EAFC 24 Draft Loss Glitch

by AlmightyAlexios

Original Post

FUT draft disconnect at start of a match

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Novice

Product: EA SPORTS FC 24
Please specify your platform model. Steam - PC
AMD or Nvidia Model Number Nvidia 4070 TI
Enter RAM memory size in GB 16GB
Which mode has this happened in? Ultimate Team™
Which part of the mode? Online Draft Mode
Can you tell us the date (MM/DD/YYYY) that you saw the bug? 09/26/2023
What time did you see the bug? (HH:MM AM/PM) 17:48
What is your time zone? ECT - GMT + 1:00
How often does the bug occur? Occasionally (10% - 49%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? By going into fut draft matches repeatedly untill you face a cheater. Which by my estimation happens in around 10% of the matches,
What happens when the bug occurs? You get disconnected to the main menu, you dont get disconnect form the server. You can instantly go back to fut draft, however you will be met a loss and need to claim the reward.
What should be happening instead? The match should be played normally, and there should be no forced disconnect where the affected player gets assigned a automatic loss.


In the FC24 Ultimate Team (FUT) Draft mode, i've had repeated instances of players disconnecting from matches immediately after kick-off. This issue is causing considerable frustration, as it  results in an automatic loss being assigned to the affected player in the case me, despite them being the party that is triggering this. I highly suspect that these disconnections may be a result of cheating or hacking on the part of the opponent.


The fairness and integrity of matches are crucial for an enjoyable gaming experience, and player disconnects immediately after kick-off are undermining this experience.

Aswell as punishing the player that is playing legitimately.



The issue primarily revolves around players deliberately disconnecting from matches immediately after the game starts,  right after kick-off. This has negative consequences for the player who is disconnected against, as they are automatically assigned a loss. This loss not only affects their win-loss record but can also impact their rewards and progression within the game mode.


Suspected Causes:

While the exact causes of these disconnects require further investigation, it is suspected that some players may be employing cheating or hacking methods to force these disconnections in their favor. This behavior is not only unfair but also violates the terms of service of the game.



The impact of these disconnects is significant:

  1. Frustration and Discontent: Affected players are understandably frustrated by this issue, which can lead to a negative gaming experience and dissatisfaction with the game.

  2. Loss of Progress: Unjust losses can affect a player's progression and rewards within the FUT Draft mode.

  3. Fairness and Integrity: The integrity of matches in FC24 FUT Draft is compromised due to these disconnects, harming the overall gaming experience.


To address this issue and maintain the integrity of FC24 FUT Draft matches, the following actions are recommended:

  1. Investigate Player Reports: Developers should actively investigate player reports of immediate disconnections and determine if cheating or hacking is involved.

  2. Implement Penalties: Implement penalties for players found guilty of cheating or hacking to discourage such behavior.

  3. Enhance Anti-Cheating Measures: Continue to develop and improve anti-cheating measures within the game to prevent unfair disconnections.

Compensation Issue:

In response to the repeated instances of disconnections in FC24 FUT Draft matches, I have attempted to seek compensation through the draft token reclaim page on the EA website. However, my attempts at compensation have been met with limitations and discrepancies.

Despite encountering numerous instances of disconnections, the draft token reclaim page on the EA website has only issued me two draft tokens. This allocation of two tokens does not accurately reflect the extent of my experiences with disconnections during gameplay. This issue is compounded by the fact that the detection system in place appears to deem me ineligible for a Draft Token in many cases.

This compensation discrepancy further exacerbates the frustration and dissatisfaction associated with the repeated disconnections. Addressing this issue and ensuring a fair compensation system for affected players should be a priority to maintain the trust and satisfaction of the gaming community.



The issue of player disconnects in FC24 FUT Draft matches is a significant concern, as it affects the fairness and enjoyment of the game. Developers should take proactive measures to investigate and address this issue, while also working to enhance the overall integrity of matches within the game mode. By doing so, they can ensure a more enjoyable and fair gaming experience for all players.

Message 21 of 284 (3,874 Views)

Re: draft disconnection

★★ Novice

Hi Darko,
its really unfair, i tried ea self service but its not helping
I want my coins/points or at least my draft back...

Message 22 of 284 (3,473 Views)

Re: draft disconnection

★★★★★ Novice

This mode Is unplayable on PC. I don't have connection issues, i play every other modes (rivals, fut champ, friendly match) without any problem. There are Just cheaters that ruins your gameplay and experience and its frustrating. Please do something, There's been this problem for years now. People even spends fut points to play draft. And token request tool does not work...i started One draft...got disconnected at the beginning of the First match. I used the tool and they didnt give me any token back.


