Conan Exiles Wiki


With the rebirth of sorcery in the Exiled lands, it wasn't long before those in power sought to augment their forces with practitioners of the dark arts. Enter the Disciples of Zar, a cult of mercenary sorcerers purportedly trained by a mysterious demon to shape the elements to their will and harness the power of the arcane.

For sale to the highest bidder, the Disciples stop at nothing to achieve victory. But take warning. Their power comes at a high cost, and their loyalty is always in question. The Disciples are known as adepts in the northern lands, while in the southern lands, they are called arcanists


All Saddle Stats
Mount Saddle Type Sprinting
Icon pet Camel Camels Icon saddle camel 3 Camel Saddle Heavy Decorative 20 0 Conan Exiles
Icon pet Camel Camels Icon saddle camel 1 Camel Saddle Light Decorative 20 0 Conan Exiles
Icon pet Camel Camels Icon saddle camel 2 Camel Saddle Medium Decorative 20 0 Conan Exiles
Icon pet Camel Camels Icon A02C3 saddle camel desertmercenary shop Shemite Camel Saddle Decorative 20 0 Black Lotus Bazaar
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon saddle iceandfire fire shop Adept of Zar Saddle Defense 20 0.6 Black Lotus Bazaar
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon saddle aquilonia 3 Aquilonian Scout Saddle Maneuverability 15 0.3 Conan Exiles
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon caparison sorcery battlepass Arcane Caparison Decorative 20 0 Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 1
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon saddle iceandfire ice shop Arcanist of Zar Saddle Defense 20 0.6 Black Lotus Bazaar
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon argossean medium saddle Argossean Cavalry Saddle Speed 23 0.4 Architects of Argos Pack
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon argossean light saddle Argossean Scout Saddle Maneuverability 15 0.3 Architects of Argos Pack
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon argossean heavy saddle Argossean Warhorse Saddle Defense 20 0.6 Architects of Argos Pack
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon caparison autumn A02C2 twitch Autumn Caparison Decorative 20 0 Twitch Drop
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon saddle horse gurnakhi battlepass Gurnakhi Saddle (Battle Pass) Defense 15 0.3 Battle Pass: Age of Sorcery - Chapter 1
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon A02C4 gurnakhi saddle horse shop Gurnakhi Saddle (Black Lotus Bazaar) Defense 15 0.3 Black Lotus Bazaar
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon saddle hyrkanianplainsrider shop Hyrkanian Saddle Decorative 20 0 Black Lotus Bazaar
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon saddle khitan 3 Khitai Scout Saddle Maneuverability 15 0.3 Riders of Hyboria Pack
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon heavypirate horse Kordavan Tack and Saddle Maneuverability 15 0.3 Conan Exiles
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon caparison summer purplesilver twitch Midnight Caparison Decorative 20 0 Twitch Drop
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon nemedian saddle med Nemedian Cavalry Saddle Speed 23 0.4 People of the Dragon Pack
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon nemedian saddle light Nemedian Scout Saddle Maneuverability 15 0.3 People of the Dragon Pack
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon nemedian saddle heavy Nemedian Warhorse Saddle Defense 20 0.6 People of the Dragon Pack
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon fashion saddle Noble Scout Saddle Maneuverability 15 0.3 Riders of Hyboria Pack
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon A03C1 mekkamosescultist saddle shop Ophidian Cultist Saddle Decorative 20 0 Black Lotus Bazaar
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon saddle mekkamoses battlepass Ophidian Magi Saddle & Barding Defense 20 0.6 Battle Pass: Age of Sorcery - Chapter 2
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon A02C4 poitainjoust caparison shop Poitain Knight Caparison Decorative 20 0 Black Lotus Bazaar
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon poitain saddle Poitain Warhorse Saddle Defense 20 0.6 Riders of Hyboria Pack
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon saddle horse treasurehunter battlepass Relic Hunter Saddle Decorative 20 0 Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 2
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon saddle pict 3 Savage Cavalry Saddle Speed 23 0.4 Conan Exiles
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon saddle silent legion Silent Legion Warhorse Saddle Defense 20 0.6 Riders of Hyboria Pack
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon saddle Turan 3 Turan Cavalry Saddle Speed 23 0.4 Riders of Hyboria Pack
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon caparison turanian battlepass Turanian Caparison Decorative 20 0 Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 1
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon saddle horse turanianmercenary battlepass Turanian Nomad Saddle Decorative 20 0 Battle Pass: Age of Sorcery - Chapter 3
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon saddle basic 3 Warhorse Saddle Heavy Defense 20 0.6 Conan Exiles
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon saddle basic 1 Warhorse Saddle Light Decorative 20 0 Conan Exiles
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon saddle basic 2 Warhorse Saddle Medium Defense 20 0.2 Conan Exiles
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon caparison winter A02C3 twitch Winter Caparison Decorative 20 0 Twitch Drop
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon saddle yamatai 3 Yamatai Cavalry Saddle Speed 23 0.4 Riders of Hyboria Pack
Icon horse buckskin Horses Icon A02C4 L19 saddle horse zingaranmerc battlepass Zingaran Mercenary Horse Saddle Decorative 20 0 Battle Pass: Age of War - Chapter 4
Icon pet RhinoGray Rhinos Icon rhino kambujan saddle Rhino Cavalry Saddle Speed 46 0.7 Isle of Siptah
Icon pet RhinoGray Rhinos Icon rhino basic 3 saddle Rhino Travel Saddle Heavy Maneuverability 30 0.6 Isle of Siptah
Icon pet RhinoGray Rhinos Icon rhino basic 1 saddle Rhino Travel Saddle Light Maneuverability 30 0.4 Isle of Siptah
Icon pet RhinoGray Rhinos Icon rhino basic 2 saddle Rhino Travel Saddle Medium Maneuverability 30 0.5 Isle of Siptah
Icon pet RhinoGray Rhinos Icon rhino metalcast saddle Rhino War Saddle Defense 40 0.9 Isle of Siptah
Icon pet RhinoGray Rhinos Icon saddle rhino silentlegion shop Silent Legion Rhino Saddle Defense 40 0.9 Black Lotus Bazaar


Created from the following Recipes Information
Saddler's Worktable
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
20 Icon ingredient rope Twine
75 Icon hardened steel bar Hardened Steel Bar
15 Icon ingredient steel reinforcement Steel Reinforcement
1 Icon saddle iceandfire fire shop Adept of Zar Saddle 1 min 5530

See Also[]


Repairing Adept of Zar Saddle requires up to:


The Adept of Zar Saddle can be dismantled using the Icon Crafting Dismantler Dismantling Bench to recover the following materials:

For slightly more materials, you can use the Icon crafting dismantler t2 Improved Dismantling Bench:


Disciples of Zar

Bazaar Set "Disciples of Zar"

