[Guide] Card Ranking Basics

by mendozzamagic

Original Post

Re: [Guide] Card Ranking Basics

★★★★ Apprentice

I don’t think training does anything anyway, it definitely doesn’t improve the players or there OVR, they get extra points on different attributes like passing, dribbling, defence and shooting but this never carries over to the game play, I have almost a fully ranked up team and bench with each player trained to 15 and all it has done nothing me only to compete a quest for 1000 gems, because my team hasn’t improved in any mode VSA, H2H or MM. 


Even when they are ranked up to get an skill like, playmaker, target man or anchor it still doesn’t improve game it’s useless, better to just buy high OVR players train them to 5 and not waste your coins in the market buying the same player over and over.


Another EA failure to implement a what could have been great system where you could build a team of players you want and train them to better over a season but they capped it at 5 OVR. 

Message 21 of 43 (1,077 Views)

Re: [Guide] Card Ranking Basics

★★ Novice



I just want to ask, what is the difference between welcome cards and basic golden cards? The price difference is too much, that is why I think, there must be a difference.


Thanks in advance. 

Message 22 of 43 (1,075 Views)

Re: [Guide] Card Ranking Basics

★★★ Expert
@nwh4lyet0e84 Go to renderz and comare stats. Probably better stats
Message 23 of 43 (1,061 Views)

Re: [Guide] Card Ranking Basics

The ranked player has significantly higher xp attached to them, which is in line with the xp of the number of cards that you trained into them … so, if use a rank 5, 20 trained card to transfer training to your higher OVR ranked 5 card - you will be at training level 20 + the card points from the 20 cards used to on the original player 


To illustrate - I had GK Ryan fully ranked and trained to 20, I then purchased a whole heap of fully ranked bronze cards, then I trained Ryan into the first bronze, then that bronze into the next bronze etc and then ultimately back into a second 5 ranked Ryan and both completed the training quest and ended up with Ryan having more training than he started with.


@Sanyosa  @Konterman 

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Message 24 of 43 (1,045 Views)

Re: [Guide] Card Ranking Basics

★★★ Expert
@mendozzamagic So the difference between the first Ryan and second Ryan should be xp of thos bronze you bought, trained and then melted their training into second Ryan.
In the process you lost 5 ranks for the first Ryan? That was the main issue as I understood Konterman. You rank a player, train him and then melt him into some other players. You get the xp but lose ranks?
Message 25 of 43 (1,039 Views)

Re: [Guide] Card Ranking Basics

Well - yes - but I got 20 Ryan cards worth of xp plus whatever amount of training was in him.


if he had zero training, the new card would end up with 20 cards worth of training in it, and so on and so forth … so yes, you still need to get the requisite amount of cards to rank the card you are transferring training to, but if you could just transfer ranks then everyone would jump on the market and buy a whole heap of rank 5 bronzes for a couple hundred thousand each and then use them to rank their 90+ players to the top level.


This way, you are getting the amount of training you have put into a card, plus the training value of the players used to achieve the level of ranking.

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Message 26 of 43 (1,034 Views)

Re: [Guide] Card Ranking Basics

★★★★ Apprentice
@mendozzamagic I agree with how to train a player but what I would like to know is does it make any difference to the player on the pitch, i have 6 of my starting 11 ranked up there by 5 OVR 4 by 4 OVR and 1 by 3 OVR all trained to 15, there stats have improved but it doesn’t seem to carry over to the game play, they still make terrible passes, fall over in tackles, go to ground in hard challenge and stay there, delay shots, lose every 50/50 and get out paced by base cards. For example my 89 rated Rashford gets out paced by a base level Rudiger in a foot race even though he has higher pace.
Message 27 of 43 (1,030 Views)

Re: [Guide] Card Ranking Basics

★★★★ Apprentice

@Thegrannyrule wrote:
@mendozzamagicI agree with how to train a player but what I would like to know is does it make any difference to the player on the pitch, i have 6 of my starting 11 ranked up there by 5 OVR 4 by 4 OVR and 1 by 3 OVR all trained to 15, there stats have improved but it doesn’t seem to carry over to the game play, they still make terrible passes, fall over in tackles, go to ground in hard challenge and stay there, delay shots, lose every 50/50 and get out paced by base cards. For example my 89 rated Rashford gets out paced by a base level Rudiger in a foot race even though he has higher pace.

I know it’s not your job to answer my questions, and I’m sorry if it came across like directed at you, but it looks like the ea development team have already abandoned this forum as I haven’t see any of them address or even reply to anything here, I have contacted customer help about this issue but as usual it seems to be another season of Customer No Help as you just get the same generic response that go around and around in circles 

Message 28 of 43 (1,028 Views)

Re: [Guide] Card Ranking Basics

@Thegrannyrule My ranked and trained players with better stats play better … Pele at 15 training is amazing (91 OVR) but 25 trained Cahill (90 OVR) is better and both are faster and more accurate than 90 base cards that I have.

Play PvE or h2h and you really notice the difference … not so evident in h2h as there are all sorts of influences like lag, connection quality etc

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Message 29 of 43 (973 Views)

Re: [Guide] Card Ranking Basics

@mendozzamagic I agree with mendozza - rank up your player OVR.
Message 30 of 43 (946 Views)


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