Make WordPress Core

Custom Query

Results (112)

Ticket Milestone Owner Priority Status Summary Type
#21077 6.6 johnbillion normal closed Add support for custom ports in multisite site addresses enhancement
#37647 6.6 audrasjb normal closed FTP Credentials Modal should have a 'button-primary' class on the 'Proceed' button enhancement
#39281 6.6 poena normal closed Twenty Seventeen: header.php forces thumbnails on all post types enhancement
#40493 6.6 joedolson normal closed On the Edit User Profile page, prevent losing data when clicking links enhancement
#41172 6.6 swissspidy normal closed Allow autosaving to be disabled on a per post type basis enhancement
#42441 6.6 flixos90 normal closed Disable autoload for large options enhancement
#44853 6.6 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Remove extra condition enhancement
#46108 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Nineteen: Include contributing.txt file with Sass compiler instructions enhancement
#51358 6.6 johnbillion normal closed Add a clearer warning message before deleting a site from a network enhancement
#52088 6.6 johnbillion normal closed Add multisite support to the local Docker environment enhancement
#52551 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Twenty-One: Search box alignment enhancement
#53874 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Bundled Themes: Measurement in 'px' is unnecessary enhancement
#58281 6.6 johnbillion normal closed Rollback Auto-Update (Rollback part 3) enhancement
#58433 6.6 peterwilsoncc normal closed Improve Etag-based cache busting for styles and scripts enhancement
#58510 6.6 adamsilverstein normal closed Add fetchpriority attribute to wp_preload_resources enhancement
#58719 6.6 johnbillion normal closed Bump the minimum PHP version to 7.2 enhancement
#58901 6.6 rajinsharwar normal closed Flush 'user_activation_key' after successfully login enhancement
#59006 6.6 audrasjb normal closed No title attribute on oEmbed and REST API <link>s enhancement
#59514 6.6 spacedmonkey normal closed Add more context to split_the_query filter enhancement
#59561 6.6 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Short Description is missing in code comment enhancement
#59688 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Add descriptions to patterns in bundled themes enhancement
#60131 6.6 spacedmonkey normal closed Global styles controllers: extend classes with WP_REST_Posts_Controller and WP_REST_Revisions_Controller enhancement
#60426 6.6 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Update WP_Test_REST_TestCase::assertErrorResponse() to allow custom failure messages enhancement
#60433 6.6 swissspidy normal closed Adding delete_post_{$post->post_type} action hook enhancement
#60554 6.6 swissspidy normal closed Add support for using only PHP translation files enhancement
#60565 6.6 audrasjb normal closed download_url() returns inaccurate error message on missing URL argument enhancement
#60578 6.6 desrosj normal closed When plugin upload fails, add a link to return to plugin installer page enhancement
#60581 6.6 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Redundant variable type check enhancement
#60610 6.6 joedolson normal closed Consider fixing user mistakes and/or adding unit tests for $preferred_ext in wp_mime_type_icon() enhancement
#60668 6.6 audrasjb normal closed Missing translation in login_header() first parameter enhancement
#60673 6.6 rcreators normal closed Indicate submenu item level in admin nav menu editor and customizer nav menu editor enhancement
#60698 6.6 dmsnell normal closed Token Map: Introduce an efficient lookup and translation class for string mappings. feature request
#60719 6.6 audrasjb normal closed Add fonts upload location to Site Health report enhancement
#60723 6.6 tomjcafferkey normal closed TT3: Wrap Navigation block in Row within the header.html template part enhancement
#60759 6.6 Bernhard Reiter normal closed Block Hooks: Harmonize ignoredHookedBlocks metadata injection logic enhancement
#60763 6.6 joedolson normal closed Allow resizing the individual content areas in Appearance / Menus enhancement
