Suggestion - Sims 4 - Sims with Disabilities

by JP585

Original Post

Re: Sims 4 Ideas? Disabillities

[ Edited ]
★★★ Expert

@JJFM60163 We had a discussion about this idea in a different thread & @PugLove888 and @SheriGR and I even did some player testing. Here's a link to that thread if you'd like to read more. We're just regular Sims players we do not work for EA. I like this idea and I would definitely be willing to pay for these features in a Stuff pack, etc.


EDIT: OK lol I see the threads have now been merged.

Message 51 of 156 (1,309 Views)

When will people with disabilities be included in the sims..?

★★★ Newbie

For real 

Message 52 of 156 (1,128 Views)

Wheelchair bound people cant be a sim.

★★★ Newbie

Ive been playing the sims for 11+ years and im still wondering the same question...WHEN WILL SIMS BE ABLE TO HAVE DISABILITIES????? its extremely upsetting to me thag after all this time and evolution of the game and still no one at EA has considered including EVERYONE. Ive wanted to recreate my best friend and I for years but she is wheelchair bound therefore I can't make her, she cannot be represented in my game. Its hurtful. Theres no wheelchairs, no blind options such as canes/glasses/eyes, no hearing aide accesories, no options to create a sim with dwarfism, no various scaring for burns or surgeries, and the list goes on. Fix this EA. Fix this MAXIS. Its 2021 and time for everyone to be included in the sims.

Message 53 of 156 (1,127 Views)

Re: Is the Sims 4 Wheelchair Accessible?

[ Edited ]
★★★ Novice

My name is [REMOVED], and I was born with Cerebral Palsy; I'm 26, now almost 27 and I was young when the first Sims came out. Even though I understand that many people with disabilities use the Sims to escape real life, it would be inclusive for EA to put disabled sims in an expansion pack so that people have the choice if they wanted it or not. EA wouldn't have to change any of the other games because that would mimic a realistic situation, as I'm sure the game is trying to do. If the people with the expansion pack want to make all buildings accessible, they can do it in gameplay. I believe the suggestion wasn't asking EA to remake the entire Sims but add an expansion pack to include more people.


Edit by PoptartJuniper: Removed Personal Information. Please do not Use your Full Name on the Forums.

Message 54 of 156 (1,178 Views)

New create a sim

★★★ Newbie

So i just wanted to throw this out there, you should make a sim in a wheelchair, handicap and all the additions that would include…. Thinking about it… you can already use most of the items, i like to create movie and book characters and the book im reading he is in a wheelchair. Ill let y’all think if the specifics. Haha. 

Message 55 of 156 (1,045 Views)

Re: New create a sim

[ Edited ]

Thanks for sharing @Shelly101888 !  I think it would be awesome to have some handi-capable representation in the sims! Standard smile


Edit: After having this post and my comment merged with the open discussion and seeing some of the differing viewpoints, I wanted to add some thoughts. Basically, any content added to the game should be optional. I'm rather annoyed we can't turn off sentiments because I hate the way sentiments affect toddlers. However, I've read a number of posts from people saying they LOVE the sentiments. I understand that while some players would welcome disabilities to the game, others would not. I understand the "escape reality" concept. I tend to play a much younger, more in-shape version of myself in the game. I have aging turned off because I want him to stay that way. That doesn't mean I delete all the older, heavy-set sims. I don't remove sims of different color. I don't want to pretend diversity doesn't exist. I just enjoy pretending I'm young and thin forever. Standard smile However, that's my preference and I would never presume to tell someone else how they should play. So I say, if someone would like something in the game, there's no harm in adding it in a pack or giving the option to disallow it, but I think it's wrong to ignore or exclude something just because it's difficult or potentially awkward for some people. Additionally, as a gay guy, I understand that there are some ignorant folks that will make fun and hype the stereotypes no matter what we do. Excluding things from a game isn't going to change that.

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Message 56 of 156 (1,020 Views)

Re: New create a sim

Champion (Retired)

@JonaO703 , I understand wanting to play in the game as a younger version of yourself! Wink From reading forums here on AHQ, and in the official Sims 4 forums, as well as on other sites that talk about the Sims, it seems that most older players that have a disability prefer not to have it represented in the game as they tend to play more for escape, and younger players prefer to have disabilities represented in the game because they want to feel recognized in a positive way and validated!  Both are important to take into consideration. Both feel very strongly about it.  I've seen some adults with disabilities be very emphatic that they don't want this in the game because the game is one area they can escape from it. But I've also seen younger Simmers who just want to be able to make themselves in the game!  It is such a tough topic!   I have a chronic illness that would make for the worst gameplay ever!  While a younger person with this same condition might like the inclusion, I think even they might tire of it as it would be incredibly boring in the game.😅  But this wouldn't be the case will all illnesses or disabilities!  (and to be honest, they would not have my illness in the game, so no worries there!) 

I also really worry about how insensitive people might treat the disabled Sims in the game.  😭  I also worry about those people who play the game getting disappointed when some disabilities are added but theirs isn't! 😓  There is no way EA could add all that have been suggested to the game!  Somebody is going to feel left out. 😥

I wish there was a way to do this that would make everyone happy!  

Message 57 of 156 (1,109 Views)

Re: Suggestion - Sims 4 - Sims with Disabilities

★★★ Newbie

I'm a wheelchair user and live in a wheelchair accessible home. I want wheelchairs in the Sims 4. I also want drawable scars, because they would never get MY scar right. I will not try to make a sim me until there are these things, because I can't make me a sim without them. 

Message 58 of 156 (1,077 Views)

Re: Suggestion - Sims 4 - Sims with Disabilities

Champion (Retired)



You can to some extent already create a wheelchair accessible home. The main obstacle is the wheelchair itself. Maybe if there ever is a Sims 5 they can find a way to implement one there but I'm pretty sure it wont happen in the Sims 4 because a lot of code will need to be rewritten. Regarding drawable scars though I can not be sure I'm afraid that this will be too complex to implement.

Please only PM me when asked to do so. Questions and answers belong here so everyone can benefit from them.
Message 59 of 156 (1,066 Views)

Re: Suggestion - Sims 4 - Sims with Disabilities

★★★★ Expert

I would like disabilities to be implemented as well. 

Message 60 of 156 (1,028 Views)

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