Message 23 of 284 (3,456 Views)

Re: FUT draft disconnect at start of a match

Community Manager



If you suspect a player may be playing unfairly you can use the steps detailed at the following link to report them.



Message 24 of 284 (3,867 Views)

Re: FUT draft disconnect at start of a match

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Novice



While I appreciate your guidance on reporting players, I would like to emphasize that this issue extends beyond individual player reports.

The problem of repeated disconnections in FC24 FUT Draft matches is affecting not only me but a significant portion of the player community on a regular basis. It negatively impacts our gameplay experience and raises concerns about the overall integrity of matches within the game mode.

Reporting individual players after the fact, while important, is a reactive approach. To address the root cause and ensure fair and enjoyable gameplay for everyone, I strongly believe that a more proactive stance is necessary. This should include:

  1. Investigative Efforts: A dedicated effort from your team to investigate and address the systemic issue of disconnections, particularly those that appear to be related to cheating or hacking.

  2. Anti-Cheating Measures: Ongoing improvements to anti-cheating measures to detect and prevent malicious activities.

  3. Transparency: Clear communication with the community about efforts being made to combat this issue, and the actions taken to maintain a fair gaming environment.

I understand that resolving such challenges can be complex, but I believe that a more comprehensive approach is required to ensure the quality and fairness of FC24 FUT Draft matches. The collective experience of the player community is paramount, and addressing these issues will undoubtedly contribute to a more positive gaming environment.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to seeing progress in this matter.

Message 25 of 284 (3,857 Views)

Re: draft disconnection

★★★ Novice

Literally unplayable on PC, i get good rewards but it's a waste because you lose all the coins from selling the players because you enter drafts and get disconnected without even playing a game. Same thing everytime load in, they put there ST in goal and then you pass the ball, BOOM out the game claim your rewards, go again!!! THANKS EA...

Message 26 of 284 (3,435 Views)

Draft Disconnection

★★★ Newbie

Product: EA SPORTS FC 24
Platform:Xbox Series X
Please specify your platform model. Microsoft Xbox Series X
What is your Gamertag/PSN ID/Switch ID? MPRod17
Which mode has this happened in? Ultimate Team™
Which part of the mode? Online Draft Mode
Can you tell us the date (MM/DD/YYYY) that you saw the bug? 09/27/2023
What time did you see the bug? (HH:MM AM/PM) 10:00 PM
What is your time zone? EST (IET) - GMT - 5:30
How often does the bug occur? Often (50% - 99%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Make a functioning game where it doesn't kick you out randomly while you're in the middle of a match. You've been making games for decades now and for some reason all the money you make can't go into making a * functional game for your loyal customers to play.
What happens when the bug occurs? I have played several drafts and in 2 that I can remember, I've been kicked out of the match and brought to the home screen of my Xbox. When I go back into ultimate team, it tells me I have disconnected from the game, and it counts the game as a loss for me. I fully expect at least 2 draft tokens in my account or so help me god.
What should be happening instead? I should be able to play the * game like i've been able to a past years. I don't understand what the * has changed to make your servers and games so * that people literally can't play it without being kicked out. Disgraceful from your greedy * company.

I expect 3 draft tokens. This is *!!!

Message 27 of 284 (1,713 Views)

Re: EAFC 24 Fut draft loss glitch

★★ Apprentice

I really hope he is not serious, I would guess he has been told from his higher up not to address it, because i've never seen them address this issue for years, and I really don't know why.

Message 28 of 284 (3,545 Views)

Re: EAFC 24 Fut draft loss glitch

★★★★★ Newbie

I just had the same problem like the rest of the people. How can i even report the player after the match? I just used 300 fifa points to play draft and i should have it back, its not my fault the game allows cheaters to do this. 

Message 29 of 284 (3,577 Views)

FUT draft keeps disconnects at whether first or second match

★★★ Newbie

I am playing on eaplay pro and this way i was having 1.6k points. but the draft disconnects me when the match starts. it was second matches at the beginning but it turned out its happening every draft I entered in and your support systems still telling me i cant have any tokens for it. I just wanted to play draft for build my squad but what happens ? this. I am just wanting to draft tokens for what I cant play :D
well I tryed out seasons for online play it works nice as it should be but...

Message 30 of 284 (3,576 Views)


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