Product Family
Product Family
€26 billion

AXA’s green investment target increased from EUR24 billion to EUR26 billion by 2023

Underwriting heritage

70% of our top 100 clients have been with us for more than a decade

A.M. Best A+, S&P AA-

AXA XL’s core operating insurance and reinsurance companies have one or more of the above financial strength ratings

We are one of the world’s largest P&C reinsurers with a leading position in all major global reinsurance markets.

As a traditional, underwriting-led global reinsurance business our strength and knowledge has evolved and we intend to keep learning and growing to help you manage the risks you see today and in the future.

We’re selective about risk to create a balanced portfolio because that means we will be here for you in the long term.

With a significant presence in all of the world’s major reinsurance markets, we take pride in our relationship-driven underwriting; forward-thinking use of science and data; tangible climate change strategies, and a commitment to be there for the long haul.

Sharing our insight to help you manage your risk

Learn about our work with renowned academic institutions, access thought leadership reports, webinars and white papers and hear from our experts on a diverse range of topics including climate risk and emerging risks.

Technical expertise

Our people and our technical expertise are valued by the market and our clients. We are trusted to assess the most complicated of risks and are asked to quote on the majority of opportunities relevant to us.

2023 Earnings

Talk with us

You are contacting AXA XL, the P&C and Specialty division of AXA. We provide Re/Insurance to mid-sized and multinational companies, and some high-net-worth individuals.

If your enquiry pertains to personal insurance, please contact AXA.

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