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Custom Query

Results (25)

Component: Administration (4 matches)

Focuses Ticket Owner Priority Status Summary Type
ui, accessibility #40331 joedolson normal closed The placeholder attribute should not be used as a replacement for a label task (blessed)
ui, accessibility #43095 joedolson normal closed Audit the usage of `aria-haspopup` in the admin menu defect (bug)
ui, accessibility #47111 joedolson normal closed Dynamically added notifications need ARIA role alert or status defect (bug)
accessibility #61028 joedolson normal closed Thickbox modal outputs replacement character in screen reader output defect (bug)

Component: Bundled Theme (4 matches)

Focuses Ticket Owner Priority Status Summary Type
accessibility, css #52354 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Twenty-One: primary menu disappears at 481px defect (bug)
accessibility, docs #59688 karmatosed normal closed Add descriptions to patterns in bundled themes enhancement
accessibility #60335 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Twenty-Four: FAQ Pattern creates accessibility issues defect (bug)
accessibility #60496 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Sixteen: visual and DOM order of elements in the footer mismatch defect (bug)

Component: Editor (1 match)

Focuses Ticket Owner Priority Status Summary Type
accessibility #60799 jwgoedert normal closed Fix ARIA attributes for Classic Editor link inserter defect (bug)

Component: Embeds (2 matches)

Focuses Ticket Owner Priority Status Summary Type
accessibility, performance, sustainability #58773 adamsilverstein normal closed Improve oEmbed lazy loading defect (bug)
accessibility, rest-api #59006 audrasjb normal closed No title attribute on oEmbed and REST API <link>s enhancement

Component: Help/About (2 matches)

Focuses Ticket Owner Priority Status Summary Type
accessibility #61320 marybaum high closed About Page 6.6 task (blessed)
accessibility, administration, privacy, ui-copy #60097 joedolson normal closed Remove target="_blank" from help tab in privacy-related screens defect (bug)

Component: Login and Registration (1 match)

Focuses Ticket Owner Priority Status Summary Type
accessibility, template #60062 audrasjb normal closed Add required attribute to username and password field in wp_login_form function. defect (bug)

Component: Media (3 matches)

Focuses Ticket Owner Priority Status Summary Type
accessibility #60141 audrasjb normal closed Proximity of controls: Upload New Media multi-file uploader defect (bug)
accessibility #60158 joedolson normal closed The description field for media doesn't automatically make paragraphs in the generated code defect (bug)
accessibility #60975 joedolson normal closed URLs for the "An alt Decision Tree" page by language enhancement

Component: Menus (1 match)

Focuses Ticket Owner Priority Status Summary Type
accessibility, javascript #60673 rcreators normal closed Indicate submenu item level in admin nav menu editor and customizer nav menu editor enhancement

Component: Plugins (1 match)

Focuses Ticket Owner Priority Status Summary Type
accessibility #61011 rcreators normal closed Plugin management: The "Install Now/Activate" button should be a button not a link defect (bug)

Component: Themes (1 match)

Focuses Ticket Owner Priority Status Summary Type
accessibility #60922 joedolson normal closed get_custom_logo returns an empty link when no logo image is set defect (bug)

Component: Toolbar (3 matches)

Focuses Ticket Owner Priority Status Summary Type
accessibility, javascript #60479 joedolson normal closed Remove adminbar skiplink focus fix defect (bug)
accessibility #60685 joedolson normal closed Keyboard focus order mismatch in adminbar in front-end defect (bug)
accessibility #60919 hellofromTonya normal closed Accessibility issue in WordPress adminbar defect (bug)

Component: Users (2 matches)

Focuses Ticket Owner Priority Status Summary Type
accessibility, javascript #40493 joedolson normal closed On the Edit User Profile page, prevent losing data when clicking links enhancement
accessibility, administration #60774 audrasjb normal closed Make the user_login field readonly instead of disabled on the profile screen enhancement
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.