Rif.: NFS Unbound REMOVED from EA App!?

da snma9

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NFS Unbound REMOVED from EA App!?

★★★ Novice

I just played the game Yesterday, Today I boot my pc, open EA app and I can't find it anymore!
I legally purchased the game and owned it, I still have the activation key (I also tried to claim it again, it says it's a NFS Unbound key, but can't be redeemed because it was already claimed... of course, BY ME!) - If I go on the store page, it doesn't give me the option to re-download the game (btw still installed in my PC), but just to buy it again (I won't).
What do I have to do, did I just got robbed?

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Rif.: NFS Unbound REMOVED from EA App!?

★★★ Newbie

same issue with me! i purchased mine from epic games, i backed up the game because my storage was full, then after restoring the game the game was nowhere to be found on my library

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