorrectly cached following database errors.) created by peterwilsoncc
Various wpdb methods can return falsey values to indicate one of two …
23:30 Ticket #61761 (`wp_term_insert` inconsistent validation logic for `name` and `slug`) created by xipasduarte
Right now the way a term is inserted is inconsistent with cases that …
23:02 Ticket #61730 (`delete_network_option` sets network `notoptions` cache on ...) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 58811: […]
23:02 Changeset [58811] by peterwilsoncc
Options, Meta APIs: Prevent Single Site installs using network …
22:38 Ticket #61424 (Update links to closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 58810: […]
22:38 Changeset [58810] by peterwilsoncc
General: Update English Gravatar links. Replace links to …
22:36 Ticket #61715 (Only type cast a scalar $comment_id in get_comment_author_link()) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 58809: […]
22:36 Changeset [58809] by SergeyBiryukov
Comments: Only type cast a scalar $comment_id in …
22:16 Ticket #61760 (Site needs help) created by brownieboy
unable to get ewp app to initialize plugin: wplink
21:55 Ticket #61759 (Improve potentially confusing documentation for wp_strip_all_tags()) created by coffee2code
As surfaced in meta#6510
21:55 Ticket #61758 (Improve speed of AVIF image generation) created by adamsilverstein
As raised on the Performance Lab plugin …
18:20 Ticket #59093 (WordPress 6.3 and Featured Image Resize Problem) closed by desrosj
invalid: Hi @ungowp, Welcome to Trac! I'm sorry that it took so long to …
17:38 Ticket #61757 (Changing the priority of the admin_bar_menu breaks filtering) closed by romulodl
invalid: Ohh, this is a duplicate of …
17:34 Ticket #51485 (Wrong encoding of dynamic block properties) closed by desrosj
worksforme: Hi @sosere, Welcome to Trac! First, I apologize that it took so long …
17:32 Ticket #61757 (Changing the priority of the admin_bar_menu breaks filtering) created by romulodl
This change: …
16:55 Ticket #60125 (Randomly comma split taxonomies when applying through bulk edit) closed by desrosj
duplicate: Duplicate of #14691. Hi @schwipps! And welcome to Trac! One thing to …
16:50 Ticket #61756 (Customizing Panel Size) created by discsox
The Appearance - Customize - Additional CSS panel is really difficult …
16:33 Ticket #61488 (6.5.5 Makes Theme Files Inaccessible) closed by jorbin
fixed: In 58808: […]
16:33 Changeset [58808] by jorbin
Filesystem: Normalize allowed_files so comparison is apples to apples. …
16:30 Ticket #61755 (Use WPINC constant in script-loader.php) created by kkmuffme
16:29 Ticket #61754 (Unused array_merge call?) created by kkmuffme
14:59 Ticket #61753 (Twenty Eleven & Twenty Twelve: Code block does not adjust font size ...) created by viralsampat
Hello Team, I have reviewed "code" block on the twenty eleven
14:41 Ticket #61752 (Plugin and theme editors should show files in alpha order) created by helgatheviking
Plugin editor file order I've been …
12:50 Ticket #61751 (Custom post type editor working) created by karan4word
After updating to the latest WordPress version 6.6.1 Its gives error …
06:13 Ticket #61750 (Spacing issues since 6.6 (Gutenberg with Block- or Hybrid Themes)) created by dohu13
Since version 6.6, all specific block spacings i’ve been setting in my …
06:00 Ticket #61749 (`wp_list_pages()` depth of `0` can show only top level of pages) created by peterwilsoncc
In WP 6.6, the code wp_list_pages( 'depth=0' ); no longer displays a …
05:46 Ticket #60918 (parse_blocks stopped returning content and text in attrs in 6.5) closed by talldanwp
invalid: As mentioned, this doesn't seem to be a bug but that the …
05:34 Ticket #61677 (Difficult block insertion in post editor when metabox is displayed) closed by talldanwp
reported-upstream: This looks like the same issue - …
04:59 Ticket #61592 (6.6-RC2 Editing/Inserting Synced pattern (reusable block) with server ...) closed by talldanwp
reported-upstream: Thanks for reporting this. This seems like the same issue being …
02:49 Ticket #61748 (Setting Button block to Outline Style causes CSS output order to ...) created by talldanwp
This was originally reported in Gutenberg: …


23:58 Ticket #61747 (Reduce number of users initial loaded and replace by select2 - Import page) created by pickplugins
I would like to request to update normal behavior of "assign posts to …
22:55 Ticket #61484 (Prime notoptions within `delete_option()`, `delete_network_option()`.) reopened by peterwilsoncc
Reopening this as @bjorsch picked an issue up while working on #61730. …
21:41 Ticket #61726 (Not providing optional `$taxonomy` parameter in `get_edit_term_link()` ...) closed by flixos90
fixed: In 58807: […]
21:40 Changeset [58807] by flixos90
Taxonomy: Ensure get_edit_term_link() produces the correct result …
21:07 Ticket #55281 (Twenty Twenty-One: Consider decreasing the selector specificity) closed by karmatosed
wontfix: Thank you everyone I am going to now progress this to close.
