Happy Home Login Event: Claimed items disappear/ Have to start over

by crinrict

Original Post

Re: Sims 4: Daily login bonus keeps repeating

★★★ Newbie

I'm not sure.  Playing on Xbox Series S 

Message 10 of 249 (2,212 Views)

The Sims 4 Login Event rewards don't unlock across systems

★★★ Novice

Since the EA app is completely broken for my mac, I am using other systems running windows to log into the sims 4. Nothing works quite as well as running the sims natively though, so I haven't settled on a new solution. Because if this, I discovered that the login event doesn't credit logins on other systems despite using the same EA account. Until the EA app is fixed on MacOS, I can't guarantee which system I will be logging in on, so please adjust how you are crediting login for the login event.

Message 11 of 249 (2,304 Views)

Re: Lost Event Rewards

★★ Novice

I didn't personally open any of the folders or mess with individual files, I was transferring the game to a new SSD drive and used the steam function to verify the files afterwards. I didn't lose anything else, including save files, but when I reopened the game after it was showing the beginners tutorials again. I'm sure the files just got lost in the shuffle somewhere.

Message 12 of 249 (2,142 Views)

Re: Lost Event Rewards

@SuperblySim Sounds like it.

Make sure to backup your user folder before doing any moving/repairing in the future.

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

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Message 13 of 249 (1,084 Views)

Re: Daily Rewards Linked to Computer, Not Account. You WILL Lose Them.

★★★★ Novice

I had a weird bug where the game wouldn't launch for me on my main PC yesterday so I figured, whatever, I'll just claim the login bonus on my laptop. The way the system is now, if I wanted to get the items on both of my gaming devices (which I do switch between) I'd have to claim them on both devices. I'm logged in to the same account, it obviously knows which packs I own, why can't it remember which login bonuses I've claimed already? *facepalm*

Message 14 of 249 (1,204 Views)

Re: Lost Event Rewards

★★★★ Novice

So if we really want to be safe in this regard should we just create a backup of this file every time we unlock something?

Message 15 of 249 (1,092 Views)

Re: Lost Event Rewards

@mj561256 It shouldn't be necessary unless you're messing around with the files but it won't hurt if you do.

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

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Message 16 of 249 (1,088 Views)

can only claim 1st login reward

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

Since the login rewards system was introduced this week, I have logged into my game on 3 different days. On the first day, I could claim and use the dart board. On the next day, I expected to be able to claim the necklace. Instead, I was prompted to claim the dart board again. Today, I logged in again and could only claim the dart board. My Sims game seems to forget that I claimed my reward the previous day and repeatedly prompts me to claim only the first reward. I am now worried that this glitch will cause me to miss the chance to claim any rewards past the dart board. What is going on here? Is there any way to fix it?

edit: It also prompts me to reclaim the dartboard if I log in twice in one day. I'm not sure I'll even be able to keep that reward once the week is over.

Message 17 of 249 (1,188 Views)

Re: Daily Rewards Linked to Computer, Not Account. You WILL Lose Them.

The rewards are saved in a file called usersettings.ini found in the documents folder.

Just copy this file to another computer and back it up. Look at it like your save games. If you don't transfer your saves folder, you will loose your saves.

I don't know why EA chose to do it this way but for now, if you keep this file save, you have your rewards.

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

Important Threads

Message 18 of 249 (1,201 Views)

Re: can only claim 1st login reward

@hoboprincess429 What platform are you playing on ? Any mods/cc ?

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

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Message 19 of 249 (1,178 Views)

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