Re: TV Workout, Fitness Stuff Refresh

by SheriGR

Original Post

TV Workout, Fitness Stuff Refresh

★★ Guide

A neat feature of the Fitness Stuff Pack is the ability to perform a workout routine through the Workout TV channel. But many players, and especially new players, may not know about these TV channels. There are also some unfortunate limitations to the Workout TV channels that could use a second look and hopefully get corrected.


Increase Participation
Did you know that only ONE Sim at a time can use the Workout Channel? I’m unsure if this is by design or an oversight, but this means that in a household of 8 Sims, only ONE Sim can work out via the Workout TV channel. No other participants can join in.


If I queue each member of an 8-Sim household to do a Plumboomba Dance, it results with only ONE Sim working out to it while the remaining 7 Sims stand around, waiting for their turn, before their queues clear.


If I form a group of Sims, this group still cannot work out at the same time using the Plumboomba Dance or Power Sculpting channels. There is no Workout Together option for the Fitness Stuff workout TV channels.


Could we fix this to allow more than one Sim to participate with the Workout TV channel at the same time? Could we offer a Work Out Together option for groups for the Workout channels? Could it be made so any Sim at any time to join in when the Workout channel is already playing on the TV?


TVs at Gyms
If there are TVs on the Gym lot, Sims will not autonomously choose to use the TV to perform Plumboomba Dance or Power Sculpting. It would be fitting to see the Workout channel used autonomously when on the Gym lot and with the added touch of townie Sims activating and using this feature on their own. Then our playable Sims could possibly join them, or vice versa, have townies join our Sims’ TV workout.


Aerobics Instructor Career

Players love active gameplay and interactive careers. The Fitness Stuff Pack is perfect to include another active Instructor career. An Aerobics Instructor career could be handled the same as the ability to host a Yoga Class, introduced in the Spa Day Refresh. The Aerobics Instructor could host either a Plumboomba Dance or a Power Sculpting class to earn simoleons. Aerobics animations would use the same animations as the TV Workout channel.


Technically, there isn’t a need to add more CAS assets to the Fitness Stuff pack. But… if The Sims Team were to refresh Fitness Stuff, it’d be fun and nostalgic to include a throwback outfit referencing the classic 1980s Aerobics spandex style with Legwarmer Sneakers. It could be, like, totally rad.


Step Aerobics
An optional way to add more gameplay and a new workout routine to the Fitness Stuff Pack is to introduce Step Aerobics activity. Step Aerobics is a trendy and popular fitness activity that can be performed with a proposed Aerobics Instructor Career. This activity is a great fit for the Fitness Stuff pack aesthetic.


Thank you for considering my ideas. I haven't yet given up on Pack Refreshes. It's a good sales mechanism that breathes new life into older content. Pack Refreshes help motivate veteran simmers to keep playing the game and explore the new features while also inspiring brand new players to purchase an older pack.


Message 1 of 2 (90 Views)

Re: TV Workout, Fitness Stuff Refresh

[ Edited ]

@Vyo4 I love your ideas! May I add that one of my favorite uses of my treadmill and TV is to put two treadmills side-by-side, tell the sim to turn on some educational show while on the treadmill, and have another sim join in on the other treadmill. This ends up boosting fun, fitness, social, and whatever educational aspect is on the TV. (Plus my sims do all of this, except choosing an educational channel, autonomously. Crazy-helpful in keeping them fit!) 

With the above dynamics in mind that are already incorporated into the game, and having read your great ideas, may I add a few things? Before saying this, though, I must state that I have only ever tried out the gyms (years ago)... I have my Sims workout at home (I found it more efficient), so I don't know all the nuances of a good gym use, so please forgive if I mention something that already occurs)...

  • Having any group gym activity should count as social, if it doesn't already...
  • I think having any exercise, dance, workout, routine that a sim decides autonomously or by being directed to join should count as physical and social.

I also love to see improvements/refurbishments of current packs, including incorporating improvements, tweaks, and expansions of aspects of packs that should naturally overlap. (ie. - expanding the services of a maid, butler, gardener, ranch hand, etc., when a new pack releases.)


Once again, I love your ideas! Thank you for sharing them! You have my 'Me Too' and 'XP' !

SheriGR   I don’t work for EA.

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Message 2 of 2 (77 Views)

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