Skating Speed (EASHL)

by kdsmaclean

Original Post

Re: Skating Speed (EASHL)

Community Manager



The best way to understand how your friend is always being outpaced is to see video of it. I don't really have anything else to add to what has already been mentioned here. Since it hasn't been specifically stated, turning will slow you down. Fatigue and player height/weight are other factors. Acceleration helps you get up to your top speed faster. I'm looking into the custom strides. I know there's the rumor they are faster.

Message 11 of 35 (484 Views)

Re: Skating Speed (EASHL)

★ Apprentice

Hi @EA_Aljo,


Thanks for looking into it. There's very different competing explanations out there.


When you say that height/weight are "other factors", do you mean they impact speed even after controlling for attributes?


To make this more clear, suppose I have two players that are both 90/90 speed/acc.


Player A is small (e.g. 5'10 160lbs).

Player B is large (e.g. 6'1 210lbs).


Suppose all else is equal: Are you saying that Player B would have better acceleration / higher top end speed? 

Message 12 of 35 (479 Views)

Re: Skating Speed (EASHL)

[ Edited ]
Community Manager



Smaller players are faster than larger players. They're easier to knock off the puck though.


Edit. Apologies. I missed where you said they were both 90/90. I'll check on that. In that case, I assume they're both the same. You can see where speed changes when adjusting a player's size though.

Message 13 of 35 (473 Views)

Re: Skating Speed (EASHL)

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Guide

Stamina, body positioning, how straight you skate all matter.


20% difference in stamina can make a difference (probably).

If one guy has a better first step they'll have better positioning, any kind is huge for puck battles and races.

1 bad step left or right is also huge, some people don't notice it.

Stride style is probably the last thing that I would think is making a difference. It can make you look like you're going faster especially for the first few strides, and stick handling and pick ups can be different, but it shouldn't actually affect speed.

>> Also reach is probably really important. Not exactly sure how much it affects pick ups, you can probably test it yourself.

Message 14 of 35 (458 Views)

Re: Skating Speed (EASHL)

★ Guide

@kdsmaclean wrote:

I understand. But these were two players who were both already going in a straight line. Of course agility/ping matters but not once you're in the straight line sprint (I'd think)

Yes, but if one player is able to accelerate faster, that player will be ahead of the other player once both are going full speed.

Message 15 of 35 (450 Views)

Re: Skating Speed (EASHL)

★ Apprentice
@EA_Aljo Right but that's where this discussion is getting confusing. For the purposes of this discussion, I'm always referring to all else being equal. Otherwise every factor can be said to impact speed because everything is a tradeoff.

This is the clip I was referring to. Take notice of green and the player who starts out maybe one stride length ahead. At a certain point, THAT player starts sprinting and by the time the puck is in the D zone, that player is maybe 4 stride lengths ahead.

It looks to me like both are in sprint animation and both are going in essentially straight lines.

Now maybe there's an easy explanation and that's fine. I'm still curious whether height/weight and skating style matter, all else being equal.
Message 16 of 35 (424 Views)

Re: Skating Speed (EASHL)

[ Edited ]
★ Guide

@kdsmaclean wrote:
@EA_AljoRight but that's where this discussion is getting confusing. For the purposes of this discussion, I'm always referring to all else being equal. Otherwise every factor can be said to impact speed because everything is a tradeoff.

This is the clip I was referring to. Take notice of green and the player who starts out maybe one stride length ahead. At a certain point, THAT player starts sprinting and by the time the puck is in the D zone, that player is maybe 4 stride lengths ahead.

It looks to me like both are in sprint animation and both are going in essentially straight lines.

Now maybe there's an easy explanation and that's fine. I'm still curious whether height/weight and skating style matter, all else being equal.

You say, "all else equal", but ARE all things equal? Do you know what the builds of the two players in question were? Do you know what their stamina levels were at when they started skating back to your team's zone?

Message 17 of 35 (400 Views)

Re: Skating Speed (EASHL)

Community Manager

@kdsmaclean wrote:
@EA_Aljo Right but that's where this discussion is getting confusing. For the purposes of this discussion, I'm always referring to all else being equal. Otherwise every factor can be said to impact speed because everything is a tradeoff.

This is the clip I was referring to. Take notice of green and the player who starts out maybe one stride length ahead. At a certain point, THAT player starts sprinting and by the time the puck is in the D zone, that player is maybe 4 stride lengths ahead.

It looks to me like both are in sprint animation and both are going in essentially straight lines.

Now maybe there's an easy explanation and that's fine. I'm still curious whether height/weight and skating style matter, all else being equal.

The trailing player is skating in a straight line. The carrier makes a few turns. They also have a slight penalty for carrying the puck. You don't hustle when you're turning so that will kick in.

Message 18 of 35 (369 Views)

Re: Skating Speed (EASHL)

@EA_Aljo I don't think they're talking about the carrier. I think they're looking at the trailer in white and the green player chasing them. Green actually seems to enter hustle first and they're going relatively the same speed until they cross the blue line where the player in white pulls away.

Without knowing the builds of those two players it's hard to say what's going on. Assuming they're relatively the same, I'd guess it's simply a case of one player running low on energy first.

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Message 19 of 35 (358 Views)

Re: Skating Speed (EASHL)

Community Manager



The green player starts hustling right away and is skating in a straight line. The player in white slightly turns, then enters hustle. As you mentioned, we need to know the builds as well and energy needs to be considered.

Message 20 of 35 (353 Views)


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