#60774 6.6 audrasjb normal closed Make the user_login field readonly instead of disabled on the profile screen enhancement
#60779 6.6 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Twenty Twenty: use $theme_version variable for font stylesheet enhancement
#60784 6.6 isabel_brison normal closed Add __experimentalSkipSerialization support to shadow enhancement
#60810 6.6 swissspidy normal closed Coding Standards: Rename `$postid` parameter in `has_meta()` enhancement
#60847 6.6 audrasjb normal closed Style Engine: continue get_classnames loop after adding the default classname enhancement
#60881 6.6 peterwilsoncc normal closed Introduce 'template_name' label to custom post types and custom taxonomies enhancement
#60884 6.6 swissspidy normal closed Caddy server / FrankenPHP got_url_rewrite support enhancement
#60895 6.6 TimothyBlynJacobs normal closed Add batch support to users REST API WP_REST_Users_Controller enhancement
#60913 6.6 czapla normal closed Remove unnecessary code for ensuring interactivity API dependency in block core functions enhancement
#60962 6.6 swissspidy normal closed Remove now unnecessary polyfill dependencies enhancement
#60975 6.6 joedolson normal closed URLs for the "An alt Decision Tree" page by language enhancement
#60977 6.6 audrasjb normal closed "Edit site" means two different things on a Multisite network enhancement
#61020 6.6 swissspidy normal closed Add Bluesky ( to oEmbed allowlist enhancement
#61021 6.6 TimothyBlynJacobs normal closed REST API: Add stylesheet_uri and template_uri fields to themes endpoint enhancement
#61023 6.6 Mamaduka normal closed Add 'label' argument to register_setting enhancement
#61035 6.6 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Fix typo in WP_Block_Type::__construct docs enhancement
#61037 6.6 jonsurrell normal closed Interactivity API: Directives cannot derive state on the server feature request
#61039 6.6 gziolo normal closed Interactivity API: Some property access does not work well in server directives enhancement
#61044 6.6 cbravobernal normal closed Interactivity API: Debug - Warning about Server Directives Processing errors. enhancement
#61052 6.6 dmsnell normal closed WP_KSES data attributes: Allow double dash enhancement
#61053 6.6 spacedmonkey normal closed Provide a way to load multiple specific network options with a single database / cache request enhancement
#61072 6.6 dmsnell normal closed HTML API: Add custom text decoder enhancement
#61086 6.6 jonsurrell normal closed Script Modules: Hooks are not registered in wp-admin enhancement
#61087 6.6 jonsurrell normal closed Interactivity API: Cannot be used from wp-admin enhancement
#61090 6.6 audrasjb normal closed Update jQuery UI library to version 1.13.3 enhancement
#61099 6.6 isabel_brison normal closed Add Style Engine support for nested CSS rules enhancement
#61108 6.6 johnbillion normal closed Pass `$locale` to the `load_translation_file` filter enhancement
#61109 6.6 audrasjb normal closed Officially expose the Site Editor Patterns page for all classic themes enhancement
#61111 6.6 isabel_brison normal closed Add support for column and row span in grid layout child blocks. enhancement
#61115 6.6 johnbillion normal closed Improve i18n for disk space health checks enhancement
#61119 6.6 isabel_brison normal closed Global Styles: Add scoping of feature level selectors for custom block style variations enhancement
#61120 6.6 isabel_brison normal closed Global Styles: Update util for scoping CSS selectors enhancement
#61121 6.6 ellatrix normal closed Theme JSON: Extract util to get valid block style variations enhancement
#61123 6.6 ramonopoly normal closed Background block supports: add support for top-level styles in theme.json enhancement
#61124 6.6 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Missing doc comment text enhancement
#61135 6.6 isabel_brison normal closed Global styles: output :root selector for CSS custom properties gutenberg and remove unused vars enhancement
#61137 6.6 fabiankaegy normal closed Allow view access of template rest endpoint to anyone with the edit_post capability enhancement
#61139 6.6 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Add an optional $post parameter to get_the_title_rss() the same way get_the_title() works enhancement
