Re: pogo sucks since ea

by EA_Illium

Original Post

Re: pogo sucks since ea

★★ Novice

EA has made a complete mess of things with their style - keep referring to "avatar" which should put back into ClubPogo classic - this does not happen.  The games are not the same as they were - they are not coming through properly - slow - cannot even play word whomp because they take too long to show the letters. Everything is screwed up - not a good recommendation.  I think you will be losing a lot of former members of Club Pogo.  When you take over a company then it should be improved but not all changed - there are no bonus tokens, the set up is stupid.

Message 1 of 10 (1,183 Views)

Re: pogo sucks since ea

★★ Novice

They keep putting us into the EA express.  Whether we want to or not.

Message 2 of 10 (1,175 Views)

Re: pogo sucks since ea

Community Manager (retired)

Hey there, @fpaulineh.


I'm sorry to hear you're having issues with the New Pogo Experience. As the thread you replied to was a few years old and Solved, I moved your posts to its own thread to be worked out.


I hope there is no confusion in that EA has owned Pogo since 2001 and the same team is working on Pogo throughout its lifetime. We have regularly taken player feedback into improving the website over the years, and the Pogo Early Access is no different.


We greatly appreciate your feedback on the new site. Thank you for sharing with us.


Would you mind trying some troubleshooting to see if it improves your Early Access performance? If so, if you're able to share some of your browser details, it would help a lot. Could you please cut / paste (or screenshot) your full results from the Pogo Compatibility Tool? As well, could you let me know how much system RAM you have on your PC/Mac? I'll be happy to take a look as to why the game isn't running smoothly for you.


Arrenai Cat

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Message 3 of 10 (1,116 Views)

Re: pogo sucks since ea

★★★ Newbie
Message 4 of 10 (1,097 Views)

Re: pogo sucks since ea

Community Manager (retired)

Hey there, @cbru14.


To get back to Pogo Classic, just click on the character avatar in the upper right corner, and then select Back to Pogo Classic which is at the bottom of the menu.






I hope that helps!


Arrenai Cat

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Message 5 of 10 (1,090 Views)

Re: pogo sucks since ea

★★★ Newbie

That is not true what you said  "I hope there is no confusion in that EA has owned Pogo since 2001 and the same team is working on Pogo throughout its lifetime."  stop putting out false information   I have been a member since 2002 and EA did not own it do your checking please.  POGO is ruined as far as I am concerned.

Message 6 of 10 (980 Views)

Re: pogo sucks since ea

@tmandy2 on March 1, 2001 at 8:25PM PST announced today that it has acquired

You can also read on Wikipedia about it as well. The Pogo history.

So, when you joined in 2002, yes it was owned by EA. So, it is not false information, it is a fact. EA bought it from TEN Total Entertainment Network for 40 million.

Any research can be done to find fact or false information, you just need to do the work before calling someone a liar, even in a nice round about way.
Good Luck,~BB~

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Message 7 of 10 (967 Views)

Re: pogo sucks since e

★★★ Novice

Pogo is a mess. The games are glitchy and don’t award pogis or give you what you just bought with your gems. Just today,the snowbird solitaire weekly challenge awarded me the badge for completing it, but not the pogies . A couple of days ago, merge academy glitched and took back the energy lives I just purchased for 20 gems . a few days before that Pogo slots glitched and took back all of the coins I won playing for a few hours .


Every time these glitches happen, you get a screen error message that says your progress cannot be saved, try again and when you try again, another pop up appears with the selections to either restart or exit the game. either choice you lose every time.


EA help is only good at evading the issues. They have done absolutely zero every time I open a case with them. It’s the same runaround every time. You go on the chat, you are assigned a case number, an agent gets on the chat asks your name then asks you how you’re doing today then ask you what your issue is then tells you that they can’t handle it because they are not the mobile department and you were on a mobile device and when they transfer your chat to the mobile department you get disconnected every single time.


Then you get an email that says someone will contact you about your issue, but even though I’ve reported issues many times I’ve only been contacted once by email, and the person that contacted me literally wrote “Don’t worry, I will assist you” and the very next line he says “I cannot assist you”.


just for the fact that EA help support customer service routes their chat to a department that does not handle mobile customers is very very telling. Evasive action is there go to first move. Not one single time has EA customer support solved the problem for me. Not once!


if you go in and look at your case number, the only thing that have done is they just label it that they are waiting for me to respond. What are they waiting for me to respond to? The fact that they haven’t done anything about anything? AndThe only way for me to respond, is to open another chat and do the whole process again in a merry-go-round of wasted time. 

ive spent hundreds of dollars on gems to have a little fun playing pogo. EA won’t be getting another dime. 



Message 8 of 10 (151 Views)

Re: pogo sucks since e

★ Apprentice

I'm happy to see more and more people are fed up with all of their corporate bull. Nobody asked them to do what they have done, and they praise it as if it was such a Godsend. They absolutely went the wrong way with it. They claim the same team has been working on Pogo the entire time since the start, but I find it very difficult to believe. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy change, but not when they delete everything and make it a new, way worse, thing. It's the same with Roblox. I don't know what company started this trend, but it needs to end.

Message 9 of 10 (112 Views)

Re: pogo sucks since ea

Community Manager

Hey Pogo Community, 


This post has gotten pretty old, and the team has worked to bring several changes since this thread started. 


Due to our efforts to keep Answers HQ up to date, with the latest relevant information. I will be locking this thread for further replies. 


For information on why this happened, or other changes you might see on Answers HQ, check out the link below:


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  • Don't "necropost." Reviving, updating or bumping old, outdated and irrelevant threads is not helpful for our community. It's best to check when the thread was created before you hit post, just to make sure it's not 2 years old for example.



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Message 10 of 10 (98 Views)