Re: Fifa 19 controller issue

by 9b0ywirsowbz

Original Post

Re: Fifa 19 controller issue

★★★★★ Newbie

Thanks! This worked. Though I wasn't sure what folder to place it so I placed it anywhere with a config.ini file.

Message 31 of 33 (1,414 Views)

Re: Fifa 19 controller issue

★ Novice
@mr5447 Worked for me, tyvm!
Message 32 of 33 (837 Views)

Re: Fifa 19 controller issue

★★★ Newbie

I have faced the same issue, and I found the fix with this official developer's reference I Hope it resolves your issue also. In case, if you want to know the pictorial step-by-step guide..Let me know. Will surely assist you.

Message 33 of 33 (70 Views)