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Shopify Community AMA: Checkout Extensibility for Partners and Plus Merchants

Calling all Plus merchants, Partners, and Developers! Join us for an exclusive series of AMAs (Ask Me Anything) happening from July 22nd to July 26th! This is your chance to dive deep into the world of Checkout Extensibilit...

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Hi ^^can anyone teach me how to hide media grid from mobile view?
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In shopify I want to create order through shopify api and mark the order as paid. Now I want that after that it will redirect to the checkout page wit...
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How to add a gap in-between each of these product images. Example: Store link: Store keycode: www
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Hi ^^can anyone teach me how to hide slideshow from desktop view?
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// Submit all items to the cart $.ajax({ url: '/cart/add.js', method: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify(items), con...
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Hello,Is there a way to edit a contact form e-mail template without any third-party app? I mean the e-mail structure that is sent to some admin/custom...
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Can anyone help me understand why there's no photo next to my website on google? I have change social sharing image, I have done favicon, I have tried...
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Please can you have a update feature on products where we can just upload a csv and only update the column matching the handle. I have 7,500+ products...
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I have setup store and everything but when I get to adding my bank account it says complete 2 step verification so I add one get my recovery codes sav...
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Hello Shopify Community,I am working on redesigning my Shopify store to improve its visual appeal and user experience. My main focus is on creating an...
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Can anyone help me change the "sale" button text to pink in the header/nav menu
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Hello,pretty dumb question, but i didnt find it nowhere. I would like to resize the description in all my collections. I want it to be smaller. Thank ...
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Just what the subject says. I've already checked a dozen of apps from the top of the list and had no luck. The main requirement is to ship (and bill) ...
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HiThe REST Admin API of one of our customers stores behaves differently to the ones of our other customers.When we execute the request we always do t...
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inventorySetQuantities is great, it's fast. It, however, suffers from a serious deficiency - the lack of ability to auto-activate items at locations....
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Hello, my font-sizes of titles show as Mouse Memoires everywhere, I don't want this but I can't find out how I can get rid of this. URL: TrendBlend. F...
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Hello Shopify Community,I am currently working on redesigning my Shopify store to create a more engaging and visually appealing shopping experience fo...
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Hello Shopify Community,I am currently running an online store using Shopify and I am looking for advice on optimizing the site's performance to enhan...
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I had mapped the URL of all the collections with main menu items as I wanted to add stock availability in the URL. So that when customer click on the ...
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Was trying to change the "paginate" to a "Load more" using a ajax request.However when I call the ajax in the Console it keeps telling me"TypeError: $...
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