21:07 Ticket #61724 (Twenty Twenty Four Theme Issues) closed by karmatosed
invalid: Thank you everyone, for now let's close this. We can always reopen.
21:06 Ticket #39740 (Twenty Seventeen: Allow child themes to use front-page.php when front ...) closed by karmatosed
wontfix: I am going to follow through and close this, thank you everyone.
19:49 Ticket #47452 (WordPress taking time to login and throwing time-out error on upgrading) closed by pbearne
invalid: Closing no reply testing intructions to allow us to recreate
19:09 Ticket #61746 (WordPress login redirect issue) created by dipakparmar2007
if ( isset( $_POSTaction? ) && $_POSTaction? == 'log-in' ) { …
18:39 Changeset [58806] by dmsnell
HTML API: Add TABLE support in HTML Processor. As part of work to add …
18:35 Ticket #60653 (Block-based Widgets Editor - Site Logo Block is not listed.) closed by sabernhardt
reported-upstream: Hi and welcome to WordPress Core Trac! This discussion belongs on the …
18:22 Ticket #61745 (Site health: directory sizes not shown (if font directory doesn't exist?)) closed by leedxw
duplicate: Duplicate of #61638.
18:22 Ticket #60869 (Error processing checkout. Please try again.) closed by desrosj
invalid: Hi @kidoffer, Welcome to Trac! Unfortunately, this is not the right …
18:10 Ticket #61745 (Site health: directory sizes not shown (if font directory doesn't exist?)) created by leedxw
Site health shows […] I can see that …
18:09 Ticket #61559 (Noindex x roboto tags) closed by desrosj
invalid: Hi @thewealthiest, Welcome to Trac! Sorry that it took a bit to …
18:06 Ticket #61634 (Bugged Editing Pages) closed by desrosj
invalid: Hi @netzeroattic2011, Welcome to Trac! I'm sorry to hear you're …
17:40 Ticket #61635 (Group block inner container should be removed when Grid variation is ...) closed by hellofromTonya
fixed: When was this bug introduced? The …
17:30 Ticket #61714 (Text "None" disappeared from Align Display in WordPress 6.6) closed by hellofromTonya
fixed: In 58805: […]
17:30 Changeset [58805] by hellofromTonya
I18N: Correctly output the None translatable strings. Includes …
16:27 Ticket #61561 (autofocus query string parameter in customizer url is broken in WP6.6-RC2) reopened by hellofromTonya
Reopening for 2nd committer review to backport [58804] to the 6.6 …
16:22 Ticket #61561 (autofocus query string parameter in customizer url is broken in WP6.6-RC2) closed by hellofromTonya
fixed: In 58804: […]
16:21 Changeset [58804] by hellofromTonya
Customize: Sanitize autofocus URL parameter as an array. [58069]
16:08 Ticket #61744 (preg_match fails when className when $block['attrs']['className'] is ...) created by larslo
extraClasses is not fount in wp-content, but in wp-includes …
15:13 Ticket #61743 (Capture and inform users when plugins or themes are `_doing_it_wrong()`) created by Clorith
Part of a healthy website is having plugins and themes that use …
15:08 Changeset [58803] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Use more specific assertions in get_comment_author() tests. …
14:38 Ticket #61550 (Template contents are wiped out on rename) closed by Bernhard Reiter
fixed: In 58802: […]
14:38 Changeset [58802] by Bernhard Reiter
Block Hooks: Don't erase post content if it isn't changed by client. …
14:25 Ticket #60109 (E2E test failures in the 6.2 branch) closed by desrosj
worksforme: These errors are no longer happening. Going to close out.
