Make WordPress Core

Custom Query

Results (222)

Ticket Milestone Owner Priority Status Summary Type
#60651 6.5 swissspidy high closed Block Bindings: Don't show protected fields that are bound to blocks and post meta defect (bug)
#17379 6.5 hellofromTonya normal closed Filtered exports drop attachments and featured images defect (bug)
#23374 6.5 joedolson normal closed Custom photo title is overwritten upon completion of upload defect (bug)
#31352 6.5 joedolson normal closed Media icons are not retina friendly defect (bug)
#32728 6.5 joedolson normal closed Customizer Menus: Accessibility: reordering menu items should have some indication about the item level defect (bug)
#34668 6.5 alexstine normal closed Admin submenus can't be accessed via keyboard using screen readers defect (bug)
#40610 6.5 joedolson normal closed HTML5 Validation error in Screen Options > Pagination defect (bug)
#43439 6.5 swissspidy normal closed &_embed only embedding first 10 categories defect (bug)
#43814 6.5 joedolson normal closed Checkbox label has a period in Add New User page. defect (bug)
#43904 6.5 antpb normal closed Media toolbar spacing inconsistent across views defect (bug)
#48244 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed script-loader.php Need to use _n() when more than one results are found defect (bug)
#50069 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Plugin screen issue: when you don’t have any plugin installed or when delete all plugins on small screen defect (bug)
#52529 6.5 rajinsharwar normal closed Non-slashed $old_user_data->user_email in wp_insert_user causes user_activation_key to be unset defect (bug)
#56645 6.5 normal closed Multi-Site bug in PostAuthorComboBox for Super Admins not part of Site defect (bug)
#56841 6.5 swissspidy normal closed WordPress pagination broken after updating to 6.0 defect (bug)
#56865 6.5 audrasjb normal closed $args taking effect too late in register_block_type_from_metadata defect (bug)
#57336 6.5 rajinsharwar normal closed Escape missing URLs and HTML element content in wp-activate.php defect (bug)
#57854 6.5 hellofromTonya normal closed Twenty Twenty-One: Pull Quote block font-size issue defect (bug)
#58010 6.5 jorbin normal closed Missing context for string in Events widget defect (bug)
#58022 6.5 audrasjb normal closed Twenty Twenty: fix Table block's border colors defect (bug)
#58049 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Add default value to the @param tag for the constructor in /wp-admin/includes/class-custom-image-header.php defect (bug)
#58082 6.5 joedolson normal closed Import metadata description from Darktable into media caption in WordPress defect (bug)
#58226 6.5 joedolson normal closed HTML attribute "action" on element "form": Must be non-empty. defect (bug)
#58238 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed comment_text filter not applied with correct number of arguments within REST API defect (bug)
#58361 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Passing 'none' as 'menu_icon' to 'register_post_type' is not working correctly defect (bug)
#58443 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Twenty Nineteen Button is having issue with line height. defect (bug)
#58498 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Twenty Fifteen: Cover and File blocks spacing defect (bug)
#58514 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Escaping function missing in upload_space_setting() defect (bug)
#58566 6.5 swissspidy normal closed WP_Http::normalize_cookies does not convert cookie names to strings defect (bug)
#58603 6.5 joedolson normal closed Twenty Twenty-Three: Update font sizes to ensure accessible responsive typography defect (bug)
#58683 6.5 audrasjb normal closed Cast return value to int in functions that use ceil() defect (bug)
#58696 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Installation pages do not have JS translations defect (bug)
#58783 6.5 joedolson normal closed Alternative text entered whilst uploading an image is lost when the image finished uploading defect (bug)
#58973 6.5 joedolson normal closed Unwanted Section appears in the sidebar of Media Library after go back from Edit Image defect (bug)
#58995 6.5 davidbaumwald normal closed Remove individual files from `$_old_files` array when its parent directory is already included defect (bug)
#59008 6.5 audrasjb normal closed Twenty Twenty-Three: problem with some international characters defect (bug)
