Suggestion - Sims 4 - Sims with Disabilities

by JP585

Original Post

Re: Is the Sims 4 Wheelchair Accessible?

★★★ Expert

@PugLove888 @SheriGR I know the elevators currently available in Build/Buy are not usable for residential lots (though I suppose that could be cheated) but I do see they can be placed for other lot types. Have you used them in any of your builds? Are they functional elevators? I imagine they're only good for two stories rather than multiple floors like the elevators from Sim 3?

Message 41 of 156 (1,859 Views)

Re: Is the Sims 4 Wheelchair Accessible?

Champion (Retired)

@RandomBuzziness , I am not much of a builder.Embarrassed  Also most of what I do build are houses, so I've never tried an elevator in a build.  @SheriGR builds a lot more than I do, both residential and commercial lots! Wink

Message 42 of 156 (1,852 Views)

Re: Is the Sims 4 Wheelchair Accessible?

[ Edited ]

@RandomBuzziness @PugLove888 I have also been curious about this. I will try them out and see, but I have always assumed they were specific to the City Living apartments and businesses on upper levels. In that case they are a black hole functionality (when you arrive at the penthouse or business you are exiting an elevator). That's what I meant... if they could make something similar where elevators could be added in BB with that black hole functionality. Since you have a specific apartment or business in mind when you use them in City Living, I assume it would require a dialogue box asking the player what floor they want to go to?

SheriGR   I don’t work for EA.

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Message 43 of 156 (1,848 Views)

Re: Is the Sims 4 Wheelchair Accessible?

Champion (Retired)

@SheriGR , or else just have the elevator only be able to go to one floor like in City Living? Wondering🤷‍♀️

Message 44 of 156 (1,849 Views)

Re: Is the Sims 4 Wheelchair Accessible?

[ Edited ]

@PugLove888 @RandomBuzziness This is what I found in my test:

  • I built a multi-story building (residential). I added an elevator from debug/hidden objects on the top floor. The game will not allow you to add a second one on the first floor - it says only one per lot:
    added.jpgonly one.jpg
  • I then had a Sim purchase the lot and move in. Upon loading the lot the sim appeared upstairs. But... When I click on the elevator there are no options, and if I click on the ground and tell her to go here I get the routing bubble/can't do:
    No options.jpgno go.jpg
  • Scary stuff... If I moved her into a different lot and have her visit that lot as residential when she visits she is automatically transported to the top floor and trapped there when the lot loads. I had the same results if I made the lot type 'Generic' or University Housing. There is no option to make it an apartment building, which is likely the location needed for this to work?
SheriGR   I don’t work for EA.

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Message 45 of 156 (1,848 Views)

Re: Is the Sims 4 Wheelchair Accessible?

[ Edited ]
Champion (Retired)

@SheriGR , yes they would definitely have to rework those elevators if this were to work. Disappointed  Nice detective work, though! 

Message 46 of 156 (1,817 Views)

Re: Is the Sims 4 Wheelchair Accessible?

★★★ Expert

@SheriGR Thanks so much for testing! All of this is very useful to know. So it appears that the CL elevators currently in the game are only designed to get you to/from an apartment to street level. They'd definitely need to be updated if they were ever to be included in a wheelchair access pack. I have seen a mod that says it will work for multiple floors and on residential lots but I have never tried using it.

Message 47 of 156 (1,797 Views)

Re: Suggestion - Sims 4 - Sims with Disabilities

★★★ Newbie

Not a complaint- I love the diversity and inclusivity strides the Sims developers have made.


I get that there will be challenges to adding disabilities, not least that R&D developers like to know what else they can apply the changes to. There are elevators in the Into the future EP, and there are canes in Generations (I think that’s where). So add an option for a larger elevator. Ramps should not pose much more of a challenge than stairs. A white cane among canes should have a few tweaks like “most Sims will get out of the way.


These three changes, as well as low vision and HH/deafness, would be cross applicable to gameplay for elders.


In Sims 3 developers worked out werewolves, fairies and ghosts. I’m sure those were challenging, but not more so than blindness, deafness and wheelchair or crutch dependence. 

Adding these options would also facilitate new consequences and challenges for play. Maybe your Sim doesn’t die in a fire but is blinded. 

There are not currently different language options, but I think there could be. Braille, ASL, but why not also Simanese, Simgonese, Simabic, Simaranian, Simskrit and Simdu? They don’t have to sound very different, since they’re all fantasy languages. For instance when you lock a door, you can choose which Sims can understand your Sim (only family members, only Sims from abroad, or no other Sims. Or Sims World Languages could be an EP. 


I would pay to play a disability EP or a linguistic diversity EP. 

Message 48 of 156 (1,237 Views)

Re: Suggestion - Sims 4 - Sims with Disabilities

★★★ Expert

@cherokee66irish We had an earlier discussion on this in a different thread if you'd like to take a look.

Message 49 of 156 (1,223 Views)

Sims 4 Ideas? Disabillities

★★★ Apprentice

Is there possibillity of getting Disabillities such as missing limbs, wheelchairs, being blind etc. in the sims, it is in real life and i would love it in the sims too, just as an option, please id love to see this kind of thing in sims, ive been waiting since sims 3 for it, and i hope it one day comes to sims 4, it would make the game more realistic.

Message 50 of 156 (1,369 Views)

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