NHL 25 for PC

by TonyJesu3yt

Original Post

Re: Won't be coming to PC

[ Edited ]

@NeonSkyline21There was an article 4 or 5 years ago that talked about the money from Ultimate Team and how it went to funding marketing and new projects. The game studios budget was determined by how many supposed copies they were predicted to sell. You have to remember shareholders want as much money as possible so giving back the bare minimum is probably the goal.  And granted the article was mostly referring to FIFA which we know is a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge ultimate team cash cow who if they got all that money they should have the worlds greatest most polished game ever. lol

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Message 151 of 159 (595 Views)

Re: Won't be coming to PC

★★ Guide
@POSEIDOND I can't say for certain on if the coding needs to be modified to be able to be played on PC or not. What I can for certain say is that graphics is a huge difference as to why it would be difficult to make it available for PC. Trying to make sure it works with all the graphics cards out there without issues and then needing to troubleshoot why something doesn't work for a specific group requires personnel and resources. Just look at how long it took to figure out the AT&T issues. When you stream the game on cloud, it is being played on their servers with their tested equipment so your specs mean nothing. The only thing on your PC that matters is your Internet speed to get the video and audio feed. In no way shape or form is the average person using a 1.5 gbps connection. First the average is way lower than that around the, as @KidShowtime1867 stated, the 100-200 mbps range. Second even if lets say you had more than gigabit internet, which does happen, than you would need a specific setup to be able to run past the 1gbps which most people don't know about or don't actually setup. They are paying for 2-10gbps and don't even realize that they are being throttled to 1.
Message 152 of 159 (562 Views)

Why is NHL not on PC?

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

what in tarnation




Edit: Moved post to the current thread on this issue. -CM

Message 153 of 159 (421 Views)

Re: Won't be coming to PC

★★★ Newbie
@EA_Aljo New to the game and totally understand the game will not be coming to PC. However, is there a way to manage our team from the PC? That would be a much better experience for reviewing your cards, auctioning, completing sets etc. I am fine with keeping the gameplay to the console, it is a major main to navigate to find cards, auction cards, manage lines, etc., when that use case is better served on the PC vs. controller. Thanks.
Message 154 of 159 (343 Views)

Re: Won't be coming to PC

Community Manager

Hello, @JoeGPCB 


There is no app for that, unfortunately. The best I can suggest, if you're on Xbox, is playing through cloud gaming.

Message 155 of 159 (339 Views)

Re: Won't be coming to PC

★★★ Newbie
@EA_Aljo Thanks for the quick reply.
Message 156 of 159 (335 Views)

Re: Won't be coming to PC

Community Manager



No problem!

Message 157 of 159 (330 Views)

Re: Won't be coming to PC

★★★ Newbie
@BullitMagnit74 This is the solution but EA would never. It doesn't make them exorbitant amounts of money through illegitimate means like gambling or exploiting people. I personally bought a new gen console only for NHL and MLB, the only two of the "Big 4" sports without PC ports and the only two sports I like. EA does NOT deserve any of the success it sees.

They obviously see this market -- they re-released Alpha Centauri on Steam this year for a whopping 276 all-time peak concurrent players, currently sitting at 27 players. A PC game, released in 1999. Albeit a much more popular game back in the day, but releasing it on Steam offered pretty much no benefit. NHL 09 is a slightly newer game, it's a game with a PC version, they could easily re-release it to gauge the support for NHL on PC. If it isn't there, oh well, Steam is doing most of the heavy lifting to host and support this game, people still bought and play it, and now PC players can legally acquire an official NHL game. It is there, and suddenly a new market is opened up for NHL on PC and EA has tapped into more of that sweet money they so crave. Their greed is satisfied, and their players are happy.

Even better and less costly -- they literally just make a post somewhere asking if the support is there. Make an identical post for another franchise not on PC yet/anymore. Easy peasy, they have an idea of the popularity and demand for the game on PC, and from a much more mainstream place than this forum or relatively small subreddits. But even that's too much effort for a AAA game dev that copy and pastes their game each year while pretending it takes effort to add and remove the same features a few times and whining about how their players (aka their source of money) want too much.
Message 158 of 159 (252 Views)

NHL 25 for PC

★★★★★ Newbie

I think it's a shame you can't play NHL on a PC, the Playstation is too slow ( WOC takes 30 years to load )... I know that with a PC you'd get better quality and easier to use!

Please EA, add this game on pc, you did it well with Fc, Wrc and others! if we have to pay more, I'll pay to get it on my pc!


Message 159 of 159 (171 Views)


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