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Results (1 - 100 of 325)

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Component: Administration (9 matches)

Ticket Milestone Owner Priority Status Summary Type
#37647 6.6 audrasjb normal closed FTP Credentials Modal should have a 'button-primary' class on the 'Proceed' button enhancement
#40331 6.6 joedolson normal closed The placeholder attribute should not be used as a replacement for a label task (blessed)
#43095 6.6 joedolson normal closed Audit the usage of `aria-haspopup` in the admin menu defect (bug)
#47111 6.6 joedolson normal closed Dynamically added notifications need ARIA role alert or status defect (bug)
#57030 6.6 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Condition is not strictly checked on options-general.php file defect (bug)
#59494 6.6 peterwilsoncc normal closed Passing orderby as array in URL results in Notice defect (bug)
#59818 6.6 hellofromTonya normal closed [PHP 8.1] deprecated null in `explode()` for 'ping_sites' in `wp-admin/options-writing.php` with "Discourage search engines" on defect (bug)
#61028 6.6 joedolson normal closed Thickbox modal outputs replacement character in screen reader output defect (bug)
#60683 6.6 SergeyBiryukov low closed Optimize code to reduce unwanted memory allocation enhancement

Component: Autosave (1 match)

Ticket Milestone Owner Priority Status Summary Type
#41172 6.6 swissspidy normal closed Allow autosaving to be disabled on a per post type basis enhancement

Component: Bootstrap/Load (1 match)

Ticket Milestone Owner Priority Status Summary Type
#21077 6.6 johnbillion normal closed Add support for custom ports in multisite site addresses enhancement

Component: Build/Test Tools (31 matches)

Ticket Milestone Owner Priority Status Summary Type
#52088 6.6 johnbillion normal closed Add multisite support to the local Docker environment enhancement
#59416 6.6 normal closed Add a GitHub Action which alerts contributors to a WordPress Playground link to use for testing PRs task (blessed)
#59900 6.6 swissspidy normal closed Measure performance with a persistent object cache in performance tests task (blessed)
#60127 6.6 joemcgill normal closed Fix the Performance Testing workflow in the 6.4 branch task (blessed)
#60129 6.6 desrosj normal closed Comment on a PR when no Trac ticket is included task (blessed)
#60227 6.6 dmsnell normal closed HTML API: Add external test suite task (blessed)
#60426 6.6 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Update WP_Test_REST_TestCase::assertErrorResponse() to allow custom failure messages enhancement
#60705 6.6 normal closed Test tool and unit test improvements for 6.6 task (blessed)
#60706 6.6 normal closed Tests: Reduce usage of assertEquals for 6.6 task (blessed)
#60712 6.6 swissspidy normal closed Typo correction in `tests/phpunit/data/themedir1/fonts-block-theme/styles/variation-new-font-family.json` defect (bug)
#60733 6.6 normal closed GitHub Actions updates and improvements for 6.6 task (blessed)
#60757 6.6 jonsurrell normal closed Interactivity API: Fix invalid test @covers annotations defect (bug)
#60822 6.6 desrosj normal closed Fix Docker environment for ARM devices in WP <= 6.3 defect (bug)
#60840 6.6 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Composer: update to WordPressCS 3.1.0 task (blessed)
#60907 6.6 swissspidy normal closed Investigate failing `Tests_Image_Functions::test_wp_crop_image_with_url` test defect (bug)
#60971 6.6 Bernhard Reiter normal closed Ensure Gutenberg Plugin e2e Tests only run on WP versions supported by Gutenberg defect (bug)
#61102 6.6 jonsurrell normal closed Tests: Html5lib-tests context tag needs to be reset defect (bug)
#61148 6.6 johnbillion normal closed Standardise assertions for remote HTTP tests task (blessed)
#61172 6.6 desrosj normal closed Windows jobs for the build tests are failing defect (bug)
#61213 6.6 desrosj normal closed Convert GitHub Action workflows into reusable ones enhancement
#61216 6.6 desrosj normal closed Test npm workflow is failing for all branches defect (bug)
#61238 6.6 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Tests: Ticket annotations should not include any trailing characters defect (bug)
#61240 6.6 swissspidy normal closed Add e2e test for maintenance mode and other edge cases enhancement
#61262 6.6 jonsurrell normal closed Build: Update JavaScript build variables for Gutenberg PR 61486 enhancement
#61324 6.6 ellatrix normal closed React: Upgrade to the new JSX transform enhancement
#61337 6.6 joemcgill normal closed Tests: Cached data in `WP_Theme_JSON_Resolver` causes cross pollution in unit tests defect (bug)
#61340 6.6 desrosj normal closed Pin `macos-13` for the 6.3 branch and earlier defect (bug)
#61498 6.6 desrosj normal closed Update/Audit NPM Dependencies for 6.6 task (blessed)
#61499 6.6 desrosj normal closed Update `caniuse` data for 6.6 task (blessed)
#61519 6.6 desrosj normal closed Unable to pick a featured image due to JS error defect (bug)
#61533 6.6 desrosj normal closed Ensure highest supportd PHP/MySQL versions are used in local Docker Environment for all branches task (blessed)

Component: Bundled Theme (52 matches)

