Update on Hybrid Controls and Goalie Tethering

by EA_Aljo

Original Post

Re: Update on Hybrid Controls and Goalie Tethering

★★★★★ Apprentice

I hope it comes in a day one patch.  Waiting to play it would suck.

Message 71 of 305 (728 Views)

Re: Update on Hybrid Controls and Goalie Tethering

★★ Apprentice

I also hope that the hybrid controls will be in friday when the game is officially released.

Message 72 of 305 (678 Views)

Return hybrid controls. Also fix all bags.

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

Return hybrid controls 



Edit: Modified the subject to better reflect the content. -CM

Message 73 of 305 (357 Views)

Re: Return hybrid controls. Your new one sux. Also fix all bags.

Community Manager



You can find details on this in the stickied post here.

Message 74 of 305 (352 Views)

Re: Update on Hybrid Controls and Goalie Tethering

★★★ Newbie

When would you return it?

Message 75 of 305 (647 Views)

Re: Update on Hybrid Controls and Goalie Tethering

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Apprentice

Friday when they game is released and no Hybrid Control is present with the Day one patch.

EA is slowly turning into Blizzard in terms of dependability.

Message 76 of 305 (640 Views)

Re: Update on Hybrid Controls and Goalie Tethering

★★★★★ Apprentice

It needs to be Friday. The new shooting controls suck. Who ever thought that having the reverse hit should be on the R3 and the protect the puck on the L3 should be fired as they do not play the game I understand the need to get rid of self sauce and the abuse of L2 but above 2 changes are terrible. There are many posts from your client base telling you this EA. This needs to be fixed now not six months from now.

Message 77 of 305 (629 Views)

Hybrid Controls Are Needed Now

★★★★★ Apprentice

It needs to be changed Friday on the launch of the game . The new shooting controls suck. Who ever thought that having the reverse hit should be on the R3 and the protect the puck on the L3 should be fired as they do not play the game I understand the need to get rid of self sauce and the abuse of L2 but above 2 changes are terrible. There are many posts from your client base telling you this EA. This needs to be fixed now not six months from now

Message 78 of 305 (748 Views)

Re: Update on Hybrid Controls and Goalie Tethering

★★★ Novice
@Blacksunshine93 first time I've been on this account in years lol but this is a smack in the face to all the OG's that's been loyal to this franchise for many many years. I'm not disabled by any means but old dogs don't want to learn new tricks.
Message 79 of 305 (926 Views)

Re: Update on Hybrid Controls and Goalie Tethering

★★ Apprentice

That's right. I've been playing since 1993 and I'm quite old and I certainly don't want to learn new skills at my age, when I've been playing like this for almost 30 years.

Message 80 of 305 (832 Views)


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