Skating Speed (EASHL)

by kdsmaclean

Original Post

Skating Speed (EASHL)

★ Apprentice



Can I get some sort of confirmation on what impacts skating speed?


I have a teammate who is being outpaced to the puck even though he is 95/95 and in full sprint. 


So my questions are


1: Does height/size impact this? The other player was substantially larger. 


2: Does skating style? The other player had on some gimmicky skating style. 


Ideally it would be nice to hear from the developers.

Message 1 of 35 (675 Views)

Re: Skating Speed (EASHL)

@kdsmaclean Connection also matters

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Message 2 of 35 (669 Views)

Re: Skating Speed (EASHL)

★ Apprentice

Why would connection matter if both skaters are in sprint? It would certainly impact reaction time but why would it impact speed?

Message 3 of 35 (667 Views)

Re: Skating Speed (EASHL)

[ Edited ]
★ Guide

From what I understand, the speed stat is just what your max potential speed is. Depending on the situation, agility and acceleration can be more impactful to your overall quickness. 


For example, say two players with the same speed but different agility levels are racing from center ice to the goal line and back. The player with higher agility is going to win the race due to being able to stop quicker before racing back. 


As another example, say two players with the same speed but different acceleration levels are racing from center ice to the goal line. The player with the higher acceleration will win because that player is able to reach his max speed quicker and is thus able to breakaway from the other player. 


Ping plays a factor as well, because a player with lower latency is going to have their data packets being sent back and forth between their router and the game server faster, meaning their inputs get processed by the game server before a player with higher ping. So, say two players are racing from center ice to the goal line and back. If both players press the necessary buttons to skate and turn back at the exact same time, the player with lower ping will win because that player's inputs are being processed faster by the game server.

Message 4 of 35 (638 Views)

Re: Skating Speed (EASHL)

★ Apprentice

I understand. But these were two players who were both already going in a straight line. Of course agility/ping matters but not once you're in the straight line sprint (I'd think)

Message 5 of 35 (610 Views)

Re: Skating Speed (EASHL)

@kdsmaclean Stamina/Endurance also matters. And you'd be shocked how much the other stats matter. Even what may seem like a straight line might not be 100% straight at least I feel.

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Message 6 of 35 (579 Views)

Re: Skating Speed (EASHL)

★ Apprentice

Fair enough. What about height / skating style? I have been told rumors that skating style impacts speed. And again, these were much larger players.

Message 7 of 35 (575 Views)

Re: Skating Speed (EASHL)

[ Edited ]

@kdsmacleanI mean if one truly did exist you would see all the esport players using it. Like every character in Apex big or small runs at the same speed but the animation sometimes make people feel like they are going slower but really aren't. In Destiny 2 if you move your FOV back you feel faster also. It's illusions.


If it did truly exist the community would have outed it by now.

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Message 8 of 35 (565 Views)

Re: Skating Speed (EASHL)

[ Edited ]
★ Apprentice

I mean, that's the claim being made though, and it is why I'm asking. It doesn't mean it's true - but yes, the claim is that pros ARE doing that. So that's why I'm asking Standard smile 





Below is a video where someone claims pros are using certain skating styles for better puck pickups/deking etc.


Here's another video saying the same thing.


Here's a reddit comment saying this



Message 9 of 35 (547 Views)

Re: Skating Speed (EASHL)

@kdsmaclean Ok I do know if you edit the way your player skates that yes some animations are better. I once made the most awful looking skater and they messed up on a bunch of common stuff. But uh Aljo is gonna try and get the information tomorrow to see if the devs have anything to say about it.

But I will give these setups people suggest a try and see if I notice a difference in my skating.

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Message 10 of 35 (542 Views)


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