Re: Please NEVER again!

by DrWizardo

Original Post

Please NEVER again!

★★★★ Guide

The pitch black areas on the maps in rotation now is just completely gamebreaking. You can't see anything. I've turned up the gamma twice, and there are still areas which are just complete black. Once you have an enemy there they are invisible and have a gigantic advantage. This is mindboggingly poor design. NEVER do this again ever. There are no flashlights in apex so camping players are just fine sitting there, and god forbid you don't have weapons with digithreat...

I've done fairly well this event, but the maps just bring it down soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. Please NEVER again.

Message 1 of 3 (806 Views)

Re: Please NEVER again!

★★★★ Expert

Agreed. Not a good idea at all. I appreciate the spooky atmosphere, but not at the expense of gameplay. I guess they would say that's why they put so many digital threat scopes on the ground. Respawn giveth, and Respawn taketh away.
Message 2 of 3 (784 Views)

Re: Please NEVER again!

★★★★ Guide
@reconzero I've been running around with the extra scan from bloodhound whenever I found it. But then - poof - a player with a dark skin on a dark background...

Anyway, I can't even start the game now so I got that going for me.
Message 3 of 3 (778 Views)