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Custom Query

Results (18)

Component: Administration (1 match)

Focuses Ticket Owner Priority Status Summary Type
coding-standards #57030 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Condition is not strictly checked on options-general.php file defect (bug)

Component: Build/Test Tools (1 match)

Focuses Ticket Owner Priority Status Summary Type
coding-standards #60426 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Update WP_Test_REST_TestCase::assertErrorResponse() to allow custom failure messages enhancement

Component: Bundled Theme (2 matches)

Focuses Ticket Owner Priority Status Summary Type
css, coding-standards #53874 karmatosed normal closed Bundled Themes: Measurement in 'px' is unnecessary enhancement
coding-standards #59493 karmatosed normal closed Bundled themes: remove blank CSS lines defect (bug)

Component: Editor (1 match)

Focuses Ticket Owner Priority Status Summary Type
coding-standards #61370 oandregal normal closed Global styles code quality refactoring enhancement

Component: Embeds (1 match)

Focuses Ticket Owner Priority Status Summary Type
css, coding-standards #61085 swissspidy normal closed Remove empty CSS from wp-embed-template.css defect (bug)

Component: General (5 matches)

Focuses Ticket Owner Priority Status Summary Type
docs, coding-standards #59561 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Short Description is missing in code comment enhancement
docs, coding-standards #60699 normal closed Docblock improvements for 6.6 task (blessed)
coding-standards #60700 normal closed Coding Standards fixes for WP 6.6 task (blessed)
docs, coding-standards #61392 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Improper docblock defination structure for blocks apply_block_hooks_to_content() function defect (bug)
docs, coding-standards #61439 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Add missing full stop in wp-includes/class-wp-duotone.php file defect (bug)

Component: Menus (1 match)

Focuses Ticket Owner Priority Status Summary Type
coding-standards #61160 SergeyBiryukov normal closed phpcs error in wp-includes > nav-menu.php line 461 defect (bug)

Component: Networks and Sites (1 match)

Focuses Ticket Owner Priority Status Summary Type
coding-standards #46550 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Uncaught TypeError: setcookie() expects parameter 5 to be string, bool given in... defect (bug)

Component: Plugins (1 match)

Focuses Ticket Owner Priority Status Summary Type
administration, coding-standards #44853 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Remove extra condition enhancement

Component: Posts, Post Types (1 match)

Focuses Ticket Owner Priority Status Summary Type
coding-standards #60810 swissspidy normal closed Coding Standards: Rename `$postid` parameter in `has_meta()` enhancement

Component: Role/Capability (1 match)

Focuses Ticket Owner Priority Status Summary Type
coding-standards #61098 SergeyBiryukov normal closed phpcs error in wp-includes > capabilities.php line 1093 defect (bug)

Component: Upload (1 match)

Focuses Ticket Owner Priority Status Summary Type
coding-standards #60978 audrasjb normal closed Add missing escapes defect (bug)

Component: Users (1 match)

Focuses Ticket Owner Priority Status Summary Type
coding-standards #61315 SergeyBiryukov normal closed phpcs error in wp-includes > user.php on line 1105 and 2016 defect (bug)
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.