Re: Is this just how the gallery is now?

by LadyAofPineapple

Original Post

Is this just how the gallery is now?

★ Pro

Are the remaining problems with the gallery ever going to be fixed, or do we just have to find a way live with how it is now? Since last June, I've been avoiding the gallery unless I really need something specific that I can't create myself because it's so hard to use without favorites, following, the newsfeed, etc. But if this is just how it's going to be forever, I might as well start figuring out some workarounds that I can use going forward.

Message 1 of 10 (460 Views)

Re: Is this just how the gallery is now?

★★ Pro
@PandoraTO I thought I replied to this, but I guess not! I also miss the gallery's best points: newsfeed, followers/likes/DL counts, and of course the actual ability to follow more than 8 other creators. I wish they had put effort into this instead of that cart button! Sigh
Message 2 of 10 (371 Views)

Re: Is this just how the gallery is now?

★ Pro

It's amazing... they still haven't fixed the gallery a whole year after they broke it, and now they're about to release a pack where one of the new major features (the dating app) involves matching in-game sims with sims in the gallery.


I'm sure it'll work flawlessly. 😅

Message 3 of 10 (275 Views)

Re: Is this just how the gallery is now?

★★ Pro
@PandoraTO I know, right??
Message 4 of 10 (222 Views)

Re: Is this just how the gallery is now?

[ Edited ]
★★ Pro

I would honestly like to know if anyone's heard about upcoming fixes for the gallery so it will work as intended with the new pack... I can't find anything on it.


Most importantly, CC sims not coming up as CC and also CAS items from packs you don't own (will the imported sim get auto-assigned a new hair/outfit)? Because currently, the game will not do that, at least in my experience.

Message 5 of 10 (176 Views)

Re: Is this just how the gallery is now?

★ Pro
@LadyAofPineapple I saw on someone's YouTube channel that EA said that sims with cc will not appear on the Cupid's Corner app. That said, as you pointed out, there are bugs related to filtering out cc sims in the gallery, and yet there are no gallery fixes on the laundry list.

As for filtering out sims with cas from packs you don't own, I haven't seen any information on that. Wouldn't it be crazy if the Cupid's Corner app worked the way the gallery does and intentionally shows you content from packs you don't own, so that basically it becomes an advertisement? Yeah, that would be crazy... but as we know, that doesn't mean it won't happen!

They also said that you can favourite sims in the gallery to be included in your sim's Cupid's Corner app. But there are currently 2 active bug threads related to gallery favourites, and neither of those bugs is on the laundry list.

Bottom line: buying this pack on launch will be a risk. Unfortunately, most players do not follow TS4 news closely, so they will buy the pack on launch and have to deal with the problems that we suspect will occur. I'll be watching the bug reports about this pack with interest.
Message 6 of 10 (169 Views)

Re: Is this just how the gallery is now?

[ Edited ]

@LadyAofPineapple I know that they are fixing some things with the Gallery at the moment. Some of us just reported that the Gallery Showcase is currently broken for example and we got a response it's definitely been replicated at their end and being addressed.

I only use it to upload my builds but it's all blank screens when I open it. But that's just one of the problems.

I went through some CC Sims recently with a couple of other players and the Sim you actually get is totally different to the image they promote.

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Message 7 of 10 (151 Views)

Re: Is this just how the gallery is now?

★★★★★ Pro

I think they removed all the gallery features a year ago in order to make the necessary changes for the next expansion pack. I guess maybe some features will likely change or return in a future or an upcoming update.


Message 8 of 10 (124 Views)

Re: Is this just how the gallery is now?


Just a little update. A Gallery fix was just rolled out which at least fixed the broken Showcase images. I don't know if it's improved other features but at least I'm not clicking on empty white boxes now...and hopefully no sneaky llamas will pop up in them either! 🤨

I don't work for EA. I'm a Volunteer.
+XP for helpful answers from fellow players.
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Message 9 of 10 (118 Views)

Re: Is this just how the gallery is now?

★★ Pro
@Lixy_170 That could be, but being left on read for over a year is not cool... :/

@simsplayer818 thanks for the updates
Message 10 of 10 (103 Views)

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