Make WordPress Core

Custom Query

Results (12)

Ticket Milestone Owner Priority Status Summary Type
#59656 6.5 swissspidy high closed Merge Performant Translations (Ginger MO) enhancement
#44424 6.5 swissspidy normal closed PHPDoc comments and @return tags missing at many places task (blessed)
#58010 6.5 jorbin normal closed Missing context for string in Events widget defect (bug)
#58696 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Installation pages do not have JS translations defect (bug)
#58919 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Add a hook to set_cached_mo_files() to allow flexible caching strategies for globbing *.mo files enhancement
#59347 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Typo on the Gettext_Translations class enhancement
#59563 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Improve translation strings enhancement
#59947 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Comment overkill for time string enhancement
#60167 6.5 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Change the variable $locale to '$determined_locale'. defect (bug)
#60553 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Performant Translations: PHP translation files erroneously in language dropdown defect (bug)
#60678 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Definition of WP_Translation_File_MO::MAGIC_MARKER defect (bug)
#60764 6.5 swissspidy normal closed Translation file cache never expires, causes issues for atomic filesystems defect (bug)
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