Re: Bad tunnel exit Storm Point

by reconzero

Original Post

Bad tunnel exit Storm Point

★★★★★ Apprentice

The tunnel near Cascades leading to Checkpoint has always been awful to exit on the latter side since the release of Storm Point because teams can sit on the Rocks to the right & get easy kills. Unless you have a portal ult or other mobility ult it's actually impossible to get into the ring with a team shooting you from there. Storm Points latest map update is one of the best in Apex history, but this spot is still unfair. My team & I literally trapped a team by conduit ulting the door as they exited & easily killed them from the Rocks. We have also been killed there because ring 3 was coming in & a team was sitting there. It's great to outplay teams, but that spot is just cheap. I am not expecting this to get fixed any time soon unfortunately. 

Message 1 of 4 (735 Views)

Re: Bad tunnel exit Storm Point

★★★★ Expert

a) Have you never used this choke point to your own advantage? If people can grief you there then can't you grief them by getting the position early and laying in wait?

b) If you're delaying rotation until you have no other way to go then that's more of a player problem than a map problem?
Message 2 of 4 (690 Views)

Re: Bad tunnel exit Storm Point

★★★★★ Apprentice

@reconzero wrote:

a) Have you never used this choke point to your own advantage? If people can grief you there then can't you grief them by getting the position early and laying in wait?

b) If you're delaying rotation until you have no other way to go then that's more of a player problem than a map problem?

I literally said in my post I had used it to my advantage... Secondly we had to beat a team before the tunnel & in the tunnel to get to ring, it wasn't our intention to not rotate in time. You can't say you haven't ever had to fight your way through a chokepoint. The thing is the exit has no counterplay unless as I said you're using a portal legend. 

Message 3 of 4 (681 Views)

Re: Bad tunnel exit Storm Point

★★★★ Expert

"You can't say you haven't ever had to fight your way through a chokepoint."

This is why I Valk.

"The thing is the exit has no counterplay..."

This game is full of places like this. Some are choke points, some are specific to certain ring closings, and some depend only on inexperienced or headstrong players to keep making the same mistakes expecting a different result. BR by its nature has an element of luck baked into the formula. Some players appreciate that fact and some hate it. Not sure there's a right or wrong answer on that one.

So is this an argument against that specific choke point or against choke points in general? If it's just this one in particular then how would you change it to make it more playable?
Message 4 of 4 (610 Views)