Ticket Milestone Owner Priority Status Summary Type
#61342 6.6 audrasjb high closed Bundled block themes: The theme.json schema version is incorrect defect (bug)
#39253 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Seventeen: Head Image Quality Issue defect (bug)
#39281 6.6 poena normal closed Twenty Seventeen: header.php forces thumbnails on all post types enhancement
#46108 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Nineteen: Include contributing.txt file with Sass compiler instructions enhancement
#46771 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Eleven: Negative values for padding defect (bug)
#52354 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Twenty-One: primary menu disappears at 481px defect (bug)
#52551 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Twenty-One: Search box alignment enhancement
#52694 6.6 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Twenty Twenty-One: Primary menu toggle filter adds toggles to third party menu locations defect (bug)
#52780 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Twenty-One: Code tag shows outside of section area defect (bug)
#53874 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Bundled Themes: Measurement in 'px' is unnecessary enhancement
#55991 6.6 audrasjb normal closed Twenty Twenty One: Unable to change size in Quote block defect (bug)
#56083 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Twenty: The design of the ordered lists on the backend side is deteriorating defect (bug)
#56204 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Thirteen: Table font size not reflected in editor and Front defect (bug)
#56443 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Nineteen: button block font size issue. defect (bug)
#56524 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Eleven: "Add Citation" Text Color issue in Pullquote Block defect (bug)
#56695 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Eleven: Pullquote block ignores font weight and style settings defect (bug)
#56949 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Twenty-Three: Screenshot of the new default theme defect (bug)
#57195 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Eleven: Padding issue in Media & Text Block defect (bug)
#57472 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Twelve: Pullquote block alignment issue from incorrect margin in editor defect (bug)
#58024 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Twenty: button block link does not inherit custom letter spacing defect (bug)
#58074 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Twelve: Table block font size not changing in editor or front-end defect (bug)
#58440 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Nineteen: Inconsistent H1 font size defect (bug)
#58474 6.6 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Twenty Seventeen: Box shadow on Site Logo block looks odd defect (bug)
#58539 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Seventeen: Image block figcaption text alignment inconsistency defect (bug)
#58547 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Seventeen: Calendar block header cells should be centered defect (bug)
#59130 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Seventeen: In "Latest Comments Block" space between comments increases on increasing the Typography Size defect (bug)
#59493 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Bundled themes: remove blank CSS lines defect (bug)
#59688 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Add descriptions to patterns in bundled themes enhancement
#59802 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Fifteen: Quote block citation text color does not change with block setting defect (bug)
#60079 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Fifteen: Separator block is too thick in the iframe editor defect (bug)
#60164 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Fourteen: Search block border is missing when button is inside wrapper, on front end defect (bug)
#60293 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Fourteen: Table block does not have same design in editor and front. defect (bug)
#60335 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Twenty-Four: FAQ Pattern creates accessibility issues defect (bug)
#60496 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Sixteen: visual and DOM order of elements in the footer mismatch defect (bug)
#60620 6.6 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Twenty Twenty-Four: Remove pattern from home template to improve performance defect (bug)
#60701 6.6 davidbaumwald normal closed Bump default theme versions for WordPress 6.6 task (blessed)
#60723 6.6 tomjcafferkey normal closed TT3: Wrap Navigation block in Row within the header.html template part enhancement
#60724 6.6 karmatosed normal closed TT2: Wrap Navigation block in Row within the header.html template part defect (bug)
#60779 6.6 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Twenty Twenty: use $theme_version variable for font stylesheet enhancement
#60800 6.6 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Twenty Twenty-One: prevent PHP 8 fatal error from non-string in $tags_list defect (bug)
#60924 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Twenty-Four: Small typo correction in testimonial pattern defect (bug)
#61004 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Twelve: typo correction(s) in block pattern defect (bug)
#61034 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Fourteen: Pullquote block needs base font size while supporting custom font size defect (bug)
#61082 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Twenty-One: Font size difference between editor & frontend in Latest Comments block defect (bug)
#61180 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Seventeen : Latest Comments Author font weight is different in both side defect (bug)
#61235 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Nineteen: Button block padding is different in the editor defect (bug)
#61306 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Sixteen: pre element has less padding in the editor defect (bug)
#61362 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Seventeen: add border-style for custom Pullquote block borders defect (bug)
#61441 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Fourteen: post content links are not underlined in the editor defect (bug)
#61460 6.6 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Twenty Twenty-Four : Current screenshot has visible drop shadow, replace screenshot defect (bug)
#45944 6.6 karmatosed low closed Twenty Nineteen: Added URL in :after styles for print.css is unreliable defect (bug)
#58475 6.6 karmatosed low closed Twenty Twenty-Three: Aubergine variation's background implementation causes any block that impacts page height to impact header defect (bug)

Component: Comments (2 matches)

Ticket Milestone Owner Priority Status Summary Type
#60475 6.6 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Possible incorrect type for $comment_id in get_comment_author filter defect (bug)
#61421 6.6 low closed Exipre comment author cookies after 1 year (rather than 0.95129375951 of a year) defect (bug)

Component: Customize (1 match)

Ticket Milestone Owner Priority Status Summary Type
#60236 6.6 audrasjb normal closed Customizer’s Widget's component should only be loaded when not using a Block Theme defect (bug)

Component: Database (1 match)

Ticket Milestone Owner Priority Status Summary Type
#60096 6.6 johnbillion normal closed Remove back-compat for database servers that don't support utf8mb4 task (blessed)

Component: Editor (2 matches)

Ticket Milestone Owner Priority Status Summary Type
#59043 6.6 swissspidy normal closed the_excerpt() function return excerpt with different length in page load and ajax request on WordPress 6.3 defect (bug)
#59283 6.6 youknowriad normal closed Block Editor: Edit permalink slug for posts is only possible after clicking "save as draft" defect (bug)
(more results for this group on next page)
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