Conan Exiles Wiki


An ancient and fearsome two-handed maul gifted to its wielder by an unknown demon, with the agreement that blood WILL be spilled with it. This weapon will vanish if the wielder perishes.


  • By default, the Abyssal Armor and weapons will last for 60 minutes (3600 seconds). Remaining time can be replenished by killing enemies at a rate of +1 second for every ~2.22 health they had, limited to no more than +12 minutes per kill for enemies with ≥1600 health, up to the 60-minute timer cap. These times are affected by the Item Spoil Rate Scale server setting.
  • Insatiable modifier extends duration per kill, up to 60 minutes. Stronger enemies extend the time further than weaker ones.
  • Insatiable seem works regardless of usage as long as the item is in the inventory during a kill.

See Also[]


Unique items cannot be repaired.
