Online ranked round stats don’t get recorded

by Sleep_walker247

Original Post

Re: Online leaderboard scores have disappeared

★★★★ Novice

Now a third win in a field of circa 10 players, again game just won’t give me the points when I win and doesn’t even register the game. I don’t get this at all. I think I have to stop playing now as it’s getting me really frustrated. 

Message 51 of 100 (509 Views)

Re: Online ranked round stats don’t get recorded

★★★ Newbie
@Sleep_walker247 I h
Am having the exact same issue. More thank half of my games don’t get recorded this is super boring
Message 52 of 100 (506 Views)

Re: Online leaderboard scores have disappeared

★★★ Novice
@EA_Barry Currently was 2 weeks ago, Maybe you need to clean house over there and hire people that can fix this major screw-up.
Message 53 of 100 (456 Views)

Re: Online leaderboard scores have disappeared

★★★★ Novice

This is crazy. Five of my last six outright wins havnt counted and the game simply doesn’t count the match as ever taken place. Why is this happening?!

Message 54 of 100 (439 Views)

Online wins not counting

★★★★ Novice

Five of the last seven outright wins I have had playing online havnt counted. Not only have I not received any points including for a 15-0 win against a full field, but it’s acted as if the game never took place. This is a really serious fault that needs fixing. There is little point playing a ranked mode if you are not correctly rewarded for wins/losses.

Message 55 of 100 (464 Views)

Re: Online ranked round stats don’t get recorded

★★★ Novice

It does make it boring, I play ranked to move up the leaderboard, but what’s the point of it doesn’t count. I played about 10 matches a few days ago and only 1 counted. 

Message 56 of 100 (463 Views)

Re: Online ranked round stats don’t get recorded

★★★★ Novice

The majority of online matches I win now simply don’t count. Doesn’t even add to my games played, that total is over a 100 less than actual games I have played. It’s been like this for a month since Patch 4.5. Totally demoralising to play online now when so many wins are ignored.

Message 57 of 100 (444 Views)

Re: Online leaderboard scores have disappeared

★★★★ Novice



Are you somebody who may be able to provide an update on this? 

many thanks. 

Message 58 of 100 (413 Views)

Re: Online ranked round stats don’t get recorded

★★★ Newbie

I play this game every night since it came out. For the last month or so significantly less than half of my online matches show on the my stats. Beyond frustrating. I’ve literally played twice as many matches as it’s registering, hundreds of wins are missing from my profile.

Message 59 of 100 (418 Views)

Re: Online ranked round stats don’t get recorded

★★★★ Novice

It only records matches when I loose points now and have multiple losses 

Message 60 of 100 (375 Views)


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