Re: Brant spa

by EA_Shepard

Original Post

Brant spa

★★ Novice

My Sunset Jetty plot reset and I lost the Brant Spa and land I had cleared.  I have gone through help several times and have been told I should have received missing items and compensation for items that could not be replaced.  I never received the Vrant Spa nor the 2600 sim cash it will cost to repurchase it.  After repeated requests, I was told to post on the forums, so check,  I've posted.

Message 1 of 3 (819 Views)

Re: Brant spa

★ Novice

I experienced this as well.  I also did not receive what they advertised would be compensation to players who couldn’t restore the new property.  


i tried for weeks and after receiving silly and exhausting replies I was also directed here.  Like you, I spend a lot of real money on plots, house levels and special packages.  Probably hundreds of dollars.  (Not including all the money I spent on all my other homes and properties.)  This is fraud.  Theft.  I feel betrayed.

I have not spent any real money since.  Nor will I ever again.  

Message 2 of 3 (189 Views)

Re: Brant spa

Community Manager

When it comes to compensation, support never grants this unless directed to by that games specific team. It is unfortunate that the back and forth didn't add up and compensation was not granted, but sending players to the forums does not do much as a Community Manager is not responsible for granting content. Not something we can do. We can bug reports on behalf of players but that has to be done after that team has pushed out compensation. Sadly at this point, its a bit too late as it has been almost 8 months.


For any normal missing content claims to where compensation is granted, we need as many players saying it didn't happen here (or support) so those reports can be sent over for review.


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Message 3 of 3 (171 Views)