#59121 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Issue with bulk edit checkbox selection in the post table list. defect (bug)
#59175 6.5 audrasjb normal closed register_block_type is not working with symbolic links defect (bug)
#59200 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Missing URL escape in wp-activate.php defect (bug)
#59249 6.5 swissspidy normal closed shortcode_parse_atts() result for no attributes does not match the documentation defect (bug)
#59253 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Twenty Sixteen: Add border-radius to avatar images in the editor with Post Author or Avatar blocks defect (bug)
#59255 6.5 audrasjb normal closed WP: Improve various globals documentation, as per docblock standards. defect (bug)
#59278 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Missing esc_attr() in class-custom-image-header.php defect (bug)
#59285 6.5 audrasjb normal closed Twenty Nineteen : Avatar design is different in editor and frontend side in Post Author Block defect (bug)
#59352 6.5 flixos90 normal closed Inline images inserted in the block editor can erroneously get fetchpriority=high defect (bug)
#59406 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Undefined and unused variable in WP_Test_Stream::mkdir defect (bug)
#59433 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Plugin deletion results must be stored in an option instead of a transient to avoid the transient being removed on shutdown defect (bug)
#59448 6.5 peterwilsoncc normal closed is_wp_version_compatible works unreliably defect (bug)
#59496 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Duotone undefined index/array key warning defect (bug)
#59532 6.5 thekt12 normal closed Avoid registering block-patterns on the frontend defect (bug)
#59601 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Infinte loop in Spy_REST_Server defect (bug)
#59624 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Update to readme to add pass params instuctions defect (bug)
#59630 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed wp_json_encode(): rename parameters for parity with PHP Core defect (bug)
#59665 6.5 hellofromTonya normal closed Fix CI jobs: update "packages" > "version" number in 6.5 package-lock.json file. defect (bug)
#59690 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Add missing argument type for `supports` in `register_post_type()` defect (bug)
#59696 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Fix duotone PHP Unit tests - Allow to run it individually defect (bug)
#59698 6.5 joedolson normal closed Incorrect docs for `wp_attachment_is()` defect (bug)
#59701 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Readme: Update MySQL recommended version defect (bug)
#59733 6.5 afercia normal closed Disabled form controls should not use cursor: pointer defect (bug)
#59737 6.5 peterwilsoncc normal closed test for wp_cache_set_last_changed defect (bug)
#59745 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Docblock update for `wp_calculate_image_sizes` hook defect (bug)
#59758 6.5 jorbin normal closed Update Theme via CLI ignores Requires PHP Constraint defect (bug)
#59768 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Replace `tabindex` example in submit button function docs defect (bug)
#59795 6.5 peterwilsoncc normal closed Private Information Exposure via redirect_guess_404_permalink() defect (bug)
#59858 6.5 hellofromTonya normal closed A typo in the parameter description of the wp_print_font_faces function defect (bug)
#59875 6.5 adamsilverstein normal closed Revisions controller: get_item can return a revision whose parent does not match the `parent` route fragment defect (bug)
#59881 6.5 flixos90 normal closed Incorrect check for block theme in legacy PHPUnit test defect (bug)
#59887 6.5 audrasjb normal closed The description of the `attributes` key for the parameter `$args` of the `wp_admin_notice` function is omitted. defect (bug)
#59888 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Add 'weekly' to `wp_schedule_event()` function description defect (bug)
#59907 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Typo in wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-users-list-table.php defect (bug)
#59921 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Update submit_button() default values for consistency defect (bug)
#59922 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Twenty Nineteen is using CSS selectors that are no longer used in the editor defect (bug)