#61165 6.6 isabel_brison normal closed Reduce specificity of global styles and layout selectors enhancement
#61170 6.6 jonsurrell normal closed Interactivity API: Improve JSON store serialization enhancement
#61171 6.6 gziolo normal closed Interactivity API: Include preact/debug when SCRIPT_DEBUG is enabled enhancement
#61182 6.6 dmsnell normal closed Normalize UTF-8 charset slug detection. enhancement
#61185 6.6 gziolo normal closed Interactivity API: Move directive processing to `WP_Block` class enhancement
#61199 6.6 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Make Settings API documentation link clickable in options.php enhancement
#61206 6.6 swissspidy normal closed Allow to filter the returned value of `WP_Textdomain_Registry::get()` enhancement
#61213 6.6 desrosj normal closed Convert GitHub Action workflows into reusable ones enhancement
#61228 6.6 ellatrix normal closed Backport: Templates perf: resolve patterns server side enhancement
#61239 6.6 fabiankaegy normal closed Add aspect ratio presets support via theme.json enhancement
#61240 6.6 swissspidy normal closed Add e2e test for maintenance mode and other edge cases enhancement
#61250 6.6 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Backport: Add excerpt support to the wp_block post type enhancement
#61255 6.6 dmsnell normal closed HTML API: Report depth of currently-matched element. feature request
#61256 6.6 ellatrix normal closed Backport: Add new textAlign block support enhancement
#61257 6.6 dmsnell normal closed HTML API: Indicate if a matched element expects a closing tag/token. feature request
#61262 6.6 jonsurrell normal closed Build: Update JavaScript build variables for Gutenberg PR 61486 enhancement
#61266 6.6 youknowriad normal closed Admin Bar: Update the site editor link to open the editor in edit mode directly. enhancement
#61273 6.6 ramonopoly normal closed Background image: add support for relative theme path URLs in top-level theme.json styles enhancement
#61274 6.6 isabel_brison normal closed Block Styles: Allow registration across multiple block types at once enhancement
#61276 6.6 joemcgill normal closed Add "Audit Autoloaded Options" Site Health Check enhancement
#61279 6.6 normal closed Editor: update all packages to the latest versions enhancement
#61282 6.6 ellatrix normal closed Backport theme.json version 3 migrations enhancement
#61288 6.6 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Docstrings don't reflect function return type change. enhancement
#61304 6.6 isabel_brison normal closed Improve consistency of root padding enhancement
#61312 6.6 aaronrobertshaw normal closed Add section styling via extended block style variations enhancement
#61316 6.6 afragen normal closed Directories and Sizes label should have translation comment that Sizes also related to db enhancement
#61324 6.6 ellatrix normal closed React: Upgrade to the new JSX transform enhancement
#61333 6.6 talldanwp normal closed Add block bindings support for a __default attribute for pattern overrides enhancement
#61339 6.6 ellatrix normal closed Editor: update packages to latest version enhancement
#61348 6.6 dmsnell normal closed HTML API: Report real and virtual nodes in the HTML Processor. enhancement
#61351 6.6 audrasjb normal closed Simplify the block bindings HTML replacement logic enhancement
#61369 6.6 oandregal normal closed Refactor fixture replacements for the "class_list" REST API field. enhancement
#61370 6.6 oandregal normal closed Global styles code quality refactoring enhancement
#61371 6.6 isabel_brison normal closed Improve `class WP_Theme_JSON` tests enhancement
#61410 6.6 ellatrix normal closed Editor: update all npm packages for WP 6.6 Beta 2 enhancement
#61493 6.6 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Coding Standards: An extra line in between functions in wp-includes/blocks.php enhancement
#38073 6.6 swissspidy low closed Remove any usage of wp_reset_vars() enhancement
#60683 6.6 SergeyBiryukov low closed Optimize code to reduce unwanted memory allocation enhancement
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.