photo of a person working on a laptop at a coffee shop
photo of a sales professional
illustration of LinkedIn's Sales Navigators UI

If you haven’t signed up yet, find the plan that works best for your needs here.

Haven’t activated your employer-provided access yet?
If your employer provided you with Sales Navigator access, but you haven’t activated it, find the email and click “Activate your account here.”

And if you need help activating your account, explore the troubleshooting guide.

  1. Click Personas or Show all personas displayed in the Personas section on the homepage

  2. Click Create new persona + and enter a name for the Persona

  3. Expand the fields below and select the best criteria to define your target Persona

For those with larger account lists, this Help Center article provides steps to import accounts from your CRM.

  1. Click the Account filters+ button in the search bar to open Account Search

  2. Search for an account you work with or are prospecting

  3. When you find the right accounts, click Save and either select an existing list or create a new one
photo of a sales professional

How to use Advanced Lead Search:

  1. Type in the search bar OR click Lead filters+ to perform an Advanced Search.

  2. Apply filters like Personas, Function, or Seniority to find the right type of high-quality lead. Then apply filters like Current Company, Account Lists, Company Headcount, or Region to narrow results to the right accounts.

  3. Find warm paths into your target accounts and save leads based on insights, like past relationships, buyer intent, who has viewed your profile, and connections through your team.
illustration of LinkedIn Sales Navigator UI

Try applying a Persona filter
Quickly find your target customer or client by selecting one of your created Personas as a search filter.

Try applying an Account or Account List filter
Account-based sellers can perform searches specific to their saved accounts and custom account lists.

Saving leads
Add and track prospective leads and clients, then let Sales Navigator send you alerts when they make a move, like changing jobs.

Learn how to save from a Lead Page

  1. Filter your search by clicking Lead filters+ in the extended Search section.

  2. On the Lead Results page, click Save next to the profiles you want to save.

Find warm leads
Uncover hidden allies who can introduce you to the right people at target accounts.

Explore Shared Experiences
Use the Shared Experiences filter in Advanced Lead Search to uncover alumni, past colleagues, and other prospects that you have something in common with.

Leverage Your Team's Connections
A TeamLink spotlight appears under leads that are connected to your colleagues. Click the spotlight to quickly ask them for a warm introduction.

illustration of LinkedIn Sales Navigator UI
illustration of LinkedIn Sales Navigator UI

Target decision-makers
Seniority filters and Titles help identify decision-makers at your target accounts.

Track changes with connections
Use the Job Changes filter within the Spotlights section to find connections who recently changed jobs, as decision-makers are 62% more receptive to outreach once they’ve made that move.

Stay informed about activity

  1. Routinely check your Sales Navigator newsfeed and email alerts.
  2. Save multiple relevant leads at each account to stay aware of changes in the buying committee.
  3. Save your Advanced Lead Searches so that you're notified when there are new results.
photo of a sales professional

Lead Pages
A Lead Page gives you a comprehensive view of all the information you'll need about a lead or prospect to stay up-to-date about them and effectively engage.

To visit a lead page, just click on a person’s name in the search results.

You’ll be able to view:

  • Insights like recent job changes
  • Posts on LinkedIn
  • What you have in common
  • Work experience, and more

Account Pages
An Account Page lets you get a deep understanding of an account at the company level by leveraging real-time trends and insights all in one place. 

To view an Account Page, type the company name in the search bar or access the account from your Account Lists page.

Use them to:

  • Better understand the company and its size
  • Monitor hiring and department headcount trends
  • Identify which decision-makers have joined or left
illustration of LinkedIn Sales Navigator UI

InMail best practices
Meet people where they’re at — on LinkedIn. Explore these top tips and learn how InMails can help you stand out.��

  1. Identify candidates who are most likely to respond
  2. Write a catchy subject line
  3. Highlight mutual connections
  4. Keep it short
  5. Personalize your message using these templates

Personalized outreach
When you find the right lead, or you’ve been alerted about an important update, explore the Lead or Account page. 
When you have an idea of what you have in common and what’s driving their interest, you can use it to craft the right message for each prospect.