Online ranked round stats don’t get recorded

by Sleep_walker247

Original Post

Re: Online stats not posting after playing stroke play online.

★★★ Novice

I got no error messages when these games were played. I just checked the leaderboards for the new positions and nothing was changing. I thank you for the insight and information, it is appreciated. 

Message 91 of 100 (725 Views)

Re: PS5 EA PGA Tour Match Play Error loading scoring data

[ Edited ]
★ Guide

I did some further investigation and it seems that when I play a match play game either online match play with 9 holes or private match match play with a custom game like par 5 only to make it quick after the game is over you go to the score card. Now if no one presses any buttons to advance its ok. The moment I press the button in the score card at end of game my opponent receives the Match Play error and receives no rewards & is taken to main menu. If he presses the button then I get the error message Match Play error and get no rewards returning me to main menu. The problem is Match Play on PS5 not registering correct scores and crashing. Please fix.

Message 92 of 100 (761 Views)

Re: No change in global leaderboards after playing online match

★★★★ Guide

Any news?

Message 93 of 100 (706 Views)

Re: PS5 EA PGA Tour Match Play Error loading scoring data

★★★ Newbie

I am in the same boat. So frustrating. Any update? None of my match play stats have updated since the update 

Message 94 of 100 (701 Views)

Re: Give me my online wins!!!!!!

Community Manager

Hey Everyone, 


I wanted to update this thread, that the latest patch 7 should now be fixed. 


Can anyone confirm if they are still running into this issue?




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Message 95 of 100 (440 Views)

Re: Give me my online wins!!!!!!

★★★ Newbie

I came on here to see if others were having the same issue. Saw the post from July and it’s now February and still a HUGE ISSUE! I play everyday and check stats before every match. I’ve lost well over 40 wins from not being counted. It counts every tie and 99% of losses but won’t record winning correctly. It’s ridiculous. I’ve tried everything and nothing changes. Xbox series S user. 

Message 96 of 100 (285 Views)

Re: Give me my online wins!!!!!!

★★★★ Guide

Still having the issue. Also on Xbox Series S.

Message 97 of 100 (280 Views)

Re: Give me my online wins!!!!!!

[ Edited ]
★★ Guide

@EA_IlliumThis is completely false. This issue is worse than ever right now. Foursomes and Match play track your wins/losses 30-50% of the time. Today I had 6 straight wins not count. 6 straight matches and not a single result counted toward my record. Are you trying to drive away the tiny player base that is left? This is a competitive mode and when you spend 3 hours playing a game and not a single match counts, it's pretty demoralizing.  Sorry if I sound super annoyed, but I am because I've probably wasted hundreds of hours total in this game playing matches that never count for anything. 

Message 98 of 100 (244 Views)

Re: Give me my online wins!!!!!!

★★★★ Guide

Xbox. Leaderboards not loading properly and no results counting, even when opponents quit.

Message 99 of 100 (212 Views)

Re: Online ranked round stats don’t get recorded

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

Still having this problem in July 2024 how haven't they fixed it 😭😭


It's very frustrating playing 9 holes of 1v1 match play which takes at least 20 minutes only for the win to not register!!! I'm trying to move up the leaderboard but it's just a massive waste of time.


Such a shame, big fan of the game and there's only a small community keeping it alive at this point but Im only interested in online matchplay and I just can't keep playing when the results don't count for anything 😭

Message 100 of 100 (52 Views)


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