Re: Region locked chel search

by EA_Aljo

Original Post

Region locked chel search

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Novice

As I already suggested in this topic


  • Let us choose a region server, like in private games, and only get matched with players from that region.
  • If no match is found, then simply keep searching until one is found (with time reset and all that)
  • If someone matches from a different region, the match should be played on our defined (locked) region.
  • Server switching should be disabled for host if region lock is set.

I'm so tired of getting high ping games even when I play in the mornings or daytime (Europe). This a better solution to ensure not getting high-ping games and ruining our experience. Simply "jumping in and quitting games" until EA blesses us with decent ping is not a solution.


There is nothing more demotivating than waiting for minutes only to get into high-ping games and either suffer a poor game experience or quit the game and repeat the steps until you no longer have the motivation to even play.


This is not the first NHL game with multiplayer or the CHEL system; quality-of-life updates should already be expected.

Message 1 of 3 (147 Views)

Re: Region locked chel search

Community Manager



Have you tried setting your search filters to strict? That should help. Unfortunately, there's most likely a small pool of players in your region. Which is why the search expands to include others.

Message 2 of 3 (105 Views)

Re: Region locked chel search

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Novice

Another thing that's needs to be added is the option to do strict and region search for drop ins. Why can i only changes this when i play with my club?

It would be nice if the relaxed search option would be removed and we only have strict and region search. But more important is that the region search is set as default option for both drop ins and playing with your club. Make sure everyone is searching in their region they live in as default.


Sometimes i need to leave 5-6 games before they start because the ping is orange or red and do another search. It's annoying to see people leave just before the game is about to start and i can imagine other people gets annoyed when i leave. But what can i do when i am not allowed to do a proper search.

Message 3 of 3 (61 Views)


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