Re: Which Sims 4 Pack do you regret buying? ⛈️ (And why so?)

by JadeCookies12

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Re: Which Sims 4 Pack do you regret buying? ⛈️ (And why so?)

★★★★ Guide
@LennyOgg Oooooh good question. For me it's For Rent, just like others have mentioned here, because the numerous bugs have honestly been more trouble than the content is worth, rendering the best aspects of the pack basically useless. (And I was also hoping for new harvestables like tea and rice.) When things are working, it's not a bad pack, but in some ways it feels like a wasted opportunity, especially with the glitch gameplay.

My other one is Journey to Batuu. This was sort of my own fault since I didn't look properly at what it really was when I bought it, but like many, I thought I'd be able to build in it, so I was disappointed it didn't work like a regular vacation world. If I was more of a Star Wars fan I might've appreciated it more, but honestly...instead of a takeoff on a Disney theme park, I would have much rather had a pack that enabled me to have my sims live in an alien neighborhood. (A pack that lets you actually live on Sixam is one I would absolutely buy.)
Message 11 of 21 (869 Views)

Re: Which Sims 4 Pack do you regret buying? ⛈️ (And why so?)

[ Edited ]

A slight regret over University as I rarely ever use it. I think my legacy sim was the only one to complete.  I do however use a lot of the items so its only a very very tiny regret.


Not really evena regret more like an oops maybe waiting for a sale on this one would have been advised.   😉


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Message 12 of 21 (777 Views)

Re: Which Sims 4 Pack do you regret buying? ⛈️ (And why so?)

★★★★★ Novice

The one I "regret" most is Horse Ranch and that's because the horse gameplay is so utterly lacking. I will say though that the Build and Buy items in that pack are especially excellent, so that does make up for it somewhat. But the actual horses being so useless really sours the mood. I could say much the same for Cats and Dogs too, with the lack of actual pet gameplay being the pack's biggest weakness.


On the flip side, the pack that surprised me the most was Get Together, which has good gameplay, a good world and a good BB. Firing on all cylinders!


Seasons is the pack I don't regret because I didn't buy it. I really disliked Seasons back in Sims 3. Not only did it tank my game's performance, it also ruined the gardening experience. I didn't repeat my mistake with Sims 4. I do like the festivals and holidays in Seasons but I'm not going to buy the pack just for that!


Message 13 of 21 (443 Views)

Re: Which Sims 4 Pack do you regret buying? ⛈️ (And why so?)

[ Edited ]
★ Guide

Well, I can't tell I really regret any pack, but I do regret paying the full price for Horse Ranch. There's just not enough things there to warrant it being called (and more importantly priced as) EP. But, who am I kidding, I would've bought it anyway, just for the horses 

Then, there is My Wedding Stories, which was bugged as hell. And many of that still isn't fixed, unlike For Rent that, at least for me, seems to be fixed and working now. Still, I use so many CAS things and the world is beautiful too, so, in a sale, it was OK.

Nothing else I really regret. I am using at least something from every pack I have. Well, maybe some of the kits weren't worth the price, but as long as I am using their stuff, it's OK, I guess.

Message 14 of 21 (428 Views)

Re: Which Sims 4 Pack do you regret buying? ⛈️ (And why so?)

★★★★ Novice

I dont regret buying a Sims 4 pack - but I should possibly regret buying the Sims many, many moons ago - it got me addicted to Sims World

Message 15 of 21 (394 Views)

Re: Which Sims 4 Pack do you regret buying? ⛈️ (And why so?)

★★★ Apprentice

I got The Sims 4: Werewolves Game Pack in a halloween themed bundle last October, and to be honest I got it just because it was a promotion. I wish werewolves didn't look so much like dog fursonas.

Message 16 of 21 (320 Views)

Re: Which Sims 4 Pack do you regret buying? ⛈️ (And why so?)

★★ Apprentice

Expansion packs:
Get to Work. I found I actually hate active careers, and the only good thing is being able to create useful objects like the cloner as scientists.
For Rent.     I've tried using the function but having to look at loading screens every time my landlord has to tend to the apartment is tedious. In time it may grow on me.


Werewolves almost makes the list because rampaging werewolves in other lots are such a nuisance, but there's probably a mod for that.

Message 17 of 21 (283 Views)

Re: Which Sims 4 Pack do you regret buying? ⛈️ (And why so?)

★★★★★ Novice

I just bought Home Chef Hustle in the sale and was so excited about it...until I realised how much more awkward it makes cooking ANYTHING. I didn't realise that in order to make hamburgers my Sim would need to make prepped meat with the blender. I only wanted certain devices for certain meals, I didn't realise I would need it for every meal to ever exist in the game! Almost all of the meals were greyed out and required one of the new devices in order to make. I assumed you would just need it for some. Maybe this is my own fault or not very good advertising...i don't know. So I'm currently sat here waiting for my game to reinstall without that pack in because it's a big regret! If you want to avoid a similar issue I would suggest not getting that pack...I think I can live without homemade pizza and waffles if it means I can actually cook the way I want to in the game. 

Message 18 of 21 (251 Views)

Re: Which Sims 4 Pack do you regret buying? ⛈️ (And why so?)

★★★★★ Novice

Just realised you can deselect the option to use the devices and prepped ingredients! But I still don't regret reinstalling without the pack. For someone like me who wouldn't want to use the new features constantly it seems like it has made cooking significantly more awkward...which is a shame because one of the hairstyles was really really cute lol

Message 19 of 21 (245 Views)

Re: Which Sims 4 Pack do you regret buying? ⛈️ (And why so?)

★★★★ Novice

I think For rent is the worst pack for me, but High School years comes close ( I own all the expansion packs )

Message 20 of 21 (40 Views)

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