14:18 Ticket #61742 (Ensure plugin auto updates are blocked if required WordPress version ...) created by mguenter
Similar to #46613: In …
14:10 Ticket #61280 (Block Variations: Allow server-side registration via variations.php) closed by Bernhard Reiter
fixed: In 58801: […]
14:09 Changeset [58801] by Bernhard Reiter
block.json: Allow passing PHP filename as variations field. …
14:09 Ticket #56150 (Add GitHub Action job summaries to workflows) closed by desrosj
fixed: @joemcgill That makes sense to me. This was mainly meant as a reminder …
14:05 Ticket #60515 (Update `regenerator-runtime` polyfill) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 58800: […]
14:05 Changeset [58800] by desrosj
External Libraries: Update the regenerator-runtime library. This …
11:36 Ticket #61741 (Interactivity API: Directives cannot access derived state properties ...) created by jonsurrell
If a directives includes derived state in a non-final position, and …
11:29 Changeset [58799] by czapla
Tests: Removes the obsolete Block Binding unregistration Follow-up to …
11:22 Ticket #61740 (Twenty Nineteen : Column Block inner spacing issue) created by pitamdey
In Twenty Nineteen Theme, when we add some text and change the colour …
10:57 Ticket #61641 (Block Bindings: Expose sources in the editor settings to consume them ...) closed by cbravobernal
fixed: In 58798: […]
10:57 Changeset [58798] by cbravobernal
Block Bindings: Adds sources in the editor settings to consume them in …
09:37 Ticket #61739 (REST API: Implement 'targetHints' property) created by Mamaduka
A proposal to add the targetHints property to the link description …
07:15 Ticket #61736 (WP Site Health doesn't work if `wp-content/uploads/fonts` directory ...) closed by swissspidy
duplicate: This is already being tracked in #61638
06:54 Ticket #61738 (admin_bar_menu node my-account returns null) created by michaelwp85
Getting admin bar node "my-account" returns null after updating to …
05:40 Ticket #61737 (Naming the plugin which is doing a fatal error on plugin ...) created by sebastienserre
Hello If on plugin is issuing a fatal error on bulk deactivation, …
02:11 Ticket #61736 (WP Site Health doesn't work if `wp-content/uploads/fonts` directory ...) created by jkmassel
Related to #60719 and …
00:45 Ticket #61735 (3D Secure Verification Token is missing WooCommerce Square) closed by markparnell
invalid: Hi @sigma604 and welcome to Trac! Sorry to hear you're having trouble …
00:36 Ticket #61735 (3D Secure Verification Token is missing WooCommerce Square) created by sigma604
Hi, the transaction keeps declining on customers and I get this error. …
00:24 Ticket #61588 (Theme.json: enable block-level background image styles) closed by noisysocks
fixed: In 58797: […]
00:24 Changeset [58797] by noisysocks
Block themes: Enable block-level background image styles Allows …


21:50 Ticket #61132 (Twenty Twenty: Quote block border does not reflect text alignment on ...) closed by karmatosed
fixed: In 58796: […]
21:50 Changeset [58796] by karmatosed
Twenty Twenty: Fixes Quote block border not reflecting alignment. …
21:17 Ticket #61734 (Add the ability to handle "fetchpriority" to ES Modules and Import Maps) created by dennysdionigi
This is a follow-up to #56313. Following this ticket, seems that …
20:10 Ticket #50311 (Twenty Twenty: blocks are too narrow in editor when the Full Width ...) closed by sabernhardt
maybelater: When/if the editor adds a body class such as template-full-width for …
20:07 Ticket #43096 (Reduce redundant calls to translate()) closed by pbearne
wontfix: The code has been refactored, so this patch is not needed
19:35 Ticket #56044 (E2E tests are failing silently) closed by desrosj
worksforme: It looks like these specific errors have resolved over time. Probably …
19:21 Ticket #61733 (Slack notifications removed from E2E testing for the 6.3-5.8 branches) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 58795: […]
19:21 Changeset [58795] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Re-add Slack notices for E2E workflow. This re-adds …
19:20 Changeset [58794] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Re-add Slack notices for E2E workflow. This re-adds …
19:16 Changeset [58793] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Re-add Slack notices for E2E workflow. This re-adds …
19:15 Changeset [58792] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Re-add Slack notices for E2E workflow. This re-adds …
19:15 Changeset [58791] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Re-add Slack notices for E2E workflow. This re-adds …
19:13 Changeset [58790] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Re-add Slack notices for E2E workflow. This re-adds …
19:12 Ticket #61733 (Slack notifications removed from E2E testing for the 6.3-5.8 branches) created by desrosj
As part of the changes associated with #61213, the Slack notifications …
18:37 Changeset [58789] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Update third-party GitHub Actions. The following …
17:34 Ticket #37965 (Add post_last_activity column to posts database table) closed by pbearne
17:26 Ticket #61732 (get_calendar() will use invalid dates in SQL queries) created by leedxw
get_calendar() will use a client provided value for an SQL date …
17:20 Ticket #61731 (Body element specificity still bumped) closed by hellofromTonya
duplicate: Hello @cabrailsford, Welcome to WordPress Core Trac. This particular …
17:06 Ticket #61731 (Body element specificity still bumped) created by cabrailsford
After upgrading to 6.6.1 today, I noticed that the body element is …
15:59 Changeset [58788] by jorbin
Post WordPress 6.6.1 version bump.
