Re: [Feedback] Dead Space Remake Needs One More Patch

by EA_Shepard

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[Feedback] Dead Space Remake Needs One More Patch

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice

Hello EA Community,


Dead Space Remake is an awesome game and I've been playing it quite a lot recently. However, it could truly use another patch with some bug fixes and quality of life improvements to reach its full potential. Here's what I think the game could benefit from:


 1. Technical:

  • Fix softlock in Chapter 3 where if you return from the south engine without refueling it, going back makes the kinesis lever unusable.

  • Fix fire streams from pipes that were blocked by boxes not resetting upon reload in chapter 9 before salvaging the singularity core.

  • Fix elevator in Chapter 10  near Zero-G Basketball so it doesn't stop functioning if you immediately go back down after going up.

  • Fix softlock in Chapter 11 if you skip quarantine lock by running straight to Hangar Bay to meet Kyne.

  • Fix softlock in Chapter 12 where the batteries don't spawn in the Zero-G room.

  • Fix softlock in Chapter 12 where in the final section of moving the marker the last terminal breaks if you use it, then save and reload.

  • Fix flight deck store being empty if you speedrun to it at the start of the game. (Happened on NG++, no saves were done)

  • Fix being able to drop in the gap where you have to move the tube with the dead Necromorph in Imaging Diagnostics.

  • Fix Aim Toggle + Sprint Hold bug that enables sprinting while aiming.

  • Fix Divider dropping multiple items if Stasis is used on him during his death animation while having his legs shot off.

  • Fix Brutes dropping multiple nodes if shot multiple times during its death animation.

  • Fix Linegun triple trap upgrade sometimes not working after swapping other weapons at the store.

  • Add an option to skip the video calls, similar to how the audio logs work. It's annoying to sit through them while speedrunning.

  • Slightly faster animations for using Locator, Stores, Workbenches, Saveboxes and Suit Swaps to make the gameplay feel more fluid. Right now using them kills the pacing when speedrunning.

  • Add SMAA, DLAA, FSR3AA, XeSSAA anti-aliasing methods and Resolution Scaling up to 200% to future proof the game. The current TAA solution compromises the color accuracy and that's a shame, as the game looks really nice.

  • Some performance optimizations to make the game less prone to stutter would be welcome.

2. Combat & Progression:

  • Flamethrower is way too ammo efficient, it should use up a tiny bit more ammo when firing.

  • Pulse Rifle primary fire feels too weak, the base damage needs to be increased by ~10 pts (for a total of 50).

  • Pulse Rifle grenade is too strong early. It should start with lower damage, then Special 2 upgrade should increase it to current strength.

  • Pulse Rifle weapon fire animation doesn't seem to sync properly with the SFX. There should be a synchronicity between the firing sound, muzzle flash and bullet tracer that make using a gun feel responsive which isn't quite there for this weapon.

  • Tier 2 Upgrade path for Pulse Rifle should have the bottom RLD node swapped with a DMG node from Tier 3 to make it worthwhile going into.

  • Special 2 upgrade for all guns is kind of worthless, as you already have lots of magazine capacity nodes. It should have a more meaningful effect.

  • Buying capacity upgrades should not give a full magazine, but only the extra amount of ammo capacity. Currently it ends up giving too much free ammo, making the game too easy.

  • Maximum magazine capacity for most weapons is quite random. For Plasma Cutter is 23, it could've been 25 to use a full ammo pack. Same for Line Gun, I believe 9 (an entire line rack) would've sufficed instead of 11. Pulse Rifle also doesn't really need more than 150 ammo capacity.

  • Fully upgrading a weapon should give some kind of bonus, even if it's just visual. Currently it feels underwhelming going from optimal to fully upgraded.

  • Suit health upgrades should stop at 200 HP, as the current 225 HP makes you a bit too tanky and kills the survival tension.

  • Maximum stasis capacity should be 5 charges. Between the large capacity and plethora of recharge stations it currently feels like stasis packs are useless, as you always seem to have energy for it.

  • Collected nodes after getting fully upgraded should be converted to extra credits, as they no longer have a use.

  • Brutes don't have a strategy to defeat them that does not involve stasis, which there's no guarantee you'll have. That's poor design, there should be an alternate, harder way to tackle them that doesn't rely on consumables.

  • The 100$ drops feel extremely underwhelming considering the item prices. They should be worth 150$ instead so they feel somewhat valuable.

  • Unlocking a secure locker should automatically open it, as there is no reason not to.

  • The difficulty modes could've had more immersive names, like Rookie / Engineer / Survivalist / Immortal (since this one's about not dying).

I hope the developers get to read this and perhaps convince the upper management to allow an anniversary patch of sorts. It would allow this game to reach its full potential and would also bring some positive sentiment after the rumors about Dead Space 2 Remake being cancelled.

Message 1 of 4 (373 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: [Feedback] Dead Space Remake Needs One More Patch

Community Manager

@NinjaReborn94 Hey! Thanks for taking the time to write all of this out! There are some good callouts. I recently downloaded it to finish it with my list of uncompleted games so I am looking forward to this.


As for updates, this is a harder one as there hasn't been one in a while, and no current plans for it. If there are more players having issues with the game and they tack onto threads like this, we send them up. As of now though, we can pass it along to the team for review, but there may not be anything happening with this title any longer.


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Message 2 of 4 (297 Views)

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Re: [Feedback] Dead Space Remake Needs One More Patch

Community Manager

@NinjaReborn94 Hey! Thanks for taking the time to write all of this out! There are some good callouts. I recently downloaded it to finish it with my list of uncompleted games so I am looking forward to this.


As for updates, this is a harder one as there hasn't been one in a while, and no current plans for it. If there are more players having issues with the game and they tack onto threads like this, we send them up. As of now though, we can pass it along to the team for review, but there may not be anything happening with this title any longer.


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Message 2 of 4 (298 Views)

Re: [Feedback] Dead Space Remake Needs One More Patch

★★ Novice

If a an official patch is unlikely to come, then may I suggest removing the DRM so the modders can make the game compatible with Frosty Editor and finish the job. xD

Message 3 of 4 (152 Views)

Re: [Feedback] Dead Space Remake Needs One More Patch

Community Manager

@NinjaReborn94 Ive spoken about that with folks. Since DRM is a rights management, there are a lot of actual laws for every region on Earth that would have to be regulated. I would like to if it is our own IP sure but that's a massive grey area that would take a while to change if it ever did.


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Me Too button - 'Me Too' helps us track how many players are also experiencing that issue. Definitely make use of this button.
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Message 4 of 4 (135 Views)


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