Incorrect ban for cheating

by Sharkfinn44th

Original Post

Accepted Solution

Incorrect ban for cheating

★★★ Newbie

Has anyone else been banned for cheating when they didn’t? I play exclusively on Xbox so there’s not way for me to even cheat and I got banned during a period which I wasn’t even playing the game. So I submitted a ticket and they said they reviewed my case and they made the correct decision. Are you kidding me?? I drop 200$ on Apex, stop playing and this is what I come back to?? Honestly so crazy, has anyone else had to deal with this?

Message 1 of 2 (98 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: Incorrect ban for cheating

Community Manager

Hey @Sharkfinn44th,


If you believe an action was taken on your account incorrectly, please feel free to submit an additional appeal and a different member of the Terms of Service team will review that situation again for you.


I see you've mentioned submitting one already, but we do allow a few appeals to have other people from the TOS team double-check the records and information to be sure an action was accurate.


This wouldn't be something we can review here on the forums or through any other channels I'm afraid, sorry.


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Message 2 of 2 (84 Views)

All Replies

Re: Incorrect ban for cheating

Community Manager

Hey @Sharkfinn44th,


If you believe an action was taken on your account incorrectly, please feel free to submit an additional appeal and a different member of the Terms of Service team will review that situation again for you.


I see you've mentioned submitting one already, but we do allow a few appeals to have other people from the TOS team double-check the records and information to be sure an action was accurate.


This wouldn't be something we can review here on the forums or through any other channels I'm afraid, sorry.

Message 2 of 2 (85 Views)