Re: Is Apex Dying?

by WTF_Huitzo

Original Post

Is Apex Dying?

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

Recently theres just less and less motivate to play this game, Pubs is boring and full of preds cause matchmakings messed up and ranked is full of cheaters and 6 man teams and it seems Respawn/EA couldnt care less just turning the game into a cash cow . In my opinion Comp Apex is the only thing holding this game together!

Message 1 of 7 (401 Views)

Re: Is Apex Dying?

★★ Guide
@pilankro Yea the massive amount of cheating is finally taking a toll on the playerbase
Message 2 of 7 (397 Views)

Re: Is Apex Dying?

★ Apprentice
@pilankro Sadly the devs aren't really doing a lot to ban those cheaters. I mean not even those kinda high-end ones, those you can't tell easily, just the game is full of straight cheaters, killing everyone they see in 1 sec.
Message 3 of 7 (337 Views)

Re: Is Apex Dying?

★★★ Guide

Yup it's kinda sad how dead the game is thanks to cheaters , impossible to play in EU servers after plat , it's all russian/chinese cheaters lobbies.
and respawn refuse to invest in any decent anti cheat.

Message 4 of 7 (318 Views)

Re: Is Apex Dying?

★★★★★ Pro
@pilankro Player counts are down by about half from the peak in 2023 based on Steam charts at least. Pretty obvious that EA/Respawn do not care about fixing any of the big issues with this game and are only pumping out cosmetics, collection events, battle passes (1 per split now? Really?), and an occasional new legend &/or map.
Message 5 of 7 (208 Views)

Re: Is Apex Dying?

★ Pro
@HappyHourSumwur Peak Player Count is down nearly half of what it was before Season 21 ... (about 200K down when you compare March with July)
Message 6 of 7 (170 Views)

Re: Is Apex Dying?

★ Guide

Yeah I just got fed up with the state of the game after taking a break for a season.


It's just so rare to have a fun game anymore.  The matchmaking is still bad and lobbies are full of cheaters.  Noticeably more cheating going on than previous seasons.  Doesn't matter what you do.  


Addressing cheating has to be #1 priority, all the other changes are just wasted effort IMO.  Drop the player count by another one.

Message 7 of 7 (115 Views)