Re: Return of the initial cinematics

by hackfuegos

Original Post

Return of the initial cinematics

★ Apprentice

On behalf of the entire PvZ3 community and the PvZ3 Defenders Team, we would like to see the game's opening cinematic (the one shown at the beginning, where you see Dave falling asleep for 3 months) brought back. This cinematic is without a doubt the best of all the ones in the game, as its music and atmosphere fully introduce the player to the game's story. We don't know why it was removed from the game between the March and April versions, but we do want it to come back. And along with it, we would like to see the dialogues that Patrice showed when she arrived in Neighborville restored, as they are now shorter and less expressive. Thank you for listening to our suggestions, and I hope you restore what was undoubtedly the best thing PvZ3 has ever had.


Sincerely, Hack Fuegos, member of the PvZ3 Defenders Team and loyal follower of the game.

Message 1 of 4 (293 Views)

Re: Return of the initial cinematics

★ Apprentice

It's insane literally no one has brought this up until now, I was JUST about to. Gave some XP to this one Standard smile

Message 2 of 4 (244 Views)

Re: Return of the initial cinematics

Community Manager
Hey @hackfuegos , thank you for your input Standard smile Based on your XP received, it looks like the community really likes that opening scene! I agree the music is very cool, it's definitely one of the strongest features of the Plants vs Zombies games!

We have passed your feedback to the teams!

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Message 3 of 4 (174 Views)

Re: Return of the initial cinematics

★ Apprentice
Thank you very much for your attention, see you in the next version of PvZ3 😆
Message 4 of 4 (169 Views)