For rent vs high school year

by kirstey08

Original Post

For rent vs high school year

★★★★ Apprentice

Hi everyone,


I am thinking should I buy for rent or high school year. 


Which one is better ? Which one do you guys recommend ? 





Message 1 of 4 (186 Views)

Re: For rent vs high school year


Both of the packs are great! Standard smile It depends on how you play your game and what households you play. These two links list the main features of both packs and may help you to decide. 

For Rent

High School Years

And this link is a overall guide to all the packs

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Message 2 of 4 (155 Views)

Re: For rent vs high school year

★ Guide

It depends how you want to play the game


If you're into teen dramas, prom party and school, "High School Years" is for you


If you're into building some kind of houses, apartments, something tropical, a beach, (south) east asia world, exploring the world, buying some things and going to a cave and visiting an animal (both rabbit-holes) then "For Rent" is the pack for you


It's up to you which match best with your gameplay


I like "For Rent" pack because of more possibilities with the lot alone, you can create apartments, houses you can like share things with other households (like swimmingpool, a yard or each having seperate bedrooms and bathrooms but sharing the livingroom and kitchen for examble)


But maybe "For Rent" isn't made for you

Message 3 of 4 (91 Views)

Re: For rent vs high school year

★★★★★ Novice

As the two people above me said, this is totally up to your play style and preferences. But for me, I prefer For Rent. 

Message 4 of 4 (17 Views)

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