15:53 Milestone 6.6.1 completed
15:51 Ticket #61550 (Template contents are wiped out on rename) reopened by Bernhard Reiter
Re-opening to request approval from another Core Committer for …
15:13 Changeset [58787] by jorbin
Tag 6.6.1
15:09 Changeset [58786] by jorbin
WordPress 6.6.1
14:18 Ticket #61730 (`delete_network_option` sets network `notoptions` cache on ...) created by bjorsch
On a non-multisite, get_network_option(), add_network_option(), …
13:41 Ticket #61550 (Template contents are wiped out on rename) closed by Bernhard Reiter
fixed: In 58785: […]
13:41 Changeset [58785] by Bernhard Reiter
Block Hooks: Don't erase post content if it isn't changed by client. …
13:39 Ticket #55126 (Twenty Sixteen: Replace frontend jQuery usage with vanilla JS) reopened by karmatosed
Reopening and assigning to @flixos90 as discussed.
12:29 Ticket #61709 (6.6 introduces an in-line display:flow-root on Gutenberg's ...) reopened by Ankit K Gupta
12:18 Ticket #61709 (6.6 introduces an in-line display:flow-root on Gutenberg's ...) closed by Hitendra Chopda
11:58 Ticket #52051 (Customize shortcut is not visible in mobile view) closed by sabernhardt
duplicate: Thanks for reporting. This needs to be solved in the Customizer for …
09:57 Ticket #57544 (Twenty Twenty: Incorrect Colour in editor for Separator Block) closed by karmatosed
fixed: In 58784: […]
09:57 Changeset [58784] by karmatosed
Twenty Twenty: Fixes incorrect colour in editor for seperator block. …
09:37 Ticket #53532 (Twenty Twenty-One: Dark Mode causes flicker (light to dark) when reloading) closed by karmatosed
worksforme: Thank you for everyone's work on this, for now I am going to close this.
09:35 Ticket #48691 (Twenty Twenty: Audio block alignment issue) closed by karmatosed
invalid: I am going to follow through closing this, thank you everyone.
09:31 Ticket #56157 (Twenty Twenty: Table font size not reflected in frontend) closed by karmatosed
worksforme: Thank you everyone. For now I am going to close this.
09:30 Ticket #49154 (Twenty Twenty: group blocks do not clear children) closed by karmatosed
worksforme: I am going to follow through and close this, thank you everyone.
09:05 Ticket #59012 (Option to change Twitter Bird to Twitter X logo) closed by karmatosed
invalid: I am going to close up this for now, thanks everyone.
