Happy Home Login Event: Claimed items disappear/ Have to start over

by crinrict

Original Post

Re: Happy at home event, Rewards not permanent.

@grimberry The rewards are stored in documents\Electronic arts\the sims 4\usersettings(.ini).

Just back that up.

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

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Message 30 of 249 (1,004 Views)

Re: Daily Rewards Linked to Computer, Not Account. You WILL Lose Them.

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice

I travel for work and use a laptop when gone and a desktop when home.  I have bought literally every sim game/pack since the year 2000.  I had to wipe and redo my laptop on 6/3/24, and ended up loosing the login rewards I'd collected.  Being the last day of week 1, can't possibly get all 3 that were offered. Then I logged into my desktop and saw that they weren't there either.  This is extremely frustrating.  I logged in on 3 different days in week 1.  I should have the rewards.  

Message 31 of 249 (827 Views)

Re: Happy at home Login event bug, can't claim rewards

@XihavenoideaX  If you were to delete the UserSettings.ini file, you would lose access to the claimed rewards... unless you decided to use one of the workarounds some modders have offered.  So I'd suggest backing up this file the way you'd back up your saves: as frequently as makes you comfortable that you're not losing anything essential.


This file can be transferred between computers as well, so you could preserve your progress on a new system if you wanted.


I'm glad to hear this isn't giving you any more trouble.


@ChantelleB444  Have you tested without mods or custom content?


I don't work for EA. I'm just trying to help fellow players with their games.
Message 32 of 249 (1,126 Views)

Re: Happy at home event, Rewards not permanent.

★★ Novice

I had sort of the same issue, and made the same discovery. Its ridiculous to me that if you need to verify or reinstall the files, or get a new console or PC, they're gone forever? I don't understand why the Sims team made them a temporary location-specific file instead of saving them to the account like they would a kit or pack.


And sure, backing up the files would work, but not everyone has enough room on their PC to keep a backup of the files, and I'm pretty sure console players can't back up at all.

Message 33 of 249 (852 Views)

Re: Happy at home event, Rewards not permanent.

@SuperblySim You can back it up to a flash drive. It's not a big file.

I can't say why EA has done it this way but it currently is what it is and if you want to keep your stuff, you'll have to backup the file.

Console players ARE a whole differnt issue. I won't go into that.

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

Important Threads

Message 34 of 249 (849 Views)

Daily Rewards Reset

★ Novice

I have been logging in to collect my daily rewards I had just unlocked my 3rd reward today. However when I went to log back in there was an issue with my game I clicked repair and now I am back to only having 1 of 3 rewards for the log in rewards so I lost progress. This would not be an issue except for the fact that I can no longer re earn the final reward before the next week so I am just out a reward that I had been logging in daily to collect

Message 35 of 249 (873 Views)

Event rewards

★★★ Novice

Deleted my old save file thinking I would have kept my login rewards for week 1 but makes me claim the dartboard again. Is there anyway to still get the other 2 for week 1 since new week is starting 

Message 36 of 249 (872 Views)

New login rewards per device or per account?

★★ Novice

I've been collecting the rewards on my PC but my PC broke so I tried claiming them on my laptop and it was reset to day one as if I haven't been claiming them. I tried looking in-game to see if the items I've claimed past day one on my PC are there on my laptop but they're just gone. Am I supposed to start over just because my PC broke? Or is it a bug? The rewards being connected to the device and not the account doesn't feel fair so I hope that's not the case. Especially because I don't wanna collect them on my laptop only to start over again once my PC is fixed.

Message 37 of 249 (1,182 Views)

Re: New login rewards per device or per account?


The unlocked items are saved in the file Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\userSettings(.ini).
Read more here.

Message 38 of 249 (1,042 Views)

Re: Daily Rewards Reset

@UmbraMortis666 Did you just hit repair or also change something about your user folder ?

The progress is saved in usersettings(.ini) so make sure to backup that file.

More info here: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Game-Questions/FAQ-The-Happy-at-Home-Login-Event/td-p/13775515/jump-to/fir...

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

Important Threads

Message 39 of 249 (1,029 Views)

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