[EA App] Dragon Age: Origins DLC Not Showing Up In-Game

by MickAsh0609

Original Post

Re: [EA App] Dragon Age: Origins DLC Not Showing Up In-Game

★★ Novice

There's no Steam Client WebHelper option in the Services file, but I do disable the Steam Client service (which is manual and not automated). 


Would it cause problems to leave the temporary files in while following the rest of the guide steps, or would I still have to delete them to be safe?

Message 11 of 14 (149 Views)

Re: [EA App] Dragon Age: Origins DLC Not Showing Up In-Game

Community Manager

@MickAsh0609 Sometimes the temp files are the issue. That is why we suggest deleting them. You don't have to do that part. You can follow the rest of the steps. Temp files are basically like cache files on the browser.



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Message 12 of 14 (132 Views)

Re: [EA App] Dragon Age: Origins DLC Not Showing Up In-Game

★★ Novice

Got it working!

Message 13 of 14 (101 Views)

Re: [EA App] Dragon Age: Origins DLC Not Showing Up In-Game

Community Manager

@MickAsh0609 That is great! I'm glad to hear you got it working!


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Message 14 of 14 (92 Views)