08:43 Ticket #61729 (Image size problem) created by mohammad212dasd
[[Image(...)]] Hello, there is always this …
08:19 Ticket #54204 (Twenty Twenty-One: <button>s are not styled in block editor) closed by karmatosed
worksforme: Based on my findings above, I will close this for now. We can always …
08:18 Ticket #54368 (Twenty Twenty-One: Visibility issue on Input field of search widget in ...) closed by karmatosed
wontfix: For now, I am going to follow through and close this. Thank you …
07:49 Ticket #61639 (REST API: Posts/Pages endpoint prefixes private pages titles.) closed by youknowriad
fixed: In 58783: […]
07:49 Changeset [58783] by youknowriad
REST API: Remove post status prefix from REST API responses. When …
06:53 Ticket #61728 (Stabilize experimental Typography block support keys) created by andrewserong
For WordPress 6.7, stabilize the experimental Typography block support …
00:25 Ticket #61484 (Prime notoptions within `delete_option()`, `delete_network_option()`.) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 58782: […]
00:25 Changeset [58782] by peterwilsoncc
Options, Meta APIs: Prime notoptions cache when deleting options. …


23:19 Changeset [58781] by dmsnell
HTML API: Fix unsupported insertion mode messages. Insertion modes in …
22:51 Ticket #61727 (Add `$context` parameter to `get_edit_comment_link()` to get the URL ...) created by flixos90
The get_edit_comment_link() function currently always returns its …
22:49 Changeset [58780] by dmsnell
HTML API: Remove empty test file after adding support for missing …
22:42 Ticket #61726 (Not providing optional `$taxonomy` parameter in `get_edit_term_link()` ...) created by flixos90
In #35922, the $taxonomy parameter of get_edit_term_link() was …
22:22 Changeset [58779] by dmsnell
HTML API: Add missing tags in IN BODY insertion mode to HTML …
20:46 Ticket #61725 (Recurring Malicious Redirect Code in Plug In) closed by johnbillion
invalid: Sorry you're having a problem with your website @amycmoreland but this …
18:53 Ticket #61725 (Recurring Malicious Redirect Code in Plug In) created by amycmoreland
Hi There! I've been working with Dreamhost to identify & remove …
17:50 Ticket #49008 (Twenty Twenty: Customizer widgets' edit buttons are partially ...) closed by karmatosed
fixed: In 58778: […]
17:50 Changeset [58778] by karmatosed
Twenty Twenty: Fixes Customizer widget edit buttons being obstructed …
16:40 Ticket #61724 (Twenty Twenty Four Theme Issues) created by steadfastcontent
I used the Twenty Twenty Four theme on my website but every time I …
16:28 Ticket #60239 (Twenty Sixteen: Quote block border width is relative on front end but ...) closed by karmatosed
fixed: In 58777: […]
16:28 Changeset [58777] by karmatosed
Twenty Sixteen: Fixes Quote block border width changes depending on …
15:34 Ticket #55892 (Twenty Twelve: submenu hidden under slideshow block) closed by karmatosed
fixed: In 58776: […]
15:34 Changeset [58776] by karmatosed
Twenty Twelve: Fixes submenu hiding under slideshow block. Whilst …
14:57 Ticket #61723 (Twenty Sixteen: Image Block Alignment Offset (Left/Right)) created by mrfoxtalbot
After the 6.6 updated, floated images in Twenty Sixteen are offset: …
11:34 Ticket #49667 (Twenty Twenty: Cover-Template scrolling issue) closed by karmatosed
duplicate: Duplicate of #48837.
10:00 Changeset [58775] by youknowriad
Build Tools: Use umd builds provided by React instead of bundling our …
05:26 Ticket #61722 (JS Error when mouving mouse on pattern archive) created by gaeldenysiak
When you're moving your mouse across the pattern archive page, there …
05:21 Ticket #61721 (Filters on pattern archive page not working) created by gaeldenysiak
When you are on the patterns archive page and your want to filter sync …
04:22 Ticket #61720 (Background: add background attachment support to theme.json styles) created by ramonopoly
A ticket to track the syncing of the PHP files for following Gutenberg …
02:34 Ticket #61719 (WP_HTML_Tag_Processor doesn't allow to set a valid image src) created by ivanzhuck
WP_HTML_Tag_Processor doesn't allow to set inline encoded SVG as a …


18:58 Ticket #61714 (Text "None" disappeared from Align Display in WordPress 6.6) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
Hi there, thanks for the ticket! Reopening for 6.6.2 consideration.
18:56 Ticket #61714 (Text "None" disappeared from Align Display in WordPress 6.6) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 58774: […]
18:56 Changeset [58774] by SergeyBiryukov
I18N: Correctly output the None translatable strings. Includes …
16:44 Ticket #61379 (404s related to caching) closed by sabernhardt
invalid: Hi and welcome to WordPress Core Trac! I think that reporting this to …
14:21 Ticket #61368 (Continuous issue to access due to maintenance?) closed by Presskopp
invalid: Hello and welcome @amymarie286, I'm sorry to hear you ran into such …
08:56 Ticket #61718 (After updating the version, the sidebar stopped working) closed by sabernhardt
invalid: Hi and welcome to WordPress Core Trac! For help with your site, …
06:12 Ticket #61718 (After updating the version, the sidebar stopped working) created by e-lub
In earlier updates, the sidebar worked (, iconic-one …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.