#59929 6.5 normal closed Use post_password_required() for comment capability checks defect (bug)
#59930 6.5 desrosj normal closed Problems pulling relevant MySQL Docker container defect (bug)
#59931 6.5 jorbin normal closed PHPunit test for _wp_mysql_week() defect (bug)
#59938 6.5 jorbin normal closed phpUnit test for wpScheduledDelete defect (bug)
#59953 6.5 jorbin normal closed PHPunit tests for _wp_timezone_choice_usort_callback defect (bug)
#59967 6.5 hellofromTonya normal closed Search Button Position Breaks When JavaScript is Turned Off defect (bug)
#59969 6.5 joemcgill normal closed Conditional loading `build_template_part_block_variations` for performance improvement defect (bug)
#59975 6.5 flixos90 normal closed Set autoload to 'no' for previously activated themes defect (bug)
#59977 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Remove the Unused global variables in the class-wp-site-health.php file. defect (bug)
#59987 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Add port number to target origin in postMessage calls after plugin updates from within the update iframe defect (bug)
#59995 6.5 fgiannar normal closed Taxonomy: Check for empty term after DB sanitization in wp_insert_term defect (bug)
#60025 6.5 joemcgill normal closed Changeset 57156 breaks themes that relied on update_option( 'stylesheet', '...' ) defect (bug)
#60032 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed $body_id global variable return value to string not int. defect (bug)
#60034 6.5 isabel_brison normal closed Fix the period in the in-line comment of wp_block_theme_activate_nonce() defect (bug)
#60036 6.5 desrosj normal closed Raise the minimum required version of MySQL to 5.5.5 defect (bug)
#60059 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Warning / Error in wp-includes/canonical.php when $_GET['author'] is an array defect (bug)
#60067 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Typo in wp-includes/class-wp-date-query.php defect (bug)
#60078 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Fix the Generic.Formatting.MultipleStatementAlignment.IncorrectWarning linter warning in WP_HTML_Tag_Processor defect (bug)
#60083 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Twenty Twenty-Four: Use strict title case in custom template names defect (bug)
#60105 6.5 youknowriad normal closed Add a timezone offset display value to defect (bug)
#60108 6.5 jonsurrell normal closed HTML API: May attempt out of range string access defect (bug)
#60119 6.5 youknowriad normal closed Pattern Category: change show_tagcloud to false defect (bug)
#60120 6.5 spacedmonkey normal closed Add cache group to block pattern cache defect (bug)
#60126 6.5 Bernhard Reiter normal closed Block Hooks: Sibling insertion incompatible with constrained layout defect (bug)
#60140 6.5 afercia normal closed Copy buttons: Insufficient color contrast ratio for the 'Copied!' text defect (bug)
#60146 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed $global Should add after @since according to PHP Documentation Standards in wp-settings.php defect (bug)
#60167 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Change the variable $locale to '$determined_locale'. defect (bug)
#60171 6.5 mukesh27 normal closed Remove the period from URLs in @see tags defect (bug)
#60183 6.5 joelcj91 normal closed Missing $previous_status argument in post trash hooks causes fatal error defect (bug)
#60209 6.5 swissspidy normal closed X-Redirect-By type incomplete defect (bug)
#60214 6.5 audrasjb normal closed Fix var types of parameters in `sanitize_option_{$option}` filter defect (bug)
#60218 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed PHPunit test for wp_parse_id_list defect (bug)
#60222 6.5 costdev normal closed Typo defect (bug)
#60240 6.5 youknowriad normal closed Script Modules API: Move the modules to the footer in classic themes defect (bug)
#60245 6.5 audrasjb normal closed textdomain is missing in inc/block-patterns.php in Twenty Sixteen & Twenty Seventeen Theme defect (bug)
#60246 6.5 audrasjb normal closed Docs: incorrect coment in delete_theme() function defect (bug)
#60247 6.5 joedolson normal closed Replace exclusionary words within code comments defect (bug)
#60255 6.5 jonsurrell normal closed Add $schema property to block and theme JSON files defect (bug)
#60263 6.5 isabel_brison normal closed Fluid typography: PHP division by zero error when theme.json min and max viewport widths are equal defect (bug)
#60280 6.5 isabel_brison normal closed Ensure base global styles are loaded before block styles. defect (bug)
#60285 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Several typo corrections in core files inline documents defect (bug)
#60288 6.5 flixos90 normal closed Fix unstable query test for post tags defect (bug)
#60290 6.5 joemcgill normal closed Changeset #56635 breaks template loading in multisite network using switch_to_blog() defect (bug)
#60292 6.5 isabel_brison normal closed Layout: backport fix to ensure blocks without layout support do not receive layout classnames defect (bug)
#60294 6.5 youknowriad normal closed Block custom CSS: Backport updates to PHPUnit tests defect (bug)
#60307 6.5 dmsnell normal closed HTML API: Cleanup tests and list of void elements. defect (bug)
#60310 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Several typo corrections in bundle theme files defect (bug)
#60320 6.5 westonruter normal closed JSON is corrupted when output via wp_get_inline_script_tag() and HTML5 theme support absent defect (bug)
#60323 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Add missing full stop defect (bug)
#60324 6.5 audrasjb normal closed Add missing esc_html() defect (bug)
#60325 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Twenty Twenty-Four: system-serif slug type-o defect (bug)
#60326 6.5 youknowriad normal closed Unset variable set by reference after a foreach loop defect (bug)
#60327 6.5 youknowriad normal closed Fix: PHP 8.1 deprecated warning strpos() defect (bug)
#60331 6.5 westonruter normal closed Clarify in phpdoc that wp_print_inline_script_tag() and wp_get_inline_script_tag() are not only for JavaScript defect (bug)
#60337 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Installing custom fonts genereates untracked 'fonts' directory defect (bug)
#60341 6.5 youknowriad normal closed Fix: Theme.json font settings in unit test defect (bug)
#60343 6.5 youknowriad normal closed Fix: Theme.json application of custom root selector for styles defect (bug)
#60346 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Several typo corrections in po.php file defect (bug)
#60348 6.5 gziolo normal closed Script Modules API: Add import map polyfill for older browsers. defect (bug)
#60357 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Add check for fitler to sanitize_textarea_field and sanitize_text_field PHPtests defect (bug)
#60363 6.5 audrasjb normal closed Small typo corrections in link-template.php defect (bug)
#60380 6.5 youknowriad normal closed Interactivity API: Add deprecated functions of Interactive Core blocks defect (bug)
#60382 6.5 jonsurrell normal closed HTML API: WP_HTML_Processor::next_token nests void tags defect (bug)
#60383 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Twenty Eleven: Small typo correction in functions.php defect (bug)
#60385 6.5 jonsurrell normal closed HTML API: Text nodes may be incorrectly split defect (bug)
#60386 6.5 normal closed Small typo corrections in block-bindings.php & class-wp-block-bindings-registry.php defect (bug)
#60401 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Use $length in rand_long_str() documentation defect (bug)
#60405 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Typo correction in functions.php defect (bug)
#60406 6.5 jonsurrell normal closed HTML API: CDATA Lookalike comments match invalid CDATA defect (bug)
#60411 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Parent theme wrongly missing (till 6.5-alpha-57505) defect (bug)
#60412 6.5 youknowriad normal closed Improve translators comments for in compat file defect (bug)
#60415 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Coding Standards: Need to improve below two files comparison operator conditions. defect (bug)
#60428 6.5 dmsnell normal closed HTML API: Reset parser state after seeking to bookmark. defect (bug)
#60437 6.5 normal closed Editor crashes with Uncaught Error: Maximum update depth exceeded defect (bug)
#60438 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Remove unused `WP_Scripts::get_unaliased_deps()` method defect (bug)
#60447 6.5 gziolo normal closed Block Bindings API: Create WP_Block_Bindings_Source class defect (bug)
#60453 6.5 youknowriad normal closed Block Styles: Fix block style variation selector generation defect (bug)
#60455 6.5 dmsnell normal closed HTML API: Trigger active format reconstruction when reaching text nodes. defect (bug)
#60457 6.5 costdev normal closed Plugin Dependencies: Running update_option within wp-settings can be catastrophic for a high traffic site defect (bug)
#60459 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Twenty Twenty-Four: Low button color contrast in the Ember theme style defect (bug)
#60461 6.5 costdev normal closed Running the install script shows database error after plugin dependencies changeset defect (bug)
#60463 6.5 gziolo normal closed Script Modules API: Deregister script modules. defect (bug)
#60465 6.5 costdev normal closed Plugin dependency info notice improvements defect (bug)
#60467 6.5 costdev normal closed Improvements to inline note about missing dependencies defect (bug)
#60469 6.5 audrasjb normal closed Twenty Twenty: .privacy-policy CSS class affecting page body defect (bug)
#60472 6.5 costdev normal closed Improve the `plugin_missing_dependencies` error message defect (bug)
#60474 6.5 jonsurrell normal closed HTML API: HTML Processor bookmarks seek, has_bookmark bugs defect (bug)
#60484 6.5 normal closed Twenty Twenty-Two: The Quote block border width is thicker on the front end than in the editor defect (bug)
#60488 6.5 costdev normal closed Plugins dependencies notice alters visual and DOM order in the plugin cards defect (bug)
#60494 6.5 swissspidy normal closed The loading icon does not show correctly when installing the plugin defect (bug)
#60497 6.5 costdev normal closed Typo found in class-ftp.php: replace "resore" with "restore" defect (bug)
#60501 6.5 audrasjb normal closed Plugin card dependencies notice and image can overlap. defect (bug)
#60504 6.5 costdev normal closed Plugin dependencies: Account for mu-plugin as dependency defect (bug)
#60506 6.5 Bernhard Reiter normal closed Block Hooks: Newly inserted anchor block doesn't ignore hooked blocks set by filter defect (bug)
#60509 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Font Collection: Font name and description are not translatable defect (bug)
#60510 6.5 hellofromTonya normal closed Plugins Dependencies: performance improvements with finding plugin's file relative to plugins directory. defect (bug)
#60513 6.5 audrasjb normal closed trivial: using 'double asterisks (/**)' instead of 'single asterisk (/*)' for 'MockAction' class in 'tests/phpunit/includes/utils.php' looks better to me defect (bug)
#60517 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Interactivity API - Directives are not processed if there is a Math or a SVG in the HTML defect (bug)
#60518 6.5 joemcgill normal closed Plugin Dependencies: Avoid unnecessary DB writes defect (bug)
#60521 6.5 costdev normal closed Plugin updates from the plugin row don't work anymore defect (bug)
#60524 6.5 joedolson normal closed Cropping site icon should preserve attachment properties defect (bug)
#60525 6.5 gziolo normal closed Block Bindings: Let the source extend the `uses_context` in the block type defect (bug)
#60530 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Default privacy policy page not using latest block markup defect (bug)
#60535 6.5 youknowriad normal closed Twenty Twenty-Four: Unintended focus outline is applied in the Site Editor defect (bug)
#60536 6.5 hellofromTonya normal closed Installing Google font error - No font faces were installed. defect (bug)
#60537 6.5 youknowriad normal closed Font library: Not all fonts are reflected in the backend defect (bug)
#60540 6.5 costdev normal closed Plugin dependencies: guard against unexpected responses to the `plugin_information` API endpoint defect (bug)
#60542 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Interactivity API: Remove data-wp-interactive object for core/router. defect (bug)
#60553 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Performant Translations: PHP translation files erroneously in language dropdown defect (bug)
#60557 6.5 youknowriad normal closed Elements: Fix block instance element styles for links applying to buttons defect (bug)
#60563 6.5 audrasjb normal closed WP_Query::tax_query property could be null defect (bug)
#60575 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Refactor: `data_wp_context` function does not follow WP standards. defect (bug)
#60577 6.5 gziolo normal closed Pattern overrides: Add id to the supported image's binding attributes defect (bug)
#60589 6.5 swissspidy normal closed update-count is not updated when I do Plugins Updates with WordPress Updates. defect (bug)
#60590 6.5 kadamwhite normal closed Function wp_remove_surrounding_empty_script_tags should use sprintf with placeholder defect (bug)
#60591 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Small Typo corrections in script-loader.php file defect (bug)
#60603 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Typo correction in shortcodes.php file defect (bug)
#60605 6.5 youknowriad normal closed Font face resolver: If a font family name is repeated across theme.json origins only the font faces from one origin are rendered. defect (bug)
#60613 6.5 youknowriad normal closed Theme JSON CSS var preset resolution: check for null values defect (bug)
#60630 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Updates / Plugin Dependencies: Improve localized strings defect (bug)
#60633 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Shadow: add shadow control to appearanceTools opt-ins defect (bug)
#60641 6.5 jorbin normal closed Update alt text for site icon preview in customizer defect (bug)
#60660 6.5 normal closed Twenty Twenty-Four: Search button is too narrow defect (bug)
#60665 6.5 talldanwp normal closed Backport changes from pattern overrides id -> name change defect (bug)
#60671 6.5 Bernhard Reiter normal closed If you hook some blocks with Block Hooks API, slashes are stripped from template part block attributes defect (bug)
#60677 6.5 audrasjb normal closed Docs: Add missing @global tag and adjust tag position defect (bug)
#60678 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Definition of WP_Translation_File_MO::MAGIC_MARKER defect (bug)
#60686 6.5 jorbin normal closed Improve the descriptive text that's used for the site icon defect (bug)
#60687 6.5 dmsnell normal closed HTML API: Ensure that breadcrumbs are properly retained after seeking. defect (bug)
#60697 6.5 audrasjb normal closed HTML API: Defer applying updates until necessary. defect (bug)
#60707 6.5 audrasjb normal closed Dropdown menus in Admin bar need more padding in WordPress 6.5 RC1 defect (bug)
#60730 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Fix typo in class-wp-plugin-dependencies.php defect (bug)
#60740 6.5 joedolson normal closed wp_mime_type_icon function fails to return non-SVG icons defect (bug)
#60741 6.5 audrasjb normal closed Remove uneeded upload override settngs in Font Face endpoint defect (bug)
#60742 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Script Modules: Module src not filterable. defect (bug)
#60743 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Interactivity API - SSR won't work if ant render_block_data filter edits $parsed_block defect (bug)
#60744 6.5 normal closed 6.5-rc1: ref may be null from getElement() in style bindings defect (bug)
#60749 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Interactivity API: Avoid unnecessary processing of directives defect (bug)
#60758 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Interactivity API: Bind directives may access uninitialized string offset defect (bug)
#60761 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Interactivity API: Empty state objects are not correctly sent to the client defect (bug)
#60764 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Translation file cache never expires, causes issues for atomic filesystems defect (bug)
#60768 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Interactivity API - SSR context included in void tags shouldn't propagate to following elements defect (bug)
#60815 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Regression with theme.json `settings.shadow.defaultPresets` defect (bug)
#60819 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Update the Google fonts JSON data URL to the latest version. defect (bug)
#60823 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Font Library: `mb_strtolower()` throws fatal without the optional `mbstring` PHP extension installed. defect (bug)
#60825 6.5 audrasjb normal closed Menu item label "Appearance > Patterns" not properly translated defect (bug)
#59672 6.5 low closed Typo in new string about fonts defect (bug)
#60262 6.5 peterwilsoncc low closed Documentation for new_admin_email_content hook should contain a list instead of headings defect (bug)
#60268 6.5 audrasjb low closed Several typo corrections in bundle theme files defect (bug)
#60471 6.5 costdev low closed Plugin dependencies: Dependent of an inactive plugin can be deleted via bulk actions